At the Heart of Future Treatment: Mathematica's Role in Blood Pressure Research

Tim Shine, Anesthesiologist, Mayo Clinic

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"I find its visualization capability very quickly fit into the way I have been taught as a physician. We look at diagrams. We look at pictures. We have concepts in our head and now trying to fit these concepts to a greater accuracy and precision is what Mathematica has allowed."


Physician Tim Shine needed to define and manipulate parameters to create a good fit for complex physiological data about the blood pressure curve.


He found success with Mathematica even though he doesn't have a programming or mathematical background. He says about the software, "It had enough ease of use that I could get started with it. It's very fulfilling to come to this environment and bring your questions because it broadens your insight into what really is in your data."


"Using the Manipulate command, I can adjust the curve to fit theoretical situations and try many different experiments quickly," says Shine. "It just adds precision and accuracy to what we're doing." Shine hopes his model will lead to an elasticity index, which he says could improve blood pressure treatment and management in the general public.

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The Wolfram Edge

  • Easily imports complicated physiological data
  • Efficiently runs multiple experiments at once
  • Provides an approachable environment and complete reference guide for new users