Interpret Natural Language
Turn natural language into Wolfram Language computable objects.

Interpreter["City"] /@ {"the windy city", "la la land", "big apple",
"city of brotherly love"}
Interpreter["ComputedCity"]["capital of spain"]
how it works
This example was live-coded at the Wolfram Research booth at SXSW, March 10, 2014.
The Wolfram Language has natural language interpreters for a wide variety of areas.
Get the city called “NYC”:
Interpret common nicknames of cities:
Interpreter["City"] /@ {"the windy city", "la la land", "big apple",
"city of brotherly love"}
Find a capital:
Interpreter["ComputedCity"]["capital of spain"]
Interpreters are tolerant of spelling mistakes:
Interpreter["ComputedCity"]["capital of whyoming"]
Interpret a date:
The date interpreter understands a variety of date formats:
Interpreter["Date"] /@ {"1-4-87", "Jan 4, 1987", "1987.01.04",
"1/4/87", "4 Jan 87"}