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Wolfram Mathematica Comparative Analyses

Report Generation

Report Generation
(Crystal Reports, Cognos BI, Oracle Discoverer, Logi Report, ...)
Mathematica defines a new direction in flexible report generation. While there are now a variety of tools that provide canned solutions for specific reporting needs, Mathematica represents a complete, scalable platform for a new level of dynamic reporting, integrated with the world's most powerful analytic capabilities.
With immediate access to all standard databases, as well as hundreds of data formats and web data sources, Mathematica's unique integrated architecture allows all forms of data to be combined and analyzed together, then allows the creation of arbitrarily sophisticated static and dynamic information displays. With state-of-the-art 2D, 3D, network and other graphics, and its unique automated computational aesthetics methodology, Mathematica makes it easy to produce compelling visualizations of all forms of data.
Mathematica's document-centered interface technology allows programmatic generation not only of complete typeset publication-quality structured documents, but also of fully interactive GUIs that provide a new level of clarity, exploration and real-time analysis. With support for the latest distributed computing environments, Mathematica also makes possible immediate robust web or enterprise deployment.
Report Generation System Features Built into Mathematica:
Key Advantages of Mathematica for Report Generation:
Interoperability with Report Generation Systems:
Interesting Tidbits:
  • Wolfram Research uses Mathematica extensively in its own business operations
  • The Wolfram Demonstrations Project has 1000+ examples of complete Mathematica interactive interfaces, with source code »
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