Every day, numerous papers and preprints are published that make use of Mathematica for mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, engineering, finance, etc.
- When Sexual Selection Meets Genetic Drift: The Coevolution of Male Traits and Female Preferences in Finite Populations by Kuangyi Xu
- An Embedded Flexible Polyhedron with Nonconstant Dihedral Angles by V. A. Alexandrov and E. P. Volokitin
- Relativistic Bound State Solutions and Quantum Information Theory in D Dimensions under Exponential-Type Plus Yukawa Potentials by R. Horchani et al.
- Anomalous-Hall Neel Textures in Altermagnetic Materials by Rui-Chun Xiao et al.
- The Large-Color Expansion Derived from the Universal Invariant by Boudewijn Bosch
- On a Solution to the Dirac Equation with a Triangular Potential Well by Renebeth B. Payod and Vasil A. Saroka
- Mass Transfer around a Cylinder in a Nonlinear Extensional Flow by Moshe Favelukis
- Character Displacement or Priority Effects: Immigration Timing Can Affect Community Assembly with Rapid Evolution by Keiichi Morita and Masato Yamamichi
- Laminar Forced Convection in Circular Microchannels with Slip-Flow: Analysis of Randomly Distributed Roughness by Leandro A. Sphaier et al.
- Cyclonic Activity in the Mediterranean Region from a High-Resolution Perspective Using ECMWF ERA5 Dataset by Leonardo Aragão and Federico Porcù
- A Review on Semi-analytical Methods for Aggregation and Coupled Aggregation–Breakage Equations by Saddam Hussain Shweta and Rajesh Kumar
- Verification of Radical Pair Mechanism Predictions for Weak Magnetic Field Effects on Superoxide in Planarians by Jana Vučković Rishabh et al.
- Super-Leading Logarithms in pp → 2 Jets by Thomas Becher et al.
- Collective Coordinates Method for Long-Range Kink Collisions by J. G. F. Campos, A. Mohammadi and T. Romanczukiewicz
- Chiral Swimmer with a Regular Arbitrary Active Patch by Shiba Biswas, P. S. Burada and G. P. Raja Sekhar
- Hydrodynamic Stokes Flow Induced by a Chemically Active Patch Imprinted on a Planar Wall by Mihail N. Popescu et al.
- Quantum Coherence: A Fundamental Resource for Establishing Genuine Multipartite Correlations by Zong Wang et al.
- Spinning Twisted Ribbons: When Two Holes Meet on a Curved Liquid Film by Jack H. Y. Lo et al.
- The Truncated Univariate Rational Moment Problem by Rajkamal Nailwal and Aljaž Zalar
- Eigenvalues of the Neumann Magnetic Laplacian in the Unit Disk by Bernard Helffer and Corentin Léna
- Actions of Spinning Compact Binaries: Spinning Particle in Kerr Matched to Dynamics at 1.5 Post-Newtonian Order by Vojtěch Witzany et al.
- Hyperelastic Model for Nonlinear Elastic Deformations of Graphene-Based Polymer Nanocomposites by Matteo Pelliciari et al.
- Dissecting Buchdahl's Limit: A Surgeon's Guide to Compact Objects by Julio Arrechea et al.
- Iterative Quantum Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set by Lucas T. Brady and Stuart Hadfield
- Fermionic Atoms in a Spin-Dependent Optical Lattice Potential: Topological Insulators with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry by Igor Kuzmenko et al.
- Forward and Backward Modeling of Cultural Evolutionary Processes by Joe Y. Wakano and Kenichi Aoki
- Analytic Models for Gravitational Collapse by Sinya Aoki and Jorge Ovalle
- Anomalous Dimensions in the Symmetric Orbifold by Matthias R. Gaberdiel, Felix Lichtner and Beat Nairz
- Off-Shell Minimal Form Factors by A. V. Belitsky and L. V. Bork
- Analytic Solution for the Motion of Spinning Particles in Kerr Space-Time by Viktor Skoupý and Vojtěch Witzany
- ToMSGKpoint: A User-Friendly Package for Computing Symmetry Transformation Properties of Electronic Eigenstates of Nonmagnetic and Magnetic Crystalline Materials by Liangliang Huang, Xiangang Wan and Feng Tang
- Mechanical Stability Conditions for 3D and 2D Crystals under Arbitrary Load by Marcin Maździarz
- SURF Report: High Accuracy Methods for Computing Gravitational Potential and Gravitational Force Fields near the Surface of Irregularly Shaped 3-Dimensional Bodies by Thomas MacLean and Alan H. Barr
- Computing Marginal Eigenvalue Distributions for the Gaussian and Laguerre Orthogonal Ensembles by Peter J. Forrester, Santosh Kumar and Bo-Jian Shen
- Investigating Synergies between Chemical Reaction Networks (CRN) and Mathematical Epidemiology (ME), Using the Mathematica Package Epid-CRN by Florin Avram et al.
- Continuous Automatic Polarization Channel Stabilization from Heterodyne Detection of Coexisting Dim Reference Signals by Joseph C. Chapman et al.
- Effects of Coupling Range on the Dynamics of Swarmalators by Gourab Kumar Sar, Kevin O'Keeffe and Dibakar Ghosh
- How Does the Retail Price Maintain Trade-Credit Management with Continuous Investment to Support the Cash Flow? by Sanjey Kumar et al.
- Uncovering the Mechanical Secrets of the Squirting Cucumber by Finn Box et al.
- Optimal Annual COVID-19 Vaccine Boosting Dates following Previous Booster Vaccination or Breakthrough Infection by Jeffrey P. Townsend, Hayley B. Hassler and Alex Dornburg
- There and Back Again: Mapping and Factorizing Cosmological Observables by David Stefanyszyn, Xi Tong and Yuhang Zhu
- Back to the Figure-8 Stellarator by G. G. Plunk et al.
- A Vestige of FZZ Duality in Higher Dimensions by Chethan Krishnan and Sarthak Talukdar
- Decomposing Tensors via Rank-One Approximations by Alvaro Ribot et al.
- Bootstrapping the 3D Ising Stress Tensor by Cyuan-Han Chang et al.
- Current Fluctuations in the Symmetric Exclusion Process beyond the One-Dimensional Geometry by Théotim Berlioz et al.
- Sex Allocation: The Effect of Population Size and Structure, Fertilisation Success, and Propagule Dimorphism by Jussi Lehtonen
- Sorting and Weathering Trends of Soil at Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Regional Pedological Processes by Yutong Shi et al.
- Transdimensional Defects by Elia de Sabbata, Nadav Drukker and Andreas Stergiou
- A Macroarchaeological View of Mobility by P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Randall Haas and Steven L. Kuhn
- Research on Closed-Loop Supply Chain Decision-Making under Different Power Structures of Government Carbon Emission Reduction Subsidies by Linli Meng
- Termination and Universal Termination Problems for Nondeterministic Quantum Programs by Ming Xu et al.
- Analysis of Value Co-creation Pattern of Household Appliance Supply Chain Enterprises Based on Technology Innovation by Zhongdong Xiao et al.
- Mathematical Comparison of Protocols for Adapting a Bacteriophage to a New Host by James J. Bull and Stephen M. Krone
- Critical Heat Current Fluctuations in Curie–Weiss Model in and Out of Equilibrium by Krzysztof Ptaszynski and Massimiliano Esposito
- More on the Upper Bound of Holographic n-Partite Information by Xin-Xiang Ju et al.
- On Analytical Integration of Interaction Potentials between Cylindrical and Rectangular Bodies with a Focus on van der Waals Attraction by Aleksandar Borković, Michael H. Gferer and Roger A. Sauer
- The Loop-by-Loop Baikov Representation—Strategies and Implementation by Hjalte Frellesvig
- Holographic Thermal Correlators from Recursions by Jie Ren and Zhe Yu
- Quantum and Classical Dynamics of Neutron in a Magnetic Field by A. Bogomyagkov et al.
- Susceptibility of Entanglement Entropy: A Universal Indicator of Quantum Criticality by Pritam Sarkar
- Anomalous Geometric Transport Signatures of Topological Euler Class by Ashwat Jain, Wojciech J. Jankowski and Robert-Jan Slager
- Approach to the Separatrix with Eccentric Orbits by Guillaume Lhost and Geoffrey Compère
- Clustering Logarithms up to Six Loops by K. Khelifa-Kerfa
- Mechanisms of Social Behavior in the Anti-social Blind Cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus) by Britney Sekulovski and Noam Miller
- Visualizing the Sum-Product Conjecture by Kevin O'Bryant
- Precession of the Elastic Pendulum on the Rotating Earth by Borut Jurčič Zlobec
- Explicit Expressions for Virasoro Singular Vectors by Gérard M. T. Watts
- Tidal Effects in Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars in Scalar-Tensor Theories of Gravity by Gastón Creci et al.
- Hallmarks of Deception in Asset-Exchange Models by Kristian Blom, Dmitrii E. Makarov and Aljaž Godec
- Majorana Fermion Induced Power-Law Scaling in the Violations of the Wiedemann–Franz Law by Sachiraj Mishra, Ritesh Das and Colin Benjamin
- Kerr Geodesics in Horizon-Penetrating Kerr Coordinates: Description in Terms of Weierstrass Functions by Zuzanna Bakun et al.
- Black Hole Multi-entropy Curves by Norihiro Iizuka, Simon Lin and Mitsuhiro Nishida
- Spontaneous Emission in an Exponential Model by A. D. Kammogne and L. C. Fai
- BPS Dendroscopy on Local ℙ1 × ℙ1 by Bruno Le Floch, Boris Pioline and Rishi Raj
- On Random Simplex Picking beyond the Blashke Problem by Dominik Beck
- A Continuum Geometric Approach for Inverse Design of Origami Structures by Alon Sardas, Michael Moshe and Cy Maor
- Perturbation Methods in Solving the Problem of Two Bodies of Variable Masses with Application of Computer Algebra by Alexander Prokopenya, Mukhtar Minglibayev and Aigerim Ibraimova
- Behavior of the Generalized Brownian Motion in a Parabolic Potential: Effect of the Field on the Bath by Pedro J. Colmenares
- Vertex Number of the Typical Cell in a Tri-directional Poisson Line Tessellation by Nils Heerten, Janina Hübner and Christoph Thäle
- Augmented and Cloud Computing with Chemical Process Simulators by Samuel V. Cowart et al.
