Prescription for Savings: Mathematica Powers Efficiency in Drug Trials

David DeBrota, Senior Clinical Research Physician

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"It's a remarkably diverse collection of functionalities.... You're stunned by the things it can do. It's my desert-island application."


David DeBrota needed to create programs to narrow down potential treatments so that developers don't have to spend months of research in costly clinical trials.


DeBrota's programs, created with Mathematica, provide huge savings in dollars and hours in the drug trial process for a large US pharmaceutical company. Mathematica's speed provides accurate solutions to several questions at once with just one line of code.


"Mathematica is the fastest and most accurate program I've used," says DeBrota. "It's the ultimate intellectual Swiss Army Knife."

The Wolfram Edge

  • Saves thousands of dollars by eliminating unnecessary drug trials
  • Provides accurate answers, preventing many wasted hours on research
  • Precisely solves several questions at once with stunning speed