More Intelligent Retail Management with the Wolfram Language and Mathematica

Rodrigo Murta, Manager of Retail Intelligence, St. Marche Supermarkets

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"The Wolfram Language is my Swiss Army Knife, because everything is packaged in one place. I have visualization and data analysis in just one tool."


As Manager of Retail Intelligence at St. Marche Supermarkets in Brazil, Rodrigo Murta strives to keep the company competitive and profitable. To maintain his global vision for St. Marche, he and his team must automate processes to achieve better forecasting capabilities and control the company's internal flow of communication. Without a way to visualize and analyze the vast amounts of data the company has gathered, decision making would be much more risky and costly.


With the Wolfram Language, Murta has helped build a relationship program for St. Marche that turns seemingly random customer data into invaluable information. "We have a lot of data about our customers… where they live, how far they are from our stores," says Murta. He can see that information for each store—complete with visualizations—and easily determine where to open a new store. Using Mathematica and the Wolfram Language, Murta can also establish rules to control pricing for tens of thousands of units, keep a close eye on profits and report back to investors.


"The advantage of the Wolfram Language is that when you really learn the mindset of the Wolfram Language, you can do things faster," says Murta, adding that the Wolfram Language is a powerful tool for business management. "What's amazing is that in the Wolfram Language you can solve a problem with just one line of code. In other languages like Java and Python, it's not so easy."

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The Wolfram Edge

  • Build customized analytical tools
  • Merge built-in economic data with customer data to understand how changes in sales are linked to broader events
  • Make statistical visualizations with a high level of algorithm automation and computational aesthetics