- Integrability of Generalised Skew-Symmetric Replicator Equations via Graph Embeddings by Matthew Visomirski and Christopher Griffin
- Analysis of DVD Diffraction Patterns under Oblique Light Illumination by Xiaogang Tang et al.
- On Taylor's Formulas in Fractional Calculus: Overview and Characterization for the Caputo Derivative by Roberto Nuca and Matteo Parsani
- Two-Warehouse Inventory Control for Deteriorating Items Using Hybrid and Stock-Dependent Demand with Partial Backlogging by Sachin Kumar Rana and Amit Kumar
- Importance of 3D Analyses on Static and Seismic Stability of Jointed Open-Pit Mine Slopes by Amin Azhari et al.
- Unsteady Motion of Nearly Spherical Particles in Viscous Fluids: A Second-Order Asymptotic Theory by Jesse F. Collis, Alex Nunn and John E. Sader
- Exact Joint Distributions of Three Global Characteristic Times for Brownian Motion by Alexander K. Hartmann and Satya N. Majumdar
- New Horizons for Psi: Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals in Fundamental Fields by Francisco Duque
- The Type IIA Virasoro–Shapiro Amplitude in AdS4 × ℂℙ3 from ABJM Theory by Shai M. Chester, Tobias Hansen and De-Liang Zhong
- Fundamental Bounds on Many-Body Spin Cluster Intensities by Christian Bengs, Chongwei Zhang and Ashok Ajoy
- Counting and Building Operators in Theories with Hidden Symmetries and Application to HEFT by Rodrigo Alonso and Shakeel Ur Rahaman
- The Truncated Univariate Rational Moment Problem by Rajkamal Nailwal and Aljaž Zalar
- Geometric and Algorithmic Solutions to the Generalised Alibi Query by Arthur Jansen and Bart Kuijpers
- Equilibrium Points in the Perturbed Rotating Mass Dipole System with Oblateness by Bess Rioborue Agbogidi et al.
- Replicator Dynamics Generalized for Evolutionary Matrix Games under Time Constraints by Tamás Varga
- Coalition-Proof Stability of International Environmental Agreements by Ryusuke Shinohara
- Optimizing Supply Chain Model for Two Level Credit Policy with Reverse Logistics by Chaman Singh and Jyoti Kohli
- DiFfRG: A Discretisation Framework for Functional Renormalisation Group Flows by Franz R. Sattler and Jan M. Pawlowski
- Relative Rényi Entropy under Local Quenches in 2D CFTs by Zi-Xuan Zhao et al.
- A General Solution to Bellman's Lost-in-a-Forest Problem by Zhipeng Deng
- Hiring Strategies by P. L. Krapivsky
- Angle-Invariant Scattering in Metasurfaces by Mustafa Yücel, Francisco S. Cuesta and Karim Achouri
- Ricci Flow of Discrete Surfaces of Revolution, and Relation to Constant Gaussian Curvature by Naoya Suda
- Exploring the Equilibrium Dynamics of an Infinitesimal Body in the Perturbed Problem of Five Bodies by Md Sanam Suraj et al.
- Solving the Master Equation on River Networks: A Computer Algebra Approach by Samuele De Bartolo et al.
- Gravitational and Coriolis Forces in Crystal Neutron Interferometry. II. Numerical Simulations by E. Massa, G. Mana and C. P. Sasso
- Wages and Capital Returns in a Generalized Pólya Urn by Thomas Gottfried and Stefan Grosskinsky
- The Ideal Gas Law: Derivations and Intellectual Background by Ildikó Rapp-Kindner, Katalin Ősz and Gábor Lente
- A Spinless Spin Qubit by Maximilian Rimbach-Russ et al.
- Manifolds of Exceptional Points and Effective Zeno Limit of an Open Two-Qubit System by Vladislav Popkov, Carlo Presilla and Mario Salerno
- Semi-local One-Dimensional Optical Wave Turbulence by Clément Colléaux et al.
- Using SimTeEx to Simplify Polynomial Expressions with Tensors by Rena M. Fonseca
- Verlinde Rings and Cluster Algebras Arising from Quantum Affine Algebras by Chul-hee Lee, Jian-Rong Li and Euiyong Park
- Holographic Subregion Complexity in a Moving Strongly Coupled Plasma by Mohammad Mahdi Daryaei Goki et al.
- Local Ecological Predictions as Input to Adaptive Management of Natural Plant Communities by Christian Damgaard
- Wavelength Selection in the Twist Buckling of Pre-strained Elastic Ribbons by Arun Kumar and Basile Audoly
- Spin Foam Amplitude of the Black-to-White Hole Transition by Muxin Han, Dongxue Qu and Cong Zhang
- A Software Tool for Applying Bayes' Theorem in Medical Diagnostics by Theodora Chatzimichail and Aristides T. Hatjimihail
- Quantitative Classicality in Cosmological Interactions during Inflation by Yoann L. Launay, Gerasimos I. Rigopoulos and E. Paul S. Shellard
- Dissipation Enables Robust Extensive Scaling of Multipartite Correlations by Krzysztof Ptaszynski and Massimiliano Esposito
- Holographic Non-Hermitian Lattices and Junctions with PT-Restoring RG Flows by Daniel Arean and David Garcia-Fariña
- WKB Methods for Finite Difference Schrodinger Equations by Salvatore Baldino
- Energy Harvesting System with a Hyperelastic Mechanical Vibration Amplifier by Tomasz Haniszewski et al.
- An Analytical Model of Tornado Generation by S. N. Artekha
- Deformation of Matrix Geometry via Landau Level Evolution by Kazuki Hasebe
- Determining Quantum Correlation through Nash Equilibria in Constant-Sum Games by A. Lowe
- Moment Method and Continued Fraction Expansion in Floquet Operator Krylov Space by Hsiu-Chung Yeh and Aditi Mitra
- Spoofing of Quantum Channels Enables Low-Rank Projective Simulation by Timothy Heightman and Grzegorz Rajchel-Mieldzioć
- Linking Quantum Discord with Bayesian Game Theory by Adam Lowe
- Wide-Angle Effects in the Power Spectrum Multipoles in Next-Generation Redshift Surveys by Joshua N. Benabou et al.
- Spectroscopy of Magnetized Black Holes and Topological Stars by Alexandru Dima, Marco Melis and Paolo Pani
- Conformally Einstein Lorentzian Lie Groups with Heisenberg Symmetry by E. Calviño-Louzao et al.
- K-Means for Earthquakes: Disaggregation Analyses of Small Events by Considering Wave Components and Soil Types by Enrico Zacchei and Reyolando Brasil
- Energy Method and Stability of Shear Flows: An Elementary Tutorial by Antonio Barletta and Giuseppe Mulone
- The Smart Product Backlog: A Classification Model of User Stories by Mauricio Gaona-Cuevas, Víctor Bucheli Guerrero and Fredy H. Vera-Rivera
- New Analytical Solutions for Constant Rate Pumping in Two-Zone Double-Porosity Confined Aquifer: A New Source Term Reflecting Effects of Well Skin and Wellbore Storage by Chen Wang et al.
- What Resources Do Agents Need to Acquire Knowledge in Quantum Thermodynamics? by Jake Xuereb et al.
- Mode-Sum Prescription for Renormalized Expectation Values for a Charged Quantum Scalar Field on a Charged Black Hole by Cormac Breen et al.
- Coexistence in Periodic Environments by Alexa M. Scott et al.
- γ-Cascade V4: A Semi-analytical Code for Modeling Cosmological Gamma-Ray Propagation by Antonio Capanema and Carlos Blanco
- Mirror-Centered Representation of a Focusing Hyperbolic Mirror for X-Ray Beamlines by Jean-Pierre Torras
- Application of CR Iteration Scheme in the Generation of Mandelbrot Sets of zp + log ct Function by Muhammad Tanveer and Krzysztof Gdawiec
- A Method for in Silico Exploration of Potential Glioblastoma Multiforme Attractors Using Single-Cell RNA Sequencing by Marcos Guilherme Vieira Junior et al.
- Qubit-Qubit Quantum Coherence Mediated by an Epsilon-Near-Zero Waveguide by Zhenhua Yin et al.
- Experimental Demonstration of the Bell-Type Inequalities for Four Qubit Dicke State Using IBM Quantum Processing Unit by Tomis et al.
- Squirting-Cucumber-Inspired Miniature Explosive Hydrogel Launcher by Haitao Qing, Fangjie Qi and Jie Yin
- Optimization of a Lattice Spring Model with Elastoplastic Conducting Springs: A Case Study by Sakshi Malhotra, Yang Jiao and Oleg Makarenkov
- A Counterexample to the Conjecture of Ankeny, Artin and Chowla by Andreas Reinhart
- Classical Eikonal from Magnus Expansion by Joon-Hwi Kim et al.
- Systematic Exploration of the Non-geometric Flux Landscape by Shehu AbdusSalam et al.
- Both Competition and Frequency-Dependence Determine Community Dynamics in a Dune Heath Ecosystem by Christian Damgaard, Mathias Emil Kaae and Jesper Leth Bak
- A Simple Model of a Gravitational Lens from Geometric Optics by Bogdan Szafraniec and James F. Harford
- Multi-headed Lattices and Green Functions by Qipin Chen, Shane Chern and Lin Jiu
- Commutator Technique for the Heat Kernel of Minimal Higher Derivative Operators by A. O. Barvinsky, A. V. Kurov and W. Wachowski
- Simulations and Machine Learning Models for Cosmic-Ray Short-Term Variations and Test-Mass Charging on Board LISA by Mattia Villani et al.
- Floquet Theory and Stability Analysis for Hamiltonian PDEs by Jared C. Bronski, Vera Mikyoung Hur and Robert Marangell
- Pricing and Financing Strategies in a Dual-Channel Low-Carbon Supply Chain for Bilateral Capital-Constrained Retailers by Limin Du, Yuhao Zhang and Keping Lu
- A Matrix-Based Approach to Unified Synthesis of Planar Four-Bar Mechanisms for Motion Generation with Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Constraints by Xueting Deng and Anurag Purwar
- Sharp Curve Trajectory Tracking of a Universal Omni-wheeled Mobile Robot Using a Sliding Mode Controller by Nalaka Amarasiri, Alan A. Barhorst and Raju Gottumukkala
- Linear Programming with Unitary-Equivariant Constraints by Dmitry Grinko and Maris Ozols
- A General Solution for Rotating Lattices of Identical Point Vortices by Phillip Robertson
- A Solvable Two-Dimensional Swarmalator Model by Kevin O'Keeffe et al.
