Graphs provide great information visualization. Highlighting graph elements will let information stand out. By using algorithmic graph layouts, much of the structure in a graph will be self-evident, such as connected components. By attaching interactive effects to graph elements, you can provide information drill-down. The Wolfram Language provides extensive collections of carefully designed graph styles, highlight styles, and layout algorithms. The Wolfram Language provides in-depth support for every aspect of styling, labeling, and shape generation for graphs, as well as carefully designed libraries of edge and vertex shapes.

Highlight Graph Elements

HighlightGraph highlight vertices, edges, or whole subgraphs

GraphHighlightStyle overall collection of styles used for highlighting

"Dashed"  ▪  "Thick"  ▪  "DehighlightFade"  ▪  ...

Overall Look and Feel

"BlackAndWhite"  ▪  "BackgroundBlue"  ▪  "DiagramGreen"  ▪  ...

Graph Layout

GraphLayout algorithmic graph layouts

VertexCoordinates explicit list of vertex coordinates

"SpringEmbedding"  ▪  "SpringElectricalEmbedding"  ▪  "LayeredDrawing"  ▪  ...

Vertex and Edge Styles

Style styling wrapper for vertices and edges

VertexStyle style all or individual vertices

EdgeStyle style all or individual edges

BaseStyle  ▪  Red  ▪  Dashed  ▪  ...

Vertex and Edge Labels

Labeled labeling wrapper for vertices and edges

VertexLabels label individual vertices, control placement and formatting

EdgeLabels label individual edges, control placement and formatting

Placed  ▪  Pane  ▪  Style  ▪  ...

Vertex and Edge Shapes

VertexSize set the size of vertices

VertexShape use any expression as vertex shape

VertexShapeFunction generate graphics as vertex shapes

EdgeShapeFunction generate graphics as edge shapes

"Square"  ▪  "Diamond"  ▪  "ConcaveHexagon"  ▪  ...

"Arrow"  ▪  "CarvedArrow"  ▪  "HalfFilledArrow"  ▪  ...

Interactive Effects

Tooltip wrapper for adding tooltips to vertices and edges

Button wrapper for making vertices and edges act as action buttons

Hyperlink  ▪  PopupWindow  ▪  EventHandler  ▪  ...