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3615 videos match your search.
George Danner
It isn’t often that we think of the data we use in our models as comprised of large blocks of software. If we did, the resulting analyses and visualizations ...
Shion Deysarkar
The internet is still considered a black hole by most companies. Google has solved access to internet content for the individual, but what about access to internet data for businesses? ...
Nicholas Gruen
The public goods of the 21st century are mostly digital, and most have been built privately. But there are incentive problems in building public goods, as those who build them ...
Keith Soura, Peter Swartz
Panjiva has developed a comprehensive suite of machine learning-based tools to deal with missing data in international trade. Academic work in economics, political science, and general data analysis shows that ...
Jon Jenkins
Demonstrating that finding planets outside our solar system was feasible took four proposals to NASA's Discover Program, extensive research, and lab demonstrations. Motivating NASA to select Kepler for launch required ...
Kalev Leetaru
What happens when computing power brings together the world’s information in real time, then machine translates all that material and applies algorithms to identify the events, emotions, actors, narratives, ...
Roger Macdonald
Anthony Scriffignano
Anthony Scriffignano talks about the ways in which the availability of data is changing the questions we ask. In the commercial space, businesses try to outpace one another, often in ways that are informed by newly available data, but that just as often use that data in inappropriate or incomplete ...
Check out our booth at Pygmalion Music to play with cool new tech, compete in word cloud contest, experience your favorite Festival artists as never before.
Get a hands-on overview of Wolfram Language, Wolfram Development Platform, Wolfram|Alpha, Computable Document Format at Strange Loop 2015.
Turn data into insights with knowledge-based, smart analytics. Attend quick intros for Mathematica, Mathematica Online, Wolfram|Alpha, Computable Document Format at Strata Conference + Hadoop World 2015.
Turn ideas into innovation with the Wolfram Language—where a little code goes a long way. Also see Wolfram Cloud, Wolfram Data Drop, Mathematica.
Markus van Almsick
Lowri Nia Knibbs Vaughan
Kai Gensel
The full event archive recording includes how to get started with the Wolfram Data Drop, access mobile app data, work collaboratively using connected devices, and use the Wolfram Data Drop ...