- Dirac Points and Inverse Problems of Quantum Graphs Associated with Archimedean Tilings by Eduardo O. Jatulan and Chun-Kong Law
- Multivariate Hypergeometric Solutions of Cosmological (dS) Correlators by d log–Form Differential Equations by Jiaqi Chen, Bo Feng and Yi-Xiao Tao
- Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Temporally Fluctuating Environments by Alexander P. Browning and Sara Hamis
- Dynamical System Analysis in Modified Galileon Cosmology by L. K. Duchaniya et al.
- Investigation of the Bell-CHSH Inequality in Diamond Regions by M. S. Guimaraes, I. Roditi and S. P. Sorella
- Noncommutative AdS Black Hole and the IR Holographic Superconductor by Manuel de la Cruz-López et al.
- A Physical Basis for Cosmological Correlators from Cuts by Shounak De and Andrzej Pokraka
- On the Structure of Multiple Stable Equilibria in Competitive Ecological Systems by Washington Taylor and James O'Dwyer
- Reconciling Conflicting Selection Pressures in the Plant Collaborative Non-self Recognition Self-Incompatibility System by Amit Jangid et al.
- Conformational Changes, Excess Area, and Elasticity of the Piezo Protein-Membrane Nanodome from Coarse-Grained and Atomistic Simulations by Sneha Dixit, Frank Noé and Thomas R. Weikl
- CWebGen—A Tool to Study Colour Structure of Scattering Amplitudes in IR Limit by Neelima Agarwal et al.
- A Formally Integrated Adaptive Speed Management for Proactive Traffic Safety by Oumaima Barhoumi et al.
- An Energy-Based Fracture Criterion for Quasi-brittle Crack Propagation in Micropolar Continuum: Analytical and Numerical Study by Meral Tuna, Patrizia Trovalusci and Nicholas Fantuzzi
- Peripheral Straightness Leads to Shape Diversification during Formations of Entire Leaves by Akiko M. Nakamasu
- The Existence of Real Nine-Dimensional Manifolds Which Include Classical One-Parameter Families of Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces by Norio Ejiri and Toshihiro Shoda
- An ODEs Multiscale Model with Cell Proliferation for Hepatitis C Virus Infection Treated with Direct Acting Antiviral Agents by Hesham A. Elkaranshawy and Hossam M. Ezzat
- Analytical Model of Inductance for the Magnetic Couplers Based on the Analytical Expressions of the Mirror Coefficients in WPT Systems by Tianyi Zhang et al.
- Speed Excess and Total Acceleration: A Kinematical Approach to Entanglement by C. Chryssomalakos et al.
- Stronger Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen Steering Inequalities to Detect the Boundary between Quantum Mechanics and Classical Models by Ruo-Chen Wang et al.
- Wave Functions of Multiquark Hadrons from Representations of the Symmetry Groups Sn by Nicholas Miesch and Edward Shuryak
- The Slow Clock Is the Master by Henrique M. Oliveira and Sara Perestrelo
- Algorithmic Detection of Conserved Quantities for Finite-Difference Schemes by Diogo A. Gomes et al.
- Clique Homology Is QMA1-Hard by Marcos Crichigno and Tamara Kohler
- (2+1) Lorentzian Quantum Cosmology from Spin-Foams: Chances and Obstacles for Semi-classicality by Alexander F. Jercher, José Diogo Simão and Sebastian Steinhaus
- One-Loop N-Point Correlators in Pure Gravity by Humberto Gomez et al.
- Gluing via Intersection Theory by Giulio Crisanti et al.
- Jacobi Matrices That Realize Perfect Quantum State Transfer and Early State Exclusion by Rachel Bailey et al.
- Quantifying Key Parameters of Environmental Transmission and Age-Specific Susceptibility for Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) by Yuqi Gao, Piter Bijma and Mart C. M. de Jong
- Optimal Regulatory Enforcement by Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Alex Raskolnikov
- A Path Integral Approach for Allele Frequency Dynamics under Polygenic Selection by Nathan W. Anderson et al.
- The Role of Pleiotropy and Population Structure in the Evolution of Altruism through the Greenbeard Effect by Thomas G. Aubier and Brian A. Lerch
- How Host-Microbiome/Holobiont Evolution Depends on Whether the Microbiome Affects Host Lifespan or Fecundity by Alexandra L. Brown, Britt Koskella and Mike Boots
- Harmonic Forms on ALE Ricci-Flat 4-Manifolds by Gao Chen and Hao Yan
- A Universal Circuit Set Using the S3 Quantum Double by Liyuan Chen et al.
- Entanglement and Pairing in Two-Nucleon Systems by J. Kovács et al.
- Probabilistically Robust Trajectory Planning of Multiple Aerial Agents by Christian Vitale et al.
- Sharp Estimates for Gowers Norms on Discrete Cubes by Adrian Beker, Tonći Crmarić and Vjekoslav Kovač
- Fractonic Coset Construction for Spontaneously Broken Translations by Ameya Chavda, Daniel Naegels and John Staunton
- Analytical Determination of the Optimal Effective Regular Workspace of a 6-6 Stewart Platform Manipulator for a Specified Orientation Workspace by Bibekananda Patra, Anirban Nag and Sandipan Bandyopadhyay
- Numerical Integration on 2D/3D Arbitrary Domains: Adaptive Quadrature/Cubature Rule for Domains with Curved Boundaries by Nafiseh Niknejadi and Bijan Boroomand
- The Indispensable Role of Time in Autonomous Development by William Letsou
- Sustainable Broiler Chicken Meat Production: A Three-Layer Model for Emissions Reduction and Traceability by Ezhilarasan Peter John and Umakanta Mishra
- Research on Closed-Loop Supply Chain Decision-Making under Different Power Structures of Government Carbon Emission Reduction Subsidies by Linli Meng
- A Kaleckian Growth Model with Public Capital and Debt Accumulation by Hiroshi Nishi and Kazuhiro Okuma
- The Seven-Point Two-Loop Full-Color All-Plus Helicity Yang–Mills Amplitude by Adam R. Dalgleish et al.
- Exact Results on the Number of Gravitons Radiated During Binary Inspiral by Youngjoo Chung and Hyun Seok Yang
- The Multimode Nature of Spacetime Entanglement in QFT by Ivan Agullo et al.
- Computation of ⟨Φ2⟩ and Quantum Fluxes at the Polar Interior of a Spinning Black Hole by Noa Zilberman et al.
- Bargaining on Price on Behalf of Price-Insensitive Downstream Consumers by Guy Arie, Paul L. E. Grieco and Shiran Rachmilevitch
- borelT.m: Borel Transformations in QCD Sum Rules with Mathematica by Tarik Akan
- Connected Components on Lie Groups and Applications to Multi-orientation Image Analysis by Nicky J. van den Berg et al.
- Renormalization of the SMEFT to Dimension Eight: Fermionic Interactions I by S. D. Bakshi et al.
- A Tutorial on the WKB Approximation for Innovative Dirac Materials by Andrii Iurov
- Uncovering Hidden Patterns: Approximate Resurgent Resummation from Truncated Series by Alessio Maiezza and Juan Carlos Vasquez
- Totally Tangential C-Links and Electromagnetic Knots by Benjamin Bode
- A Study of Energy Absorption Properties of Heteromorphic TPMS and Multi-morphology TPMS under Quasi-static Compression by Hengyu Zhang et al.
- Case Specific: Addressing Co-digestion of Wastewater Sludge, Cheese Whey and Cow Manure: Kinetic Modeling by Blaž Stres et al.
- Explicit Bivariate Simplicial Depth by Erik Mendroš and Stanislav Nagy
- Handbook of Exact Solutions to the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations (Second Edition) by Usama Al Khawaja and Laila Al Sakkaf
- Coexistence of Competing Plants under Plant-Soil Feedback by Athmanathan Senthilnathan and Rafael D'Andrea
- Asymmetric Fluid Flow in Helical Pipes Inspired by Shark Intestines by Ido Levin et al.
- A Rational Ansatz for the Approximation of Koopman Eigenfunctions by Ulrich J. Römer and Margarete Breitenhuber
- Computing the Far-Field Scattered by a Spherical Target Near the Seabed by Natalie S. Grigorieva, Fiodor F. Legusha and Kirill S. Safronov
- Calibrating Tumor Growth and Invasion Parameters with Spectral Spatial Analysis of Cancer Biopsy Tissues by Stefano Pasetto et al.
- Optimal Service Strategies of Online Platform Based on Purchase Behavior by Xudong Lin et al.
- Classification of Mass Terms in Kagome Semimetals by Simone Ciceri, Matteo Massaro and Lars Fritz
- Entanglement Renormalization of Fractonic Anisotropic ℤN Laplacian Models by Yuan Xue, Pranay Gorantla and Zhu-Xi Luo
- Tidal Love Numbers of Gravitational Atoms by Ricardo Arana, Richard Brito and Gonçalo Castro
- Probability of Early Infection Extinction Depends Linearly on the Virus Clearance Rate by N. Juhász et al.
- A High-Accuracy and High-Efficiency Satellite Shadow Function Model for Oblate Earth by Zhengyang Liu et al.
- Multidomain Spectral Method for Self-Force Calculations by Rodrigo Panosso Macedo et al.
- Level-Set Based Shape Optimization for Plane Elastic Structures Using Radial Basis Functions and Hilbertian Descent Direction by Przemysław Sobczak and Tomasz Sokół
- A Characterization of Complex Hadamard Matrices Appearing in Families of MUB Triplets by Ákos K. Matszangosz and Ferenc Szöllősi
- Propagation of Periodic Director and Flow Patterns in a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal under Electroconvection by Jun Yoshioka et al.
- Minimum Contribution Requirement in an Infinitely Repeated Public Goods Game by Doruk Iris
- Deciphering the Interface Laws of Turing Mixtures and Foams by Henrik Weyer, Tobias A. Roth and Erwin Frey
- Quantum Entanglement Distribution via Uplink Satellite Channels by S. Srikara et al.
- Balancing Chemical Equations: Form the Perspective of Hilbert Basis by Zeying Zhang et al.
- Quantum Error Propagation by Eldar Sultanow et al.
