20 videos match your search.
Stephen Wolfram |
Stephen Wolfram |
Conrad Wolfram Conrad Wolfram gives a video address to explain computerbasedmath.org—a project to reform math education so it matches real-world needs. Nowhere is this change more crucial than in data ... |
Nicholas Marko, Dr. Oleg Roderick Nicholas Marko and Oleg Roderick address the issue of using incomplete, damaged, incorrectly interpreted, and otherwise “dirty” data in modern analytics, and use their experiences in healthcare as a baseline ... |
Todd Carpenter Privacy and security have become major issues in information technology in the past year. Particularly with scientific information, there is a tension between the interest in and the potential value of sharing data and the needs and expectations of privacy ... |
Chester Parrott The cyber-security threat landscape is a whirlwind of deliberate and persistent attempts to compromise individual and organizational data toward nefarious ends. Chester Parrott discusses the state of the science in ... |
Peter Sirota Digital advertising is an industry whose foundation is massive volumes of data. Ad tech companies must be at the forefront of innovation in modeling and data infrastructure to support and ... |
Kirk Borne Kirk Borne discusses the identification and classification of behaviors and actionable events in real-time streaming data. He cites examples from retail, marketing, finance, big science, and government, and presents an ... |
Linda Powell The CFPB was established to protect consumers by carrying out federal consumer financial laws. Its mission is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans, whether ... |
Catherine Williams On a real-time bidding (RTB) exchange like AppNexus, the strategy for direct-response advertising is simple: predict the expected revenue of each available impression, then bid that value. As the universe ... |
Russell Foltz-Smith TrueCar is a marketplace for buying and selling cars. We deal with physical assets at real retail locations and manufacturing lines with real buyers and sellers. And yet, at the ... |
Ben Wellington Ben Wellington looks at the work that has formed the foundations of his data and policy blog, I Quant NY. From parking ticket geography to subway and taxi pricing, he ... |
George Danner It isn’t often that we think of the data we use in our models as comprised of large blocks of software. If we did, the resulting analyses and visualizations ... |
Shion Deysarkar The internet is still considered a black hole by most companies. Google has solved access to internet content for the individual, but what about access to internet data for businesses? ... |
Nicholas Gruen The public goods of the 21st century are mostly digital, and most have been built privately. But there are incentive problems in building public goods, as those who build them ... |
Keith Soura, Peter Swartz Panjiva has developed a comprehensive suite of machine learning-based tools to deal with missing data in international trade. Academic work in economics, political science, and general data analysis shows that ... |
Jon Jenkins Demonstrating that finding planets outside our solar system was feasible took four proposals to NASA's Discover Program, extensive research, and lab demonstrations. Motivating NASA to select Kepler for launch required ... |
Kalev Leetaru What happens when computing power brings together the world’s information in real time, then machine translates all that material and applies algorithms to identify the events, emotions, actors, narratives, ... |
Roger Macdonald |
Anthony Scriffignano Anthony Scriffignano talks about the ways in which the availability of data is changing the questions we ask. In the commercial space, businesses try to outpace one another, often in ways that are informed by newly available data, but that just as often use that data in inappropriate or incomplete ... |