Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge


The Wolfram Technology Conference is a great stage for users to share their own stories, which is an integral part of the learning experience. Submit a talk topic for presentation at this year's event.

Note: submission deadline is July 31, 2024.

Submission Guidelines

  • Please keep abstracts to 300 characters or fewer and titles to 70 characters or fewer.
  • For optimal presentation viewing, please adjust magnification default to 150%.
  • Your submission does not have to be in its final form; final presentation format will be collected at a later date.
  • Submissions and final presentations should be made in Mathematica notebook format (.nb) using the presentation notebook and should be in English.
  • Please note, speakers will be limited to one talk slot per person. Speakers may be listed as co-presenter on no more than two talks.
  • Submissions are reviewed by committee.

Begin Submission

Have questions? Contact us.