- Asymptotic Normality Arising in Baxter Permutations by James Jing Yu Zhao
- Two-Electron Atomic Systems. A Simple Method for Calculating the Ground State near the Nucleus. Some Applications by Evgeny Z. Liverts
- Detecting Spacelike Vacuum Entanglement at All Distances and Promoting Negativity to a Necessary and Sufficient Entanglement Measure in Many-Body Regimes by Boyu Gao and Natalie Klco
- Master Integrals for e+e- → 2γ Process at Large Energies and Angles by Roman N. Lee and Vyacheslav A. Stotsky
- Stability of the 1D Swarmalator Model in the Continuum Limit by Kevin O'Keeffe
- Numerical Methods for Scalar Field Dark Energy in Tabletop Experiments and Lunar Laser Ranging by Hauke Fischer and René I. P. Sedmik
- The Mechanics of Static Non-planar Faults in Infinitesimal Strain Theory by Pierre Romanet, Tatsuhiko Saito and Eiichi Fukuyama
- Lagrangian Approach to Origami Vertex Analysis: Kinematics by Matthew Grasinger, Andrew Gillman and Philip R. Buskohl
- Matching Adjacent Cards by Kent E. Morrison
- Zero-Hopf Bifurcation in a Family of Tritrophic Food Chain Model with Holling III-III Functional Response by Victor Castellanos and Jaume Llibre
- Neutron Stars in Aether Scalar-Tensor Theory by Christopher Reyes and Jeremy Sakstein
- Exact Solutions for Analog Hawking Effect in Dielectric Media by S. Trevisan, F. Belgiorno and S. L. Cacciatori
- Magnetic Resonance Microscopy for Submillimeter Samples in a Horizontal MR Scanner by Thomas Hüfken et al.
- Variety Is the Spice of Life: Nongenetic Variation in Life Histories Influences Population Growth and Evolvability by Amy B. Forsythe et al.
- The Effects of Intersexual Interactions on Survival Can Drive the Evolution of Female Ornaments in the Absence of Mate Limitation by J. Colton Watts and Courtney L. Fitzpatrick
- A Rigidly Foldable and Reconfigurable Thick Origami Antenna by Shun Yao, Constantinos L. Zekios and Stavros V. Georgakopoulos
- Creative Telescoping for Hypergeometric Double Sums by Peter Paule and Carsten Schneider
- Topology-Optimized 2D Silicon-Air Phononic Crystal Slabs for Enhancing Quality Factor of Laterally Vibrating Resonators by Zihao Xie, Yongqing Fu and Jin Xie
- Method to Design a Wavefront Generator Singlet by Rafael Guillermo González-Acuña
- Policies for Selecting the Advance Selling Mode in a Supply Chain Considering Network Externalities by Mei Han, Qi Lyu and Guoliang Feng
- PHODCOS: Pythagorean Hodograph-Based Differentiable Coordinate System by Jon Arrizabalaga et al.
- Information Clustering and Pathogen Evolution by Baptiste Filoche and Stefan Hohenegger
- Sensitivities in Complex-Time Flows: Phase Transitions, Hamiltonian Structure and Differential Geometry by Dirk Lebiedz and Johannes Poppe
- Engaging Computational Chemistry Modules for Introductory Chemistry Students by Max Crowder et al.
- Fast Inspirals and the Treatment of Orbital Resonances by Philip Lynch et al.
- Assessment of Free Energy Functions for Sand by Nazanin Irani et al.
- Relativistic Correction from the Four-Body Nonadiabatic Exponential Wave Function by Krzysztof Pachucki and Jacek Komasa
- Coherence and Entropy Complementarity Relations of Generalized Wave-Particle Duality by Kang-Kang Yang, Zhi-Xi Wang and Shao-Ming Fei
- On the Approximability of the Yolk in the Spatial Model of Voting by Ran Hu and James P. Bailey
- Torsion Elements in the Associated Graded Modules of Filtrations over the Torelli Group and the Homology Cylinders by Yuta Nozaki, Masatoshi Sato and Masaaki Suzuki
- BPS Spectra of Complex Knots by Nafaa Chbili and Vivek Kumar Singh
- The Cusp Limit of Correlators and a New Graphical Bootstrap for Correlators/Amplitudes to Eleven Loops by Song He et al.
- Viscoelastic Effects on the Hydrodynamics of an Active Compound Particle by KVS Chaithanya and Sumesh P. Thampi
- Bound States and Particle Production by Breather-Type Background Field Configurations by Abhishek Rout and Brett Altschul
- Landau-Based Schubert Analysis by Song He et al.
- On Two Nucleons Near Unitarity with Perturbative Pions by Yu Ping Teng and Harald W. Griesshammer
- Symmetry Reduction of Gravitational Lagrangians by Guillermo Frausto et al.
- Rigorously Proven Chaos in Chemical Kinetics by M. Susits and J. Tóth
- Charity, Status, and Optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Non-welfarist Approaches by Thomas Aronsson, Olof Johansson-Stenman and Ronald Wendner
- Strength of Seasonality and Type of Migratory Cue Determine the Fitness Consequences of Changing Phenology for Migratory Animals by Martha Torstenson and Allison K. Shaw
- Earthquake Analysis of Clusters of the Most Appropriate Partition by Antonio Morales-Esteban et al.
- Best-Worst Disaggregation: An Approach to the Preference Disaggregation Problem by Matteo Brunelli, Fuqi Liang and Jafar Rezaei
- Approximations of MINFLUX Localization Precision with Background by Zach Marin and Jonas Ries
- Activation Functions Enabling the Addition of Neurons and Layers without Altering Outcomes by Sergio López-Ureña
- A Semi-analytic Estimate for the Effective Sound Speed Counterterm in the EFTofLSS by Caio Nascimento et al.
- GUTs—How Common Are They? by Johannes Herms and Maximilian Ruhdorfer
- Designer Bubble Walls in a Holographic Weyl Semi-metal with Magnetic Field by Nick Evans and Wanxiang Fan
- Forecasting Seasonal Rainfall in SE Australia Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions and Neural Networks by Stjepan Marcelja
- Integrability of Generalised Skew-Symmetric Replicator Equations via Graph Embeddings by Matthew Visomirski and Christopher Griffin
- The Interior of Uranus: Thermal Profile, Bulk Composition and the Distribution of Rock, Water and Hydrogen and Helium by Luca Morf, Müller and Ravit Helled
- A New Measure of Risk Using Fourier Analysis by Michael Grabinski and Galiya Klinkova
- How Long Can k-Göbel Sequences Remain Integers? by Rinnosuke Matsuhira, Toshiki Matsusaka and Koki Tsuchida
- Appropriability, Institutions, and Welfare in a Tullock Contest by Ratul Lahkar
- How to Find Optimal Quantum States for Optical Micromanipulation and Metrology in Complex Scattering Problems: Tutorial by Lukas M. Rachbauer et al.
- The Symplectic Potential for Leaky Boundaries by Robert McNees and Céline Zwikel
- Optimal Recycling Model Selection in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain for Electric Vehicle Batteries under Carbon Cap-Trade and Reward-Penalty Policies Using the Stackelberg Game by Pankaj Narang et al.
- Photon under Repeated Transverse Lorentz Boosts: An Apparent Paradox by Tugdual LeBohec
- Relativistic and Quantum Electrodynamics Effects on NMR Shielding Tensors of TlX (X = H, F, Cl, Br, I, At) Molecules by Karol Kozioł et al.
- Generating Random Gaussian States by Leevi Leppäjärvi, Ion Nechita and Ritabrata Sengupta
- Analyzing the Dynamics of Deforestation in the World: Applying Markov Models to Identify Convergence Trends by Anastasia Kurilova
- Lagrangian Approach to Origami Vertex Analysis: Kinematics by Matthew Grasinger, Andrew Gillman and Philip Buskohl
- Weakly Fault-Tolerant Computation in a Quantum Error-Detecting Code by Christopher Gerhard and Todd A. Brun
- Renormalization-Group Running of Dimension-8 Four-Fermion Operators in the SMEFT by Radja Boughezal, Yingsheng Huang and Frank Petriello
- Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning: Fundamentals and Theory by M. M. Hammad
- Boundary Bethe Ansatz in Massless AdS3 by Daniele Bielli, Vasileios Moustakis and Alessandro Torrielli
- The g6 Pressure of Hot Yang–Mills Theory: Canonical Form of the Integrand by Pablo Navarrete and York Schröder
- Characterization of Dynamical Systems with Scanty Data Using Persistent Homology and Machine Learning by Rishab Antosh, Sanjit Das and N. Nirmal Thyagu
- Power Spectra of Dyson's Circular Ensembles by Peter J. Forrester and Nicholas S. Witte
- On Monochromatic Arithmetic Progressions in Binary Words Associated with Pattern Sequences by Bartosz Sobolewski
- Electrostatically Designing Materials and Interfaces by Egbert Zojer
- Cryptocurrencies: Hedging or Financialization? Behavioral Time Series Analyses by Dony Abdul Chalid and Rangga Handika
- A Two-Dimensional Vertex Model for Curvy Cell-Cell Interfaces at the Subcellular Scale by Kyungeun Kim, J. M. Schwarz and Martine Ben Amar
- Contraction and Expansion of a Cylindrical Cavity in an Elastoplastic Medium: A Dislocation-Based Approach by Yue Gao and Emmanuel Detournay
- Light Rings and Causality for Nonsingular Ultracompact Objects Sourced by Nonlinear Electrodynamics by Sebastian Murk and Ioannis Soranidis
- Unveiling the Future Water Pulse of Central Asia: A Comprehensive 21st Century Hydrological Forecast from Stochastic Water Balance Modeling by Tobias Siegfried et al.
- Application of DFN Approach for the Selection of Maximized Penetration Rate Model of TBM in Hard Rock by Enayatallah Emami Meybodi and Syed Khaliq Hussain
- Metric Property of Quantum Wasserstein Divergences by Gergely Bunth et al.
- The Entries of the Sinkhorn Limit of an m × n Matrix by Eric Rowland and Jason Wu
- Bessel Functions on GL(n), I by Jack Buttcane
- Contiguous Search: Exploration and Ambition on Uncharted Terrain by Can Urgun and Leeat Yariv
- Gravitational Waves on Kerr Black Holes: I. Reconstruction of Linearized Metric Perturbations by Roman Berens, Trevor Gravely and Alexandru Lupsasca
- Quantising a Hamiltonian Curl Force by M. V. Berry and Pragya Shukla
- Strong/Weak Duality Symmetries for Jacobi–Gordon Field Theory through Elliptic Functions by R. Cartas-Fuentevilla et al.
- Machine-Learning Metacomputing for Materials Science Data by J. C. Steuben et al.
