Geared for Success: Optimizing Face Gear Surfaces in Mathematica

Steve Bush, Mechanical Engineer, The Procter & Gamble Company

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"You can do a lot within Mathematica optimizing the surface before you ever get to the relatively expensive part of doing product design."


In Steve Bush's role developing household consumer items at The Procter & Gamble Company, he's involved in the physics behind products as well as their economic feasibility, and Mathematica gives him the tools to evaluate both.

He first turned to Mathematica to solve complex equations for a customized gear application and was immediately impressed by Mathematica's implementation and precision.

Bush says, "Numerically, it's powerful enough not only to create the geometry but also to show how the product is going to work in real life where things are not necessarily perfect. Being able to turn math or theory into working prototypes in such an efficient way is really worth a lot to us."

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