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1311 videos match your search.
Anton Antonov
Oleg Marichev, Dan McDonald
Jose Martin-Garcia
Wolfram Language 14 introduces new functionality to compute everything about solar eclipses, like the total eclipse of April 8, 2024. The updated function SolarEclipse can compute lots of things about more than 72 thousand solar eclipses in 30 thousand years, with high precision. This talk demonstrates these new capabilities of the Wolfram Language Astro functionality, with multiple visualization examples to help with understanding the time evolution and geometry of any type of ...
Matteo Salvarezza
In this talk I will present NetExternalObject, a new symbol in Wolfram Language 13.2. It exposes new functionality to interface with external deep learning frameworks and run neural networks in their ...
Anton Antonov
This presentation discusses designing a conversational agent for data acquisition workflows, an extension of the work on multilanguage data wrangling conversational agents from WTC-2020, including the various facets and subparts.
Anton Antonov
In this talk, Anton Antonov shows and compares data-wrangling examples in different programming languages using different packages, relying heavily on external evaluators and voice-recognition features considered experimental at the time ...
Biena Mathew
Jofre Espigule-Pons
This talk will introduce the transformer machine learning model, which revolutionized the field of natural language processing. Then I will present M2M -100, the first multilingual machine translation (MMT) ...
Brett Champion
Tom Sherlock
Wolfram Language can automate many aspects of astronomical observations, including the tedious process of capturing an image sequence through four color filters and calibration frames. All the alignment, stacking and ...
Ed Pegg
Colin Chapman
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Systems Engineering Study teaches students to design, produce, operate, evaluate, and improve integrated systems while considering systems' interactions with people, society, and ecosystems. It ...
Anton Antonov
In this presentation, we discuss the completion of computational templates with parameters that are extracted from text specifications using a question answering system. We outline the general method and demonstrate ...
James Sturnfield
This presentation illustrates the calculation of natural solutions for problems containing delay differential equations (DDE) with a single time delay for both linear and nonlinear equations, with and without starting ...
Gunnar Prieß
Jofre Espigule-Pons
Current smartphones are powerful enough to run neural networks locally without a cloud server connection. Deploying and running a custom neural network on your phone depends on your phone's operating ...
Sebastian Bodenstein
Ian Wright
Wolfram Language provides an advanced framework for rapidly prototyping neural network applications and exploring research ideas. In this talk, I demonstrate the language features that helped me develop a novel ...
Carlo Giacometti
Carlo Giacometti