- Virus Production in Shallow Groundwater at the Bank of the Danube River by Daniel Pleyer, Christian Griebler and Christian Winter
- Varieties of Pictorial Vision by Jan Koenderink, Andrea Van Doorn and Johan Wagemans
- Effect of Photon Propagation on a Near-Zero-Refractive-Index Medium by Robert A. McCutcheon, Stefan Ostermann and Susanne F. Yelin
- Exact and Approximate Fluxonium Array Modes by Stephen Sorokanich, Max Hays and Neill C. Warrington
- Constraining Cosmological Parameters with Needlet Internal Linear Combination Maps. II. Likelihood-Free Inference on Needlet Internal Linear Combination Power Spectra by Kristen M. Surrao and J. Colin Hill
- Quantum Natural Gradient with Geodesic Corrections for Small Shallow Quantum Circuits by Mourad Halla
- Kerr Geodesics in Horizon-Penetrating Kerr Coordinates: Description in Terms of Weierstrass Functions by Zuzanna Bakun et al.
- Optimal Position-Building Strategies in Competition by Neil A. Chriss
- Artistic Aspects of the Wigner Caustic and the Centre Symmetry Set by Iza Danielewska et al.
- Reduction to Master Integrals and Transverse Integration Identities by Vsevolod Chestnov, Gaia Fontana and Tiziano Peraro
- The Syzygy Matrix and the Differential for Rational Curves in Projective Space by Chen Song
- Fulminic Acid: A Quasibent Spectacle by Ashley M. Allen et al.
- Potential of Coupled Array Harvester in Enhanced Energy Harvesting by Srimanta Lal De and Shaikh Faruque Ali
- Numerical Approach to the Bell–Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt Inequality in Quantum Field Theory by P. De Fabritiis et al.
- An Elliptic Generalization of A1 Spherical DAHA at K = 2 by Semeon Arthamonov and Shamil Shakirov
- Noncommutative Distances on Graphs: An Explicit Approach via Birkhoff–James Orthogonality by Pierre Clare et al.
- Double Star Arrangement and the Pointed Multinet by Yongqiang Liu and Wentao Xie
- Neural-Symbolic Hybrid Model for Myosin Complex in Cardiac Ventriculum Decodes Structural Bases for Inheritable Heart Disease from Its Genetic Encoding by Thomas P. Burghardt
- New Perspectives on Torsional Rigidity and Polynomial Approximations of z-Bar by Adam Kraus and Brian Simanek
- Polynomial Diophantine Equations by Bogdan Grechuk
- Polarized Image of a Synchrotron-Emitting Ring in Einstein–Maxwell-Scalar Theory by Yiqian Chen et al.
- Annular Newtonian Poiseuille Flow with Pressure-Dependent Wall Slip by Kostas D. Housiadas, Evgenios Gryparis and Georgios C. Georgiou
- On a Solution to the Dirac Equation with a Triangular Potential Well by Renebeth B. Payod and Vasil A. Saroka
- Identifiability of Polynomial Models from First Principles and via a Gröbner Basis Approach by Janet D. Godolphin and James D. E. Grant
- A Computational Approach to the Study of Finite-Complement Submonids of an Affine Cone by J. C. Rosales, R. Tapia-Ramos and A. Vigneron-Tenorio
- Rovibrational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules in a Modified Morse Potential Using Nikiforov–Uvarov Functional Analysis by Raghav Sharma, Pragati Ashdhir and Amit Tanwar
- Optimal Distillation of Coherent States with Phase-Insensitive Operations by Shiv Akshar Yadavalli and Iman Marvian
- The Nerd Snipers Problem by Boris Alexeev and Dustin G. Mixon
- The Joint Evolution of Separate Sexes and Sexual Dimorphism by Thomas Lesaffre, John R. Pannell and Charles Mullon
- Thermodynamic and Observational Constraints on Black Holes with Primary Hair in Beyond Horndeski Gravity: Stability and Shadows by Cristian Erices and Mohsen Fathi
- Some Bounds on Positive Equilibria in Mass Action Networks by Murad Banaji
- Towards Situation-Dependent Regulations for the Prevention of Ship-Generated Sewage Pollution in Specific Areas by Jelena Čulin and Piotr Kopacz
- A Procedure g5anchor to Anchor γ5 in Feynman Diagrams for the Standard Model by Long Chen
- Compression with Wildcards: All Induced Metric Subgraphs by Marcel Wild
- Soft Bottles Drain Faster but Glug Slower by Rohit S. Velankar and Sachin S. Velankar
- Commutative Avatars of Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups by Tamás Hausel
- Spectrum-Based Topological Indices and Their QSPR Studies of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs by K. Pattabiraman and P. Danesh
- Phase Field Modeling for Atoms by Kairi Masuda and Andrew M. Rappe
- Carroll Geodesics by Luca Ciambelli and Daniel Grumiller
- Skyrmion Engineering with Origami by Toshitaka Wakayama et al.
- Warp Drives and Closed Timelike Curves by Barak Shoshany and Ben Snodgrass
- Geometric Formula for 2D Ising Zeros: Examples & Numerics by Iñaki Garay and Etera R. Livine
- Variational Damage Model: A Novel Consistent Approach to Fracture by Huilong Ren et al.
- Genetic Diversity During Selective Sweeps in Non-recombining Populations by Sachin Kaushik, Kavita Jain and Parul Johri
- Relativistic Elastic Membranes: Rotating Disks and Dyson Spheres by Paulo Mourão, José Natário and Rodrigo Vicente
- Time-Symmetric Correlations for Open Quantum Systems by Arthur J. Parzygnat and James Fullwood
- The Cliff Edge Model of the Evolution of Schizophrenia: Mathematical, Epidemiological, and Genetic Evidence by Philipp Mitteroecker and Giuseppe Pierpaolo Merola
- Self-Dual Cosmology by Mariana Carrillo González, Arthur Lipstein and Silvia Nagy
- A Note on the Large-c Conformal Block Asymptotics and α-Heavy Operators by K. B. Alkalaev and P. E. Litvinov
- Polygenic Selection to a Changing Optimum under Self-Fertilisation by Matthew Hartfield and Sylvain Glémin
- Economic Analysis of Crop Protection Strategies: Comparing the Value of Increased Fungicide Inputs and Crop Genetic Improvement in Managing Ascochyta Blight in Australian Chickpeas by Toto Olita, Zhanglong Cao and Mark Gibberd
- Eighth-Order Foldy–Wouthuysen Transformation by Ulrich D. Jentschura
- Surface-Induced Odd-Frequency Spin-Triplet Superconductivity as a Veritable Signature of Majorana Bound States by Subhajit Pal and Colin Benjamin
- The Density of Meissner Polyhedra by Ryan Hynd
- Channel-Facilitated Transport under Resetting Dynamics by Suvam Pal et al.
- Vibrations and Damping of the Eigenmodes of Viscoelastic Nanospheres with Thermal Conductivity by Markus Wenin and Andreas Windisch
- Radiation-Like Shock Waves in Kink Scattering by Xiang Li and Lingxiao Long
- How Genotype-by-Environment Interactions Can Maintain Variation in Mutualisms by Christopher I. Carlson, Megan E. Frederickson and Matthew M. Osmond
- A Quantum Analog of Huygen's Clock: Noise-Induced Synchronization by Bhavay Tyagi et al.
- Kerr–Newman Memory Effect by Marco Galoppo, Rudeep Gaur and Christopher Harvey-Hawes
- Analytic Number Theory and Algebraic Asymptotic Analysis by Jesse Elliott
- Q-Deformed Evolutionary Dynamics in Simple Matrix Games by Christopher R. Kitching and Tobias Galla
- Advances in Modeling of Fixed-Abrasive Processes by Peter Krajnik et al.
- Fundamental Limits on Nonequilibrium Sensing by Andreas Dechant and Eric Lutz
- Neural Field Equations with Time-Periodic External Inputs and Some Applications to Visual Processing by Maria Virginia Bolelli and Dario Prandi
- Irreducible Decompositions of Tensors via the Brauer Algebra and Applications to Metric-Affine Gravity by Thomas Helpin
- On Finite Models of Hilbert's Incidence Geometry by Kristina Ago et al.
- Were Neoarchean Atmospheric Methane Hazes and Early Paleoproterozoic Glaciations Driven by the Rise of Oxygen in Surface Environments? by Anshuman Swain et al.
- Isolation of Squares in Graphs by Karl Bartolo, Peter Borg and Dayle Scicluna
- Extension of a Computational Model of a Class of Orientation Illusions by Dejan Todorović
- Helicity of Magnetic Fields Associated with Non-relativistic Electron Vortex Beams by N. Alsaawi et al.
- Spectral and Temporal Metrology with Band-Limited Functions and Finite-Time Measurements by Łukasz Rudnicki and Tomasz Linowski
- Effect of Assortative Mating and Sexual Selection on Polygenic Barriers to Gene Flow by Parvathy Surendranadh and Himani Sachdeva
- Arctic Curves of the T-system with Slanted Initial Data by Philippe Di Francesco and Hieu Trung Vu
- Extractive Politics, Redistribution, and War: On the Rationality of Kleptocratic Mismanagement by Soeren C. Schwuchow
- The Weakly Bound States in Gaussian Wells: From the Binding Energy of Deuteron to the Electronic Structure of Quantum Dots by G. Rodriguez-Espejo et al.
- Modeling the Evolution of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Populations with Multiple Killer Meiotic Drivers by José Fabricio López Hernández et al.
- Quantization of Skyrmions Using Instantons by Josh Cork and Chris Halcrow
- Radiative Corrections to Aid the Direct Detection of the Higgsino-Like Neutralino Dark Matter: Spin-Independent Interactions by Subhadip Bisal et al.
- Imprints of the Operator Ordering Ambiguity on the Dynamics of Perfect Fluid Dominated Quantum Universe by Harkirat Singh Sahota
- Optimal Redistributive Charity by Thomas Aronsson, Olof Johansson-Stenman and Ronald Wendner
- Exploring Phylogenetic Signal in Multivariate Phenotypes by Maximizing Blomberg's K by Philipp Mitteroecker, Michael L. Collyer and Dean C. Adams
- Skill Differences and Wage-Effort Relationship: Who Are More Exploited, High-Skilled or Low-Skilled Workers? by Hyun Woong Park and Dong-Min Rieu
- Grothendieck Shenanigans: Permutons from Pipe Dreams via Integrable Probability by Alejandro H. Morales et al.
