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Wolfram Mathematica Comparative Analyses

Plotting Packages

Plotting Packages
(Origin, SigmaPlot, Kaleidagraph, Igor, DADiSP, Gnuplot, ...)
Mathematica is by almost any measure the world's most sophisticated "plotting package." By integrating plotting into the complete Mathematica system, Mathematica is able to provide both a much richer environment for handling data, and a much higher level of flexibility and automation for plotting itself.
While there are many packages that can produce basic 2D and 3D plots, Mathematica's depth of computational algorithms makes possible a whole other level of static and dynamic visualization. And with Wolfram Research's unique collaboration between award-winning graphic design and technical development, Mathematica makes it easy for you to communicate your data and results in the most compelling and up-to-date way.
While traditional plotting packages concentrate on producing individual plots, Mathematica's unique document-centered interface allows you to keep a complete "lab notebook" that includes textual descriptions, original data, programs, formatted tables and any number of fully interactive graphics integrated into the document. With its powerful built-in language, Mathematica also makes it straightforward to automate the complete pipeline of importing data, performing arbitrary modeling and analysis, creating completely customized plots, and delivering to screen, print or web in all the latest static or dynamic formats.
Plotting Package Features Built into Mathematica:
Key Advantages of Mathematica Compared to Plotting Packages:
Interoperability with Plotting Packages:
Interesting Tidbits:
  • Mathematica graphics regularly appear on the covers of top scientific journals
  • The Wolfram Research website includes tens of thousands of Mathematica-generated plots
See Also Analyses On: