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Open Courses and Training
A collection of freely available learning materials, including an expanding set of interactive open courses.

Wolfram Certifications
Formalize your proficiency and expertise in Wolfram technology and topic-specific applications.

An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
Stephen Wolfram's introductory book to the Wolfram Language and modern computational thinking.

Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Over 13,000 open-code interactive Demonstrations bringing concepts to life for education, research, art and more

Wolfram Challenges
A collection of Wolfram Language Challenges in programming and computational thinking.

Pi Foundation Coding Projects
We've worked with the Pi Foundation to make K–12 coding projects for learning coding.

Wolfram Problem Generator
Get online practice problems with answers for students and teachers using Wolfram Problem Generator. Pick a topic and start practicing, or print a worksheet for study sessions or quizzes.

Wolfram MathWorld
The world's #1 online encyclopedia devoted to math, featuring more than 13,000 definitive articles at all levels.

Fast Introduction for Math Students
Learn to solve math problems in Wolfram Language, from basic arithmetic to integral calculus, for high school and beyond.

Fast Introduction for Programmers
Spend a few minutes with this tutorial to get up to speed with the foundations of the Wolfram Language.

Wolfram Summer School
A unique educational and career opportunity to learn and do projects at the frontiers of science, technology and innovation.

Wolfram High School Summer Research Program
A project-oriented program for high-school students, introducing them to cutting-edge programming, computational thinking and innovative technology.

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