- Analytic Evaluation of Multiple Mellin–Barnes Integrals by Sumit Banik and Samuel Friot
- Strong Rapid Turn Inflation and Contact Hamilton–Jacobi Equations by E. M. Babalic, C. I. Lazaroiu and V. O. Slupic
- Comprehensive Survey of Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Insights into Backpropagation and Activation Functions by M. M. Hammad
- Inspection of the Nonlinear Instability of Electrified Casson Fluids: A Novel Approach by Galal M. Moatimid, Mona A. A. Mohamed and Khaled Elagamy
- Catalytic Coagulation by P. L. Krapivsky and S. Redner
- Multiple Mellin–Barnes Integrals and Triangulations of Point Configurations by Sumit Banik and Samuel Friot
- Linking Quantum Discord with Bayesian Game Theory by Adam Lowe
- A New Direct Method of Continuous Unwrapping Phase from a Single Interferogram by V. Berejnov and B. Y. Rubinstein
- Minimum Time Connection between Non-equilibrium Steady States: The Brownian Gyrator by A. Patrón, C. A. Plata and A. Prados
- Positive Mass in General Relativity without Energy Conditions by Níckolas de Aguiar Alves, Andre G. S. Landulfo, Bruno Arderucio Costa
- Group Theory in Physics: An Introduction with Mathematica by Balasubramanian Ananthanarayan et al.
- Stability and Quasinormal Modes for Black Holes with Time-Dependent Scalar Hair by Sergi Sirera and Johannes Noller
- Mechanics of Poking a Cyst by Shiheng Zhao and Pierre A. Haas
- Effective Viscosity of a Suspension of Hot Particles by Osher Arbib and Naomi Oppenheimer
- Geometry of Homogeneous Polynomials in ℝ2 by Domingo García et al.
- Creative-Aesthetic Product Design and Tools by Francesca Bertacchini, Pietro S. Pantano and Eleonora Bilotta
- How Viscous Bubbles Collapse: Topological and Symmetry-Breaking Instabilities in Curvature-Driven Hydrodynamics by Benny Davidovitch and Avraham Klein
- Dining in Danger: Resolving Adaptive Fish Behavior Increases Realism of Modeled Ecosystem Dynamics by Nicolas A. Schnedler-Meyer and Tobias K. Andersen
- Application of the Image-Well Method for Transient Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems with Complex Boundaries by Ying-Fan Lin, Gabriel C. Rau and Barret L. Kurylyk
- Dressing the Cusp: How Paraxial Sharp-Edge Diffraction Theory Solves a Basic Issue in Catastrophe Optics by Riccardo Borghi
- Application of Adaptive Virtual Element Method to Thermodynamic Topology Optimization by Mertcan Cihan et al.
- Constructing Sympatry Networks to Assess Potential Introgression Pathways Within the Major Oak Sections in the Contiguous US States by Charles H. Cannon et al.
- Most General Neutron Decay Correlations: Standard Model Recoil and Radiative Corrections by Chien-Yeah Seng
- Optimizing Hedonic Editing for Multiple Outcomes: An Algorithm by Martín Egozcue and Luis Fuentes García
- Exploring Separating Equilibrium in the Agricultural E-commerce Market: Can Repurchase Be a Quality Signal? by Lu Xiao et al.
- Periodic Arrangements of Tetrahedra Having Appearances Similar to That of the Boerdijk–Coxeter Helix by Susumu Onaka
- Neural Coding of Temperature with a DNA-Based Spiking Chemical Neuron by N. Lobato-Dauzier et al.
- Visualization of Electromagnetic Fields in a Circular Waveguide Using Mathematica by Ya-Ju Song et al.
- Out-of-Time-Order Correlators and Chaos in Quantum Billiards by Tasnim Anzum Ador, Nayeem Farid and Tibra Ali
- Energy Method and Stability of Shear Flows: An Elementary Tutorial by Antonio Barletta and Giuseppe Mulone
- Ecosystem Dynamics in Wet Heathlands: Spatial and Temporal Effects of Environmental Drivers on the Vegetation by Christian Damgaard
- Mehler–Heine Asymptotics and Zeros of Some Meijer G-functions by Juan F. Mañas-Mañas, Juan J. Moreno-Balcázar and Cristina Rodríguez-Perales
- NLO Thermal Corrections to Dark Matter Annihilation Cross Sections: A Novel Approach by Prabhat Butola, D. Indumathi and Pritam Sen
- Asymptotic Methods for Transaction Costs by Eberhard Mayerhofer
- A New Quantization Scheme of Black Holes in Effective Loop Quantum Gravity by Wen-Cong Gan and Anzhong Wang
- A Novel Real-Time Calculus for Arbitrary Job Patterns and Deadlines by Iwan Feras Fattohi, Christian Prehofer and Frank Slomka
- An Analytical Model of Tornado Generation by S. N. Artekha
- Self-Organization of Anti-aligning Active Particles: Waving Pattern Formation and Chaos by Daniel Escaff
- Simulating Holographic Conformal Field Theories on Hyperbolic Lattices by Santanu Dey et al.
- A Pollinator Crisis Can Decrease Plant Abundance Despite Pollinators Being Herbivores at the Larval Stage by Yi-De Lee, Tomoyuki Yokoi and Takefumi Nakazawa
- Challenges for Analytic Calculations of the Massive Three-Loop Form Factors by J. Blümlein et al.
- On the Electron Self-Energy to Three Loops in QED by Claude Duhr et al.
- Semi-automatic Calculations of Multi-loop Feynman Amplitudes with AmpRed by Wen Chen
- Dynamic Origami Solar Eyes with Tensegrity Architecture for Energy Harvesting Mashrabiyas by Fernando Fraternali et al.
- Achiral Words by Shrinit Singh and A. Satyanarayana Reddy
- Sound-Mediated Nucleation and Growth of Amyloid Fibrils by Anna Kozell et al.
- Polytopality of Simple Games by Marinko Ž. Timotijević, Rade T. Živaljević and Filip D. Jevtić
- Parthenogenesis, Sexual Conflict, and Selection on Fertilization Rates in Switching Environments by Xiaoyuan Liu, Jon W. Pitchford and George W. A. Constable
- WaterGate: An Accessible Computational Model of Flooding Patterns by Navvye Anand, George Cheng and Tyler Rose
- Using Symmetries to Investigate the Complete Integrability, Solitary Wave Solutions and Solitons of the Gardner Equation by Willy Hereman and Ünal Göktaş
- Green or Non-green Product: A Game-Theoretic Framework to Make Optimal Decision in a Two-Level Supply Chain by Gayapada Santra, Tarun Maiti and Bibhas Chandra Giri
- Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relations for a Hydrogen Atom Confined by an Impenetrable Spherical Cavity by R. Reyes-García, S. A. Cruz and R. Cabrera-Trujillo
- Optimal Quantum State Tomography with Local Informationally Complete Measurements by Casey Jameson et al.
- The Evolution of Signalling and Eavesdropping in Plant-Fungal Networks by Thomas W. Scott, E. Toby Kiers and Stuart A. West
- Computer Assisted Projective Rigidity by Charles Daly
- A Précis: Minimal Four Color Holoraumy and Wolfram's "New Kind of Science" Paradigm by S. James Gates, Jr., Youngik (Tom) Lee
- 3D Morphology of an Outer-Hair-Cell Hair Bundle Increases Its Displacement and Dynamic Range by Zenghao Zhu et al.
- Does Outsourcing Enhance Consumer Services and Profitability of a Dual-Channel Retailing? by Biswajit Sarkar et al.
- Configuration Space Partitioning in Tilings of a Bounded Region of the Plane by Eduardo J. Aguilar et al.
- On the Crossing Limit Cycles Created by a Discontinuous Piecewise Differential System Formed by Three Linear Hamiltonian Saddles by Maria Elisa Anacleto et al.
- Understanding Behaviour through Theoretical Morphology: The Case of Helical-Shaped Burrows by Miquel De Renzi and Eduardo Mayoral
- The Inherent Fragility of Collective Proliferative Control by Michael G. Caldwell and Arthur D. Lander
- A Note on Exact Closed-Form Solutions for Lamb's Problem with an Arbitrary Poisson's Ratio by Shaoqian Hu and Xiaohuan Jiang
- Data and Algorithms: Designing Marketplace Analytics for Platform Sellers by Yi Liu and Fei Long
- Uncertainty Aversion and the Stochastic Forest Harvesting Problem by Haoyu Wang and Gregory S. Amacher
- RPM and Vertical Integration with Upstream Competition and Noncontractible Efforts by Michele Bisceglia et al.
- International Risk Sharing and Wealth Allocation with Higher Order Cumulants by G. Corsetti, A. Lipińska and G. Lombardo
- A Flexible Polyhedron without Self-Intersections in Euclidean 3-Space, All of Whose Dihedral Angles Change during a Flex by Victor Alexandrov and Evgenii Volokitin
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- A Case Study for Leibnizian Ideas in Wolfram Model by Furkan Semih Dündar
- Quartz Crystal Microbalance Frequency Response to Discrete Adsorbates in Liquids by Alexander M. Leshansky et al.
- Complementarity-Based Complementarity by Laura Serino et al.
- Exact and Approximate Fluxonium Array Modes by Stephen Sorokanich, Max Hays and Neill C. Warrington
- Tax Motivated Vertical FDI and Transfer Pricing by Joel Sandonis and Binur Yermukanova
- The Median Nerve's System of Connective Tissue Distal to the Pronator Teres to the Carpal Tunnel by Dennis Aliev et al.
- Towards Full Instanton Trans-series in Hofstadter's Butterfly by Jie Gu and Zhaojie Xu
- Expansion of Hypergeometric Functions in Terms of Polylogarithms with a Nontrivial Change of Variables by M. A. Bezuglov and A. I. Onishchenko
- Constraining Cosmological Parameters with Needlet Internal Linear Combination Maps II: Likelihood-Free Inference on NILC Power Spectra by Kristen M. Surrao and J. Colin Hill
- Probing Yu-Shiba-Rusinov State via Quantum Noise and ΔT Noise by Tusaradri Mohapatra, Sachiraj Mishra and Colin Benjamin
- A Robust Calculation Method of Meshing Clearance for Screw Rotor Pairs by Van-Quyet Tran and Yu-Ren Wu
- On the Log-Concavity of the n-th Root of Sequences by Ernest X. W. Xia and Zuo-Ru Zhang
- Fluid Motion in a Cavity Driven by a Four-Sided Moving Lid with Uniform Velocity by Mustafa Turkyilmazoglu and Abdulaziz Alotaibi
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- Unitary Averaging with Fault and Loss Tolerance by Ryan J. Marshman et. al.
