Channels: Wolfram Virtual Conference 2015
8 videos match your search.
S. Bodenstein Get the basics of neural networks and applications such as image/speech recognition, image captioning, question answering, and game playing. A case study of the ImageIdentify built-in Wolfram Language symbol ... |
L. Chao & N. Lochner Learn to write a Wolfram Device Framework driver, collect/analyze sensor data and programmatically control actuators, motors, and indicators with devices. Examples include LibraryLink, WSTP, J/Link, device libraries and ... |
D. Kapadia & O. Ruebenkoenig Solving partial differential equations both symbolically and numerically in the Wolfram Language. Learn about specification of PDEs, boundary conditions, regions, and new functionality like eigensystem computation. |
A. Rose Dispel the stereotype that you have to be a programmer to access powerful teaching tools. This talk will show you how to use the Wolfram Technology Stack to engage your ... |
T. Gayley Amazon Echo is a connected, voice command device that this talk will use with the Wolfram Development Platform to develop simple but useful "skills," including a word game and time-tracker. ... |
N. Zitzmann With the Wolfram Cloud app, you can view, edit, and run evaluations on Wolfram Language notebooks and most Cloud objects from your iPad, iPhone or even your Apple Watch. We ... |
C. Barbieri & R. Di Virgilio How do you create a complex web app? What tools are there for advanced web programming? This talk looks at our latest efforts that make it possible to develop and ... |
B. Espigule-Pons & B. Sandheinrich Learn how to get started with Wolfram Data Drop, utilize data accumulation from IFTTT trigger channels in the Wolfram Cloud, and give examples using social media platforms and apps. |