Wolfram Video Archive

Channels: Primary and Secondary Education

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63 videos match your search.
Cliff Hastings
This is the third video in a series showing examples of Mathematica that are features especially useful for K–12 and community college educators. Topics include mathematical typesetting, slide shows, interactive ...
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ...
Cliff Hastings
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ...
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ...
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Spanish audio.
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Russian audio.
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Chinese audio.
Mathematica covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. In this screencast, you'll get an introduction to Mathematica and learn how it can ...
See why Mathematica is the complete homework and research software to calculate and analyze, learn and explore, visualize and illustrate, document and publish. Includes Portuguese audio.
Wolfram|Alpha generates answers to questions in real time by doing computations on its own vast internal knowledge base—making it a valuable resource for education. In this video, educators ...
Shannon Smith
Shannon Smith, a fourth grade teacher, shares how she integrates Wolfram|Alpha into all of the subject areas that she teaches, from spelling and language to geography, science, and math.
Elizabeth Corcoran, Debra Woods, Abby Brown, Maria Andersen
This video is part 1 of a panel discussion featuring teachers who use Wolfram technologies, including Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica, in their classrooms. In this video, they highlight some of the ...
Elizabeth Corcoran, Debra Woods, Abby Brown, Maria Andersen
This video is part 2 of a panel discussion featuring teachers who use Wolfram technologies, including Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica, in their classrooms. In this video, they highlight some of the ...
Cliff Hastings
Mathematica has the world's most sophisticated and convenient mathematical typesetting technology. This includes TraditionalForm, which transforms a large group of expressions into their conventionally used mathematical notation. Learn more about ...
Cliff Hastings
Mathematica has a collection of Assistant palettes that provide immediate point-and-click access to an extensive range of Mathematica capabilities. This screencast demonstrates how the palettes serve as convenient entry points ...
Cliff Hastings
This screencast gives an overview of new features in Mathematica 7 that make it easy to use and engaging in a dynamic classroom.
Cliff Hastings
Mathematica offers an interactive classroom experience that helps students explore and grasp concepts. Topics covered in this screencast include getting started, interactivity, and cross-discipline uses.
Cliff Hastings
This screencast gives an overview of how to combine Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a super tool for teaching, research, and student exploration.
Cliff Hastings
Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast gives a basic overview of Mathematica 7 for education.
Abby Brown
High-school mathematics teacher Abby Brown quickly describes how easy it is to generate classroom exercises with Mathematica.