An Edge in Education: Advancing Math Courses with Mathematica

Dana Vazzana, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Truman State University

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"Anything that gets them that involved and that excited and makes them want to go and work some more has just got to be a good thing."


Dana Vazzana, an associate professor of mathematics at Truman State University, integrates Mathematica into every course she teaches. She says using Mathematica with her students creates a dynamic classroom where students gain a deeper understanding of concepts and richer insights into real-world applications of mathematics.

"Mathematica can allow them to get over the algebra and see the theory and actually look at the graphs and say, 'Hey, okay, this is what's going on,'" says Vazzana. "So it's really nice to be able to explain the theory and have them visualize it in such an effective way with the different graphs."

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