Mathematica Used as Interdepartmental Communication Tool at Mitsubishi
More and more researchers are learning how Mathematica's flexible notebook documents can help them get their results faster and, just as importantly, communicate them effectively throughout the organization. Kiyoshi Yoda, Senior Researcher at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation's Advanced Technology R&D Center, uses Mathematica's tightly integrated combination of calculating power, advanced programming language and easy-to-use word processing capabilities all through the job cycle.
My job is to develop or test new algorithms based on the needs of the manufacturing departments within our company. To minimize the algorithm development time, I use Mathematica as a prototyping language.
Because I can place texts, codes, graphics and other results in a single notebook file, it's very easy to document my results. I can reproduce the results any time later just by rerunning the notebook.
Since I always add explanatory text into my notebooks while I'm doing my calculations, once I have my results, I can use the notebook as an internal report to my company. This is really efficient; in fact, I often write patents using the Mathematica results immediately after submitting my internal report. And if I think the results are significant enough to deserve a fuller explanation, I sometimes go on to write a technical paper using the same Mathematica results.
After finishing the notebook, I also upload it to our web server so that anybody in the company who needs the algorithm can download it. Because my contacts in the manufacturing departments also have Mathematica, they can not only view my notebook but also rerun my calculations with new parameters as the need arises. Because they have a direct copy of my code and my notes, the opportunity for miscommunication is significantly reduced.
I know my contacts in other departments will have Mathematica because I specifically recommend they get it. This smoothes the development process considerably.
I am also looking forward to working with MathCode C++, a third-party product that lets me translate the algorithms I've created in the Mathematica language to C++, saving me the need to recode the algorithms I have developed.
—Kiyoshi Yoda
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