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321 videos match your search.
Zhilan Feng
Zhilan Feng, a CDC collaborating researcher, uses Mathematica's computational power to develop and analyze a model of the dynamics and control of H1N1 via medications.
Zhilan Feng
Zhilan Feng, a CDC collaborating researcher, uses Mathematica's computational power to develop and analyze a model of the dynamics and control of H1N1 via medications. Includes Spanish audio.
George Woodrow
This video features George Woodrow, a research specialist at Quest Diagnostics, who shares how he uses Mathematica for developing process-control algorithms in a clinical laboratory, exploring their performance, and communicating ...
George Woodrow
This video features George Woodrow, a research specialist at Quest Diagnostics, who shares how he uses Mathematica for developing process-control algorithms in a clinical laboratory, exploring their performance, and communicating ...
Kelvin Mischo
Mathematica integrates important high-performance computing (HPC) technologies in a single seamless system, so you don't have to choose between speed and accuracy. This screencast gives an overview of how to ...
Mathematica integrates important high-performance computing (HPC) technologies in a single seamless system, so you don't have to choose between speed and accuracy. This screencast gives an overview of how to ...
Jon McLoone
Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast highlights what's new in Mathematica 7.
Mike Honeychurch
This screencast introduces you to the numerical and symbolic capabilities in Mathematica. Examples include solving stiff differential equations numerically and an optimization problem.
Rob Knapp
Mathematica provides a natural interface to algorithms for numerically solving differential equations. In this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Rob Knapp gives an overview of the interface and the ...
Chris Lee
The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages.
Chris Lee
The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages. Includes Spanish audio.
David Morrison
Mathematica provides a uniquely integrated and automated environment for parallel computing. This screencast shows you how to use Mathematica's built-in parallel computing capabilities through a series of examples.
Melih Sener
Biophysicist Melih Sener used Mathematica to piece a molecular jigsaw puzzle into one of the largest light harvesting assemblies ever put together on a computer. He explains how in this ...
MinHsuan Peng
Mathematica has built-in plot legends on all visualization functions. In this talk from the Wolfram Technology Conference, MinHsuan Peng uses a number of examples to explain the functionalities of the ...
Bruce Colletti
This video features Bruce Colletti, who explains how he used Mathematica to develop a geo-positioning application for precision defense targeting.
Bruce Colletti
This video features Bruce Colletti, who explains how he used Mathematica to develop a geo-positioning application for precision defense targeting. Includes Japanese audio.
William Meyer
William Meyer, the vice president of technology at Scattering Solutions, LLC, describes an example of using Mathematica's data-analysis capabilities to save time and money on drug screening.
William Meyer
William Meyer, the vice president of technology at Scattering Solutions, LLC, describes an example of using Mathematica's data-analysis capabilities to save time and money on drug screening. Includes Japanese audio.
Conrad Wolfram
In this video, Conrad Wolfram explains Mathematica's unique capabilities for tracking and controlling precision.
Lou D'Andria, Ian Hojnicki, Nick Lariviere, Zach Parcell
A panel of Mathematica experts showcase some of the new features of Mathematica 9, including the Wolfram Predictive Interface's Suggestions Bar and Input Assistant as well as Mathematica's unit system.