Connecting Worlds: Bridging Architecture and Engineering with Mathematica

Maurizio Brocato, School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais

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"What is important in our work is the fact that we can do everything with Mathematica."


As an instructor at the School of Architecture Paris-Malaquais, the challenge for Maurizio Brocato is finding a program that provides his doctoral students continuity in understanding both formal and fundamental viewpoints while maintaining the ability to share results across disciplines, particularly with those in the field of engineering.


Mathematica is the only program that connects the worlds of architecture and engineering by combining the requisite image, logic and mathematics functionality into a single solution. For Brocato, the alternative would be to use many different tools, an option he says would still be "less complete."


In addition to bridging the communication gap between architects and engineers, Brocato finds that Mathematica is pedagogically useful, allowing first- and second-year students to develop tools and procedures that provide a better understanding of the foundation of architecture.

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