Wolfram Data Drop Quick Reference

Procesamiento de datos

Alise datos por medio de la adopción de un promedio móvil:

Out[1]= {{This creates a new key-value association, the keys of the databin point to an EventSeries of the moving averages.}}
Out[2]= {{This maps (/@) the previous output (%) onto DateListPlot, which plots the EventSeries.}

Acumule valores para obtener totales corrientes:

Out[1]= {{This returns a running total of the data in the databin, expressed as an EventSeries.}}
Out[2]= {{This maps (/@) the previous output (%) onto DateListPlot, which plots the EventSeries.}

Encuentre promedios usando bloques de valores:

Out[1]= {{This computes the mean value of the data in the databin over non-overlapping windows of width 10.}}

Cambie la escala de cada valor en cada serie temporal:

Out[1]= {{This scales all of the data to fit between 0.0 and 1.0, and plots it.}}

Rescale Normalize Standardize Threshold Clip

Aplique una función a valores en una serie temporal particular:

Out[2]= {{This returns a TimeSeries of distance values, converted to km.}}

Obtenga listas puras de valores, sin marcas de tiempo:

Out[1]= {{This returns a list of just the values, without timestamps.}}
Out[2]= {{This plots the list of successive differences between values of the previous output.}

Differences LowpassFilter MaxFilter Fourier PowerSpectralDensity

REFERENCIA RÁPIDA: Filtros lineales y no lineales»

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