11 videos match your search.
Jon McLoone Jon McLoone, director of technical communications and strategy at Wolfram Research Europe, discusses new developments based on the Wolfram Language, including Wolfram Programming Cloud, Mathematica Online, and the release of ... |
Cliff Hastings Mathematica Online brings the world's ultimate computation system to the cloud. Learn to use Mathematica interactive notebooks in your web browser—with no installation or configuration required—and seamlessly share ... |
Etienne Bernard In this talk, Etienne presents the new machine learning functionalities of the Wolfram Language (Classify, Predict, and related functions). These functionalities aim to simplify the practice of machine learning by ... |
Dillon Tracy Wolfram Data Science Platform capitalizes on the advantages of cloud-based analysis: improved access to computing resources, shared data, specialized tools, and published results. Data science workflows are presented, covering import, ... |
Bjorn Zimmermann An introduction to creating maps in the Wolfram Language, ranging from basic building blocks to built-in functions for creating specific geovisualizations directly from data. |
Jan Brugard SystemModeler 4 vastly expands support for modeling libraries, adds standardized deployment of models to other simulation tools, and deepens integration with Mathematica. This talk gets you acquainted with a few of ... |
Markus van Almsick The Wolfram Language continuously expands and improves high-level image processing and analyzing functions from image foreground and background separation to collage creation and color processing. This presentation demonstrates how to ... |
Arnoud Buzing, Ian Johnson, and Tom Sherlock Add the Wolfram Language to single-board devices such as the Raspberry Pi and Arduino for innovative and interesting applications. Arnoud, Ian, and Tom demonstrate how to use Wolfram + connected devices ... |
Gosia Konwerska and Devendra Kapadia Mathematica 10 includes major enhancements for probability and statistics. This presentation covers new functionality such as time series modeling, hidden Markov models, and transformations of random processes. It also explores functionality ... |
Yves Papegay Hephaistos Robotics Lab of INRIA Sophia Antipolis experiments with parallel robots, wire-driven robots, and small connected devices. To be efficient, integration of low-level communication, control, and data exchanges, as well ... |
Roger Germundsson Roger Germundsson, director of research and development, gives an introduction and overview of geometric computation in Mathematica 10. Types of regions, their computable properties, and the integration with solvers in Mathematica ... |