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3615 videos match your search.
Stephen Wolfram
Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about Language Design in the Wolfram Language.
Физический институт имени П.Н. Лебедева
Stephen Wolfram
Stephen Wolfram emcees a Live Coding Competition from the annual Wolfram Summer School.
Noriko Yasui, Wolfram Research
Chad Knutson
This video shows how to create and deploy instant APIs and web forms with the Wolfram Language and how to develop web applications in the Wolfram Cloud.
Stephen Wolfram
Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about Language Design in the Wolfram Language.
Физический институт имени П.Н. Лебедева
Dr. Ryohei Miyadera, Kwansei Gakuin High School
Stephen Wolfram
Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about Language Design in the Wolfram Language.
Anthony Zupnik
Wolfram CloudConnector for Excel is a plugin that allows you to call Wolfram APIs and functions from within Excel. This video shows how to extend Excel's capabilities with powerful Wolfram ...
Тигран Ишканян
Koji Maruyama
Stephen Wolfram
Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about Language Design in the Wolfram Language.
Андрей Кротких
Prof. Mr. Tsuchiya
Jesse provides live behind-the-scenes commentary of the LiveCoding competition from the Wolfram Summer School.
Dieser Vortrag soll eine kurze Einführung geben in die breite Palette von interaktiven Werkzeugen und leistungsstarken Funktionen zur Bildverbesserung, Segmentierung, Registration, Feature-Erkennung, Tracking, und mehr.
In diesem Vortrag besprechen wir, wie man Mathematicas grosses Angebot von Bildbearbeitungswerkzeugen einsetzt, um Probleme in verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten zu lösen.
Вахагн Геворгян
Patrik Ekenberg, Wolfram MathCore