- Projected Public Health Impact of a Universal Rotavirus Vaccination Program in France by Sharomi Oluwaseun et al.
- Curvature Monotonicity Regions of 2D Polynomial and Rational Bézier Curves as the Intersection of Implicit Regions by Norimasa Yoshida and Takafumi Saito
- Spin Hamiltonian with Large Fourth Order Terms: Triple Well Potentials and Bloch Sphere Visualization by D. S. Lohr Robles et al.
- Some Special Bases of the 2-Swap Algebras by Claudio Procesi
- New Multiloop Capabilities of FeynCalc 10 by Vladyslav Shtabovenko
- Schrödinger Equation on a Dini's Surface by Alexandre G. M. Schmidt and Matheus E. Pereira
- Efficient Paths for Local Counterdiabatic Driving by Stewart Morawetz and Anatoli Polkovnikov
- Lanczos, the Transfer Matrix, and the Signal-to-Noise Problem by Michael L. Wagman
- Optimal Time Estimation and the Clock Uncertainty Relation for Stochastic Processes by Kacper Prech et al.
- Early Developmental Masculinization among Boys: More Prenatal Testosterone Action (Assessed via 2D:4D) Renders Their Faces Perceived as Masculine but Not Pretty or Cute by Katrin Schaefer, Amalie Seidl-Berger and Sonja Windhager
- The Coevolution of Learning Schedules and Teaching Enhances Cumulative Knowledge and Drives a Teacher-Innovator Syndrome by Ludovic Maisonneuve, Laurent Lehmann and Charles Mullon
- Solving Moving Sofa Problem Using Calculus of Variations by Zhipeng Deng
- Landscape of QCD Vacuum by George Savvidy
- Fracture and Size Effect in Mechanical Metamaterials by J. Ulloa et al.
- Teukolsky Equation for Near-Extremal Black Holes beyond General Relativity: Near-Horizon Analysis by Pablo A. Cano and Marina David
- Computational Modeling of Cell Motility and Clusters Formation in Enzyme-Sensitive Hydrogels by Pierfrancesco Gaziano and Michele Marino
- Repository for Extended Dark Matter Object Constraints by Djuna Croon and Sergio Sevillano Muñoz
- The Electric Force between Two Straight Parallel Resistive Wires Carrying DC-Currents in the Asymptotic Limit of Infinitely Thin Wires by Udo Ausserlechner
- Innovative Formulation for the Bending of Plates with Reentrant Angles by Antonina Pirrotta and Carsten Proppe
- Comparison of FTA Tools to Develop a Modern Tool for Small Teams and Teaching by Daniel Vrátil and Martin Daňhel
- Melting and Freezing of a Skyrmion Lattice by Dmitry A. Garanin, Jorge F. Soriano and Eugene M. Chudnovsky
- Laminar Forced Convection Characteristics in a Round Microchannel with Shape Uncertainty: Effect of Wall Slip by L. A. Sphaier et al.
- Shape Uncertainty Analysis of Laminar Forced Convection in a Round Microchannel with Viscous Dissipation by A. Barletta et al.
- All Next-Next-to-Extremal One-Loop Correlators of AdS Supergluons and Supergravitons by Zhongjie Huang, Bo Wang and Ellis Ye Yuan
- Classical Orthogonal Decomposition of a Modular sln by Yotsanan Meemark and Songpon Sriwongsa
- Visualization of Isometric Deformations of Helicoidal CMC Surfaces by Filip Vukojević and Miroslava Antić
- Computation of ℘-Functions on Plane Algebraic Curves by Julia Bernatska
- Motion of Charged Particles in an Electromagnetic Swirling Universe: The Complete Set of Solutions by Rogério Capobianco, Betti Hartmann and Jutta Kunz
- A Simplified Proof of Primes in Almost All Short Intervals by Runbo Li
- Gravitational Field and Lensing of a Circular Chiral Vorton by Leonardus B. Putra and H. S. Ramadhan
- Minimal Surfaces and Alternating Multiple Zetas by Steven Charlton et al.
- The Impact of a Repair Subsidy on Repair Prices, Demand and Repair Company Profitability by Marc Reimann
- A Numerical Calculation of Entanglement Entropy in de Sitter Space by Konstantinos Boutivas et al.
- Topological Spectral Bands with Frieze Groups by Fabian R. Lux et al.
- Shape Equilibria of Vesicles with Rigid Planar Inclusions by Geunwoong Jeon et al.
- Hairy Black Holes by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking by Boris Latosh and Miok Park
- One-Factor Sex Determination Evolves without Linkage between Feminizing and Masculinizing Mutations by Michael F. Scott and Simone Immler
- Active Shape Control by Plants in Dynamic Environments by Hadrien Oliveri et al.
- Mergers, Lobbying, and Elections: Is There a "Curse of Bigness"? by Matteo Broso and Tommaso M. Valletti
- Tracy–Widom Distribution in Four-Dimensional Supersymmetric Yang–Mills Theories by Zoltan Bajnok, Bercel Boldis and Gregory P. Korchemsky
- Tuneable Mechanical Performance and Reusability of 4D-Printed Heterogeneous Metamaterials Using Shape Memory Biomass-Derived Polymer by Lin Sang et al.
- Characterizing a Class of Accelerating Wormholes with Periodic Potential by Soham Chatterjee, Sagnik Roy and Ratna Koley
- Complex Reflection Groups as Differential Galois Groups by Carlos E. Arreche et al.
- Evolution of Creases on the Event Horizon of a Black Hole Merger by Maxime Gadioux, Robie A. Hennigar and Harvey S. Reall
- Polylogarithmic Functions with Prescribed Branching Locus and Linear Relations between Them by Roman N. Lee
- Maintenance of Long-Term Transposable Element Activity in Genomes through Regulation by Nonautonomous Elements by Adekanmi Daniel Omole and Peter Czuppon
- Thermodynamics of Unicellular Life: Entropy Production Rate as Function of the Balanced Growth Rate by Maarten J. Droste et al.
- Charity, Status, and Optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Non-welfarist Approaches by Thomas Aronsson, Olof Johansson Stenman and Ronald Wendner
- On Pairs of Spectrum Maximizing Products with Different Numbers of the Same Name Factors by Victor Kozyakin
- Two-Electron Two-Nucleus Effective Hamiltonian and the Spin Diffusion Barrier by Gevin von Witte, Sebastian Kozerke and Matthias Ernst
- Hyperbolic Spin Liquids by Patrick M. Lenggenhager et al.
- On the Classification of Lower Order Idempotent Hom-groups by Patrick M. Lenggenhager et al.
- Response Time in a Pair of Processor Sharing Queues with Join-the-Shortest-Queue Scheduling by Julianna Bor and Peter G. Harrison
- Quantum Edge Detection by Santiago Llorens et al.
- The Magnetic Field from Cylindrical Arc Coils and Magnets: A Compendium with New Analytic Solutions for Radial Magnetization and Azimuthal Current by Matthew Forbes et al.
- Analytical Methods in Celestial Mechanics: Satellites' Stability and Galactic Billiards by Irene De Blasi
- Establishing the Case for a May 2010 Low-Yield, Unannounced Nuclear Test in North Korea by Lars-Erik De Geer, Christopher M. Wright and Lennart Robertson
- An Encompassed Representation of Timescale Hierarchies in First-Order Reaction Network by Yutaka Nagahata et al.
- The Clock and Wavefront Self-Organizing Model Recreates the Dynamics of Mouse Somitogenesis in Vivo and in Vitro by Julie Klepstad and Luciano Marcon
- The Impact of Flow on Electrolyte Resistance in Single-Flow Batteries by Sofia Kuperman et al.
- FlexibleSUSY Extended to Automatically Compute Physical Quantities in Any beyond the Standard Model Theory: Charged Lepton Flavor Violation Processes, Higgs Decays, and User-Defined Observables by Uladzimir Khasianevich et al.
- A Credibility Framework for Extreme Value-at-Risk by Peter Mitic
- Symmetries of Weight 6 Multiple Polylogarithms and Goncharov's Depth Conjecture by Steven Charlton
- Design of Non-linear, Viscoelastic Architected Foams by Matthew R. Begley et al.
- Optical Measurements of Solid Nitrogen Solubility in Hydrogen at Cryogenic Temperatures by Mark T. J. Barwood et al.
- Data-Driven Reconstruction of Chaotic Dynamical Equations: The Hénon–Heiles Type System by A. M. Escobar-Ruiz et al.
- Proteome Birthdating Reveals Age-Selectivity of Protein Ubiquitination by Michael E. Meadow et al.
- Infinite Derivatives vs Integral Operators. The Moeller–Zwiebach Puzzle by Carlos Heredia and Josep Llosa
- Optimal Innovation Incentive Strategies within the Health Crowdsourcing Platform by Jianyue Liu, Zhiqiang Ma and Binxin Zhu
- Excitable Dynamics Driven by Mechanical Feedback in Biological Tissues by Fernanda Pérez-Verdugo, Samuel Banks and Shiladitya Banerjee
- Blade: A Package for Block-Triangular Form Improved Feynman Integrals Decomposition by Xin Guan et al.
- New Identities for the Laplace, Glasser, and Widder Potential Transforms and Their Applications by Abdulhafeez A. Abdulsalam, Ammar K. Mohammed and Hemza Djahel
- Counter-Examples to Gamma Conjecture I by Sergey Galkin et al.
- Unorientable Topological Gravity and Orthogonal Random Matrix Universality by Torsten Weber et al.
- Analytical Proxy to Families of Numerical Solutions: The Case Study of Spherical Mini-boson Stars by Jianzhi Yang, Pedro V. P. Cunha and Carlos A. R. Herdeiro
- A Unifying Quantum Speed Limit for Time-Independent Hamiltonian Evolution by H. F. Chau and Wenxin Zeng
- Post-Minkowskian Theory Meets the Spinning Effective-One-Body Approach for Bound-Orbit Waveforms by Alessandra Buonanno et al.
- LinApart: Optimizing the Univariate Partial Fraction Decomposition by Bakar Chargeishvili et al.
- The Limit Space of Self-Similar Groups and Schreier Graphs by Bozorgmehr Vaziri and Farhad Rahmati
- Interacting Fields at Spatial Infinity by Anupam A. H et al.
