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Wolfram Mathematica Comparative Analyses

Educational Programming Languages

Educational Programming Languages
(Logo, Basic, Mindstorms, Squeak, StarLogo, Pascal, ...)
Mathematica represents a dramatic advance in educational programming languages. With their base in decades-old technology, earlier languages had never succeeded in providing a truly compelling programming environment for children. But with its uniquely accessible architecture and broad support for modern computing, Mathematica brings serious computing to students from elementary grades on.
In Mathematica, remarkably short and easy-to-read programs let students quickly set up sophisticated computations, create elaborate 2D and 3D graphics, animations, sounds and dynamic user interfaces that support the latest gamepads and other devices—and access large volumes of real-world data. The growing Wolfram Demonstrations Project provides thousands of examples of programs by master programmers that students can immediately use and enjoy, then read, modify and use as a basis for their own Mathematica programs.
A unique opportunity for today's students, Mathematica gives them equal access to the very same tools being used by the world's leading researchers, including Mathematica's unique ability to mix active computations with textual documents. Built to be consistent and easy to learn, Mathematica's immense built-in computational and mathematical capabilities let even elementary students perform remarkable simulations, create elaborate computer art and experiment with sophisticated programs at a completely different level than could ever have been imagined with traditional educational programming languages.
Educational Language Features of Mathematica:
Key Advantages of Mathematica as an Educational Language:
Educational Language Interoperability:
Interesting Tidbits:
  • The Wolfram Demonstrations Project contains engaging programs even for preschoolers
  • A single line of Mathematica code can implement Spirograph patterns
  • Many original discoveries have been made by students with Mathematica
  • Mathematica has been widely used by Intel Science Talent winners
  • Stephen Wolfram's NKS is becoming popular in "pre-computer-science"
  • Stephen Wolfram has contributed many programs to The Wolfram Demonstrations Project
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