Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge


Wolfram offers optional training workshops in conjunction with our annual Technology Conference so you can learn something new or polish your skill set. Led by Wolfram certified instructors, these training sessions are developed specifically for conference attendees and offer extended opportunities for course exercises and Q&As.

Training sessions are offered on October 15 at these times: 10am–1pm and 2–5pm Central Time.

Introduction to Machine Learning in Wolfram Language

October 15, 10am–1pm Central Time

$100 Standard | $50 Discounted

This course introduces some of the basic concepts of machine learning as well as easy-to-use machine learning superfunctions available in Wolfram Language that allow you to perform supervised and unsupervised learning tasks with just a few lines of code. Learn about traditional machine learning workflows as well as newer ones that incorporate LLMs. We'll work on hands-on exercises to practice tasks like regression, classification, clustering and anomaly detection. Basic familiarity with Wolfram Language is recommended.

Wolfram Language and LLMs

October 15, 2–5pm Central Time

$100 Standard | $50 Discounted

This course shows different ways you can use LLM technology alongside Wolfram Language to power programming operations. Learn to use the conversational interface of Chat Notebooks, and see examples of both fun and functional LLM prompts in the Wolfram Prompt Repository. Write code that interfaces with different service providers' LLM models from within the Wolfram environment as well as provides symbolic representation of tools that can be used by LLMs. Basic familiarity with Wolfram Language is recommended.

Introduction to Neural Networks in Wolfram Language

October 15, 10am–1pm Central Time

$100 Standard | $50 Discounted

This course provides an introduction to the building blocks of neural nets and the state-of-the-art Neural Net Framework in Wolfram Language. Discover how to explore the Wolfram Neural Net Repository for pre-built and pre-trained models and how to apply them to your own dataset. Also see how you can use transfer learning to adapt models for your own applications. Learn how to train and test a neural network, along with options to inspect output from hidden layers of the net. Practical examples involving image, audio, video and natural langauge processing are featured. Basic familiarity with Wolfram Language is recommended.

Programming and Development in Wolfram Language

October 15, 2–5pm Central Time

$100 Standard | $50 Discounted

Learn about advanced programming and development concepts in Wolfram Language. Dive deeper into the fundamentals of expression syntax and function definition. Explore more complex ideas like upvalues, attributes, manual scoping and package creation and learn more about Wolfram Language Level 2 certification. This course is designed for users who want to take the next step toward mastery in Wolfram Language programming and requires understanding of the fundamental concepts of Wolfram Language programming and their applications.