134 videos match your search.
Yu-Feng Lin Using interactive manipulations created with Mathematica, the Illinois State Water Survey studies groundwater recharge and discharge, as deemed critical by the National Research Council. Hydrogeologist Yu-Feng Lin explains the advantages ... |
Cliff Hastings This screencast gives an overview of how to combine Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a super tool for teaching, research, and student exploration. |
Cliff Hastings Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast gives a basic overview of Mathematica 7 for education. |
Abby Brown High-school mathematics teacher Abby Brown quickly describes how easy it is to generate classroom exercises with Mathematica. |
Cliff Hastings This screencast is part 2 of the popular "Hands-on Start to Mathematica 7" series. Topics covered include stylesheets, slide shows, variable assignment, and graphics. |
Chris Lee The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages. Includes Spanish audio. |
Chris Lee The mathematics department at Roanoke College makes a firm commitment to incorporating Mathematica throughout its curriculum. Associate professor Chris Lee explains the advantages. |
Debra Woods For the University of Illinois's online math program, NetMath, Mathematica's visualization capabilities improve exploration and understanding by students. Mathematics professor Debra Woods explains the advantages in this video. |
Eric Schulz Eric Schulz, a mathematics instructor at Walla Walla Community College, explains the advantages of using Mathematica's dynamic interactivity and visualization capabilities in the classroom. |
Eric Schulz Eric Schulz, a mathematics instructor at Walla Walla Community College, shares a classroom example of using Mathematica for lecture notes and handouts as well as dynamic interfaces for lessons. |
Cliff Hastings Mathematica gives seamless immediate access to an ever-growing library of carefully curated and continually updated data. This screencast shows you how to access and utilize Mathematica's integrated data. |
Cliff Hastings This tutorial screencast encourages users to work along in Mathematica 7 as they learn the basics to create their first notebook, calculations, visualizations, and interactive examples. |
This tutorial screencast encourages users to work along in Mathematica 7 as they learn the basics to create their first notebook, calculations, visualizations, and interactive examples. Includes Japanese audio. |
This tutorial screencast encourages users to work along in Mathematica 7 as they learn the basics to create their first notebook, calculations, visualizations, and interactive examples. Includes Spanish audio. |
This tutorial screencast encourages users to work along in Mathematica 7 as they learn the basics to create their first notebook, calculations, visualizations, and interactive examples. Includes Portuguese audio. |
Cliff Hastings Mathematica users around the world have created a variety of materials—from examples and Demonstrations to coursewares and projects—many of which you can start using immediately, even with no ... |
Cliff Hastings This screencast gives an overview of how to use existing resources, including "How tos" and Wolfram Demonstrations, to expand use of Mathematica in education. |
Creating interactive models in Mathematica allows students to explore hard-to-understand concepts, test theories, and quickly gain a deeper understanding of the materials being taught firsthand. This screencast shows you how ... |
Cliff Hastings Creating interactive models in Mathematica allows students to explore hard-to-understand concepts and test theories and to quickly gain a deeper understanding of the materials being taught firsthand. This screencast shows ... |
Eric Schulz Mathematica's Assistant palettes provide point-and-click access to a range of Mathematica capabilities. This screencast gives an overview of Mathematica's Classroom Assistant Palette and how to use it on an electronic ... |