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Channels: Wolfram Virtual Technology Conference 2021

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120 videos match your search.
Yuzhu Lu
Mathematica Graphics has a new experimental support for using existing OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) files to customize 2D/3D graphics rendering through surface appearance. It has been used to develop ...
James Lane
New Graphics features in Version 13 include MaterialShading, a new Light directive and the canonicalization of AxisObject. Graphics has significant improvements to software rasterization, Dashing, VertexTextureCoordinate specification and the ability to ...
David Park
The GrassmannCalculus application, based on the work of Grassmann and Browne, is described. One example, the derivation of coordinate equations for lines and planes in n-dimensional space, is presented. This ...
Keiko Hirayama and Jason Martinez
Wolfram Language provides a wealth of computational tools for improving and maintaining health and fitness. Using Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, we show the breadth of information available related to nutrition, ...
Bernat Espigule
This talk discusses New Learning Journeys, created exclusively for the History of Mathematics Project. Virtual exhibits and their navigation were entirely built using Wolfram Language, the Wolfram Knowledgebase and Wolfram ...
Ed Pegg
In a sparse ruler, such as {0, 1, 6, 9, 11, 13}, all the distances can still be measured even though many marks are missing. The speaker has proven, by construction, that sparse rulers of any ...
Piero Sanchez
This talk discusses the integration of Wolfram Language with multiple blockchains and expanded capabilities for users to create their own connections to other blockchains. By integrating decentralized technologies with Wolfram ...
Jesse Galef
This talk highlights both existing and upcoming tools in Wolfram Language that can be used to gain insight into machine learning models.
Davit Baghdasaryan and Markus van Almsick
This talk shows how the improved registration capabilities added to Wolfram Language with Version 12.3 are used to provide powerful image stitching capabilities, including demonstrations of large scans, panoramas, and virtual ...
Sean Cheren
This talk gives details and examples of new and updated formats coming in the next version of Wolfram Language: specifically brand-new exporters for statistics-related formats and updates to metadata in ...
Tuseeta Banerjee and Matteo Salvarezza
In this talk, we review the current state of the ONNX importer and exporter in Wolfram Language and show how to use their options and properties. With the help of ...
Stephen Wolfram
Jeremy Stratton-Smith and Anne Marie Torresen
The latest version of Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition includes a set of interactive self-driven quiz functions, the first set of which revolves around function plotting for high school/early college ...
Anshu Manik
Wolfram Technical Consulting works with users to leverage Wolfram technologies to automate processes, design and train new machine learning/AI models, develop custom applications, implement innovative algorithms, run deep data ...
Jose Martin-Garcia, Jeff Bryant and Truman Tapia
József Konczer
This talk introduces the basic concepts of game theory framework and how they have been implemented in Wolfram Language. The presentation includes proposed construction, visualization and solution methods for various ...
Conrad Wolfram, Alec Titterton, Abrita Chakravarty and Jamie Peterson
In this talk, Conrad Wolfram describes the initiative for offering proficiency certifications for many different facets of computation, why Wolfram decided to embark on it and how everyone in the ...
Roman Maeder
Iterators are a generalization of lists that are accessed one element at a time. Iterators allow us to work with data whose length is infinite or unknown, and they avoid the explicit generation of all elements at the same time by using incremental generators. We show an implementation of iterators that allows us to use them like lists, with natural Wolfram Language syntax. Along ...
Unal Goktas
This talk presents an overview of solution methods for partial differential equations (PDEs) in Wolfram Language and how these tools can be used to understand and learn PDEs. This includes ...
George Woodrow III
The Wolfram Language has a number of useful controls, but has no circular slider. In this presentation, I show how I developed one, going from an example in the documentation ...