1311 videos match your search.
Jordan Hasler Modern learning spaces combine computation, visualization and concept exploration. Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition facilitates all three, teaching Wolfram Language along the way. This talk demonstrates the breadth and depth of ... |
Rohan Mehta The Marvel Cinematic Universe has expanded to include several shows on the Disney+ streaming platform, allowing Marvel to experiment with different styles. Ms. Marvel in particular has received a range of opinions, with some claiming that it has been review-bombed. To examine this claim, I used the tools ... |
Christopher Cooley Have you ever wanted to share your Wolfram Language code with colleagues or sell your code to the public? The Wolfram standalone applications project is working on making it easy ... |
Riccardo Di Virgilio The ExternalEvaluate framework lets you evaluate code from a number of external languages and environments such as Python, Ruby and Java directly in your Wolfram session. This talk will focus ... |
Mike Yeh I will give a quick review of the ideas of graph neural networks (GNN), then overview the potential types of GNN and show more details of algorithms that can be ... |
Michael L Ulrey It is often said that Bell's theorem demonstrates the impossibility of "local realism" as a basis for explaining quantum mechanics. In this talk, we attempt to separate the hype from the actual mathematics. How do wild statements about the nonlocality of the universe enter the picture? The goal is to identify ... |
Eduardo Serna, Gosia Konwerska Spatial datasets consisting of a set of measured values at specific locations are becoming increasingly important. Examples include temperature, elevation, concentration of minerals, etc. We will look at existing Wolfram ... |
Eduardo Serna, Gosia Konwerska Spatial point patterns are collections of randomly positioned events in space. Examples include trees in a forest, positions of stars, earthquakes, crime locations, animal sightings, etc.
Spatial point data analysis, ... |
Mike Yeh In the beginning, the text summary task and the basic properties of the BERT model will be reviewed. Then I will introduce the idea and the algorithm of the text summary paper that we are going to implement. Finally, I will show the steps of building the text ... |
Jason Biggs This talk presents a set of paclets available from the new Wolfram Paclet Repository that extend the chemistry functionality in the Wolfram Language. Exhaustively generate isomers from a chemical formula using the MAYGEN or surge libraries, perform semi-empirical quantum chemistry using MOPAC, generate new and novel compounds ... |
杨圣汇 (Wolfram 软件开发) 本次讲座围绕几个非常有特色的离散数学概念和问题,比如:罗炜公众号提到的一些数列和组合计数问题,莫斯科幸运车票等问题来探讨 Wolfram 语言中内置函数以及 Wolfram Function Repository 中库函数在求解这些问题时的用法。从高中难度的排列组合到更加复杂的组合计数问题,通过实例来展示 Wolfram 语言如何启发我们对于这类问题的思考并且整合较为高阶的数学工具,比如复分析、母函数法以及和特殊函数相关的渐进逼近。 |
Camilo Castrillon-Toro and Jason Sonnenberg Recent and upcoming features of Wolfram|Alpha, Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition and the Wolfram Language related to chemical education are discussed. These features include expanded step-by-step solutions support, improved free-form ... |
陆玉柱博士 (Wolfram 资深界面开发) 本次演讲主要概览简介 Mathematica 图形图像语言及相关主要功能,包括:2D/3D 图元、指令、选项,以及软件内置的交换编辑功能,比如:绘图面板、Image/Image3D 工具条、上下文菜单等。本次演讲还将介绍一些 Mathematica 最新支持的图形图像功能,比如:自定义坐标轴(AxisObject)、基于物理模型的光照渲染(MaterialShading)、实心模型渲染(CSGRegion)、二维投影渲染(DropShadowing)及客户自定义图形显示等。 |
Anton Antonov We discuss the main Machine Learning (ML) workflows and their rapid specification through monadic packages and a Natural Language Processing (NLP) template engine. We demonstrate that the ML workflows we ... |
Jason Martinez, Daniele Ceravolo Explore recent and upcoming improvements in Wolfram|Alpha, like unit choice for results, support for multiple equations, expanded step descriptions and equation derivations that explain the physical principles involved. Also ... |
黄可莹 (明尼苏达大学双城分校,计算机专业) 介绍 Wolfram 语言中可以交互操作的功能,展示如何用 Wolfram 语言做一个迷宫小游戏。 |
Jack Madden As an astrophysicist turned artist, I will talk about my journey from studying science to creating art in Mathematica and how the current art world has embraced code as a ... |
王宜桐 (伊利诺伊大学实验高中) 分享 Wolfram 高中生夏令营的体验及其三周的数据科学项目。 |
Paige Bremner, Treyton Jansen Learn about book publishing opportunities with Wolfram Media and beyond. We will provide an overview of Wolfram Media, the publishing unit of the Wolfram group. A brief demonstration of the Wolfram Book Tools palette for authoring will be given. This workshop is designed for both authors already working on a publishing project with Wolfram Media or another publisher and anyone who is interested in writing a book that serves to promote ... |
任楚祺 (明尼苏达大学,数学 & 统计双专业) 将生活中的一些问题以数学语言表示出来,在此基础上用 Mathematica 建模。采用 Manipulate 和 Dynamic System 使模型更加可视化,让用户可以操作模型中的变量,查看改变此变量可能会对整个模型产生的影响。展示一个用 Wolfram 语言去预测两个人物在一段感情中情感波动的模型。 |