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As associate professor at the National Engineering Institute in Metz, Alain Carmasol needs to present mathematical examples without distracting students from basic concepts and methods. Hand calculations are time consuming, often preventing students from seeing the larger picture.
Mathematica allows Carmasol and his students to get back to the basics of analytical approximations and easily implement the concepts in examples. For instance, he uses it in lectures to show the solution of the equation of vibrating cords using the classic technique of the Fourier series, and to show the approximate solution of partial derivative equations.
According to Carmasol, students are able to replace things in very few lines of code with one or two functions—things that, in normal environments, would take dozens or hundreds of lines of code. Mathematica works so well in the engineering classroom that he encourages students to use it while taking exams. Carmasol believes that making students do lines and lines of calculations by hand no longer has any value.