- Two Types of Series Expansions Valid at Strong Coupling by Ariel Edery
- The Joint Evolution of Separate Sexes and Sexual Dimorphism by Thomas Lesaffre, John R. Pannell and Charles Mullon
- Bit by Bit: Gravity through the Lens of Quantum Information by William Munizzi
- Fast Inspirals and the Treatment of Orbital Resonances by Philip Lynch et al.
- The Bispectrum in Lagrangian Perturbation Theory by Shi-Fan Chen, Zvonimir Vlah and Martin White
- Optical Torque Calculations and Measurements for DNA Torsional Studies by Yifeng Hong et al.
- Model of Active Solids: Rigid Body Motion and Shape-Changing Mechanisms by Claudio Hernández-López et al.
- Shape Matters: Understanding the Effect of Electrode Geometry on Cell Resistance and Chemo-mechanical Stress by Tiras Y. Lin et al.
- Tumbling Elimination Induced by Permeability: An Experimental Approach by Jesús Sánchez-Rodríguez and François Gallaire
- Generalized Unistochastic Matrices by Ion Nechita, Zikun Ouyang and Anna Szczepanek
- Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamic Performance of the Ram Air Turbine in an Aircraft by Miguel A. Bolaños-Vera et al.
- Soft X-Ray Wavefront Sensing at an Ellipsoidal Mirror Shell by Christoph Braig et al.
- Microlensing Signatures of Extended Dark Objects Using Machine Learning by Miguel Crispim Romao and Djuna Croon
- Direct Signatures of the Formation Time of Galaxies by Yaniv Donath, Matthew Lewandowski and Leonardo Senatore
- Quantum Mechanical Bootstrap on the Interval: Obtaining the Exact Spectrum by Lewis Sword and David Vegh
- Non-Hermitian Casimir Effect of Magnons by Kouki Nakata and Kei Suzuki
- Changes in Boiling Controlled by Molar Concentration-Dependent Diffusion of Surfactants by Mario R. Mata et al.
- Advanced Topology of Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Structure for Osteogenic Improvement within Orthopedic Metallic Screw by Wangwang Luo et al.
- A Locally Based Construction of Analysis-Suitable G1 Multi-patch Spline Surfaces by Andrea Farahat et al.
- Harnessing Maxwell's Demon to Establish a Macroscale Concentration Gradient by Jiratheep Pruchyathamkorn et al.
- Advancing Mathematical Epidemic Modeling via Synergies with Chemical Reaction Network Theory and Lagrange–Hamilton Geometry by Florin Avram, Rim Adenane and Mircea Neagu
- The Untapped Potential of Tree Size in Reconstructing Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics by Ailene MacPherson and Matt Pennell
- The Magic of Entangled Top Quarks by Chris D. White and Martin J. White
- The Sex of Organ Geometry by Laura Blackie et al.
- New Approach to Strongly Coupled N = 4 SYM via Integrability by Simon Ekhammar, Nikolay Gromov and Paul Ryan
- Fractonic Solids by Akash Jain
- An Extended Goodwin Model with Endogenous Technical Change and Labor Supply by John Cajas Guijarro
- Joint Optimization of Dynamic Pricing, Quality, and Production Quantity in the Presence of Online Reviews: A Distributionally Robust Optimization Approach by Chuan Zhang and Yu-Xin Tian
- Gaussian Tripartite Entanglement in the Simultaneous Measurement of Position and Momentum by J. A. Mendoza-Fierro and L. M. Arévalo Aguilar
- Coinfecting Phages Impede Each Other's Entry into the Cell by Thu Vu Phuc Nguyen et al.
- Microeconomic Analysis of Ridesourcing Market Regulation Policies by Alisson García-Herrera, Leonardo J. Basso and Alejandro Tirachini
- The Evolution of Mate Attachment by Brian A. Lerch and Maria R. Servedio
- A Cable-Based Haptic Interface with a Reconfigurable Structure by Bastien Poitrimol and Hiroshi Igarashi
- Algebraic Entropy of Path Algebras and Leavitt Path Algebras of Finite Graphs by Wolfgang Bock et al.
- An Agent-Based Approach to Study Spatial Structure Effects on Estimated Distance Deterrence in Commuting by Azam Azad Gholami, Inge Thorsen and Jan Ubøe
- Dual Fear Phenomenon in an Eco-epidemiological Model with Prey Aggregation by Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Sarah P. Westmoreland and Kendall H. Bearden
- How Can Variable Charging of Household Waste Be Accepted across Multiple Stakeholders Using Evolutionary Game Theory Coupled with Multiobjective Optimization by Peifan Yao et al.
- A Path Integral Approach for Allele Frequency Dynamics under Polygenic Selection by Nathan W. Anderson et al.
- Black Hole Scattering Near the Transition to Plunge: Self-Force and Resummation of Post-Minkowskian Theory by Oliver Long, Christopher Whittall and Leor Barack
- PSALTer: Particle Spectrum for Any Tensor Lagrangian by Will Barker, Carlo Marzo and Claire Rigouzzo
- GeoGPT4V: Towards Geometric Multi-modal Large Language Models with Geometric Image Generation by Shihao Cai et al.
- Analytical Approximations as Close as Desired to Special Functions by Aviv Orly
- Multistability of Small Zero-One Reaction Networks by Yue Jiao, Xiaoxian Tang and Xiaowei Zeng
- Chemotactic Behavior for a Self-Phoretic Janus Particle Near a Patch Source of Fuel by Viviana Mancuso, Mihail N. Popescu and William E. Uspal
- Forming the TRAPPIST-1 System in Two Steps during the Recession of the Disc Inner Edge by Gabriele Pichierri et al.
- Unified View of Scalar and Vector Dark Matter Solitons by Hong-Yi Zhang
- Exact Solutions for Analog Hawking Effect in Dielectric Media by Simone Trevisan, Francesco Belgiorno and Sergio Luigi Cacciatori
- Positive Feedback between Demographic and Selective Fluctuations Can Greatly Amplify the Random Fluctuation of Population Size by Yuseob Kim
- Integrability of Open Boundary Driven Quantum Circuits by Chiara Paletta and Tomaž Prosen
- Monte Carlo Methods for Stationary Solutions of General-Relativistic Vlasov Systems: Planar Accretion onto a Moving Schwarzschild Black Hole by Adam Cieślik, Patryk Mach and Andrzej Odrzywolek
- Simplex Slicing: An Asymptotically-Sharp Lower Bound by Colin Tang
- Divergence beneath the Brillouin Sphere and the Phenomenology of Prediction Error in Spherical Harmonic Series Approximations of the Gravitational Field by M. Bevis et al.
- Probability Vector Representation of the Schrödinger Equation and Leggett–Garg-Type Experiments by Masahiro Hotta and Sebastian Murk
- Negative Refraction in Isotropic Achiral and Chiral Materials by Y. B. Band, Igor Kuzmenko and Marek Trippenbach
- The Hanging Chain Problem in the Sphere and in the Hyperbolic Plane by Rafael López
- DNA Encoding Schemes Herald a New Age in Cybersecurity for Safeguarding Digital Assets by Sehrish Aqeel et al.
- AI Diffusion, Disasters, Environmental and Social Change by Donatella Gatti and Julien Vauday
- On the Stability of the m = 1 Rigid Ballooning Mode in a Mirror Trap with High-Beta Sloshing Ions by Igor Kotelnikov
- A Double Copy of Geometry by Andreas Helset
- Building Words from Chemical Elements: A Fun and Inclusive Approach to Introduce the Periodic Table by Taweetham Limpanuparb, Weerapat Chiranon and Methin Intaraprasit
- Planting Long-Lived Trees in a Warming Climate: Theory Shows the Importance of Stage-Dependent Climatic Tolerance by Adèle Erlichman et al.
- Bank Competition and Risk-Taking under Market Integration by Kaniska Dam and Rajdeep Sengupta
- Scalar Quasi-normal Modes of a Loop Quantum Black Hole by Etera R. Livine et al.
- Merci: Mixed Curvature-Based Elements for Computing Equilibria of Thin Elastic Ribbons by Raphaël Charrondière, Sébastien Neukirch and Florence Bertails-Descoubes
- Capital Inflow, Strategic Subcontracting, and Formal Employment by Renu Bansal and Dibyendu Maiti
- Certifying Optimality of Bell Inequality Violations: Noncommutative Polynomial Optimization through Semidefinite Programming and Local Optimization by Timotej Hrga et al.
- Virtual Mobile Charger-Based Wireless Power Transfer for Large-Scale Sensor Networks by Chenglong Shao
- Regular n-gon Rotating Equilibria with Logarithm Gravitational Interaction by Anna-Monika Muscaş, Daniel Paşca and Cristina Stoica
- Numerical Evidence for a Bipartite Pure State Entanglement Witness from Approximate Analytical Diagonalization by Paul M. Alsing and Richard J. Birrittella
- Growth Characteristics of Natural Microbial Populations Are Skewed towards Bacteria with Low Specific Growth Rates by Ashley N. Bulseco et al.
- Locations and Structures of Influenza A Virus Packaging-Associated Signals and Other Functional Elements via an in Silico Pipeline for Predicting Constrained Features in RNA Viruses by Emma Beniston and Jordan P. Skittrall
- The Long Term Implications of Co-creation in Economics Education by Mario Pezzino et al.
- Multi-domain Spectral Method for Self-Force Calculations by Rodrigo Panosso Macedo et al.
- Polygenic Dynamics Underlying the Response of Quantitative Traits to Directional Selection by Hannah Götsch and Reinhard Bürger
- Localized and Extended Collective Optical Phonon Modes in Regular and Random Arrays of Contacting Nanoparticles: Escape from Phonon Confinement by S. V. Koniakhin et al.
- Exact Propagators of One-Dimensional Self-Interacting Random Walks by Julien Brémont, Olivier Bénichou and Raphaël Voituriez
- Uninterrupted Maximum Flow on Signalized Traffic Networks by Melvin H. Friedman et al.
- Counting U(N)⨂r ⨂ O(N)⨂q Invariants and Tensor Model Observables by Remi Cocou Avohou, Joseph Ben Geloun and Reiko Toriumi
- Casimir Energy on the Sphere and 6D CFT Trace Anomaly by R. Aros et al.
- Most General Neutron Decay Correlations: Standard Model Recoil and Radiative Corrections by Chien-Yeah Seng
- On the Dynamics of a Bead Sliding on a Freely Rotating Slanted Wire by Omran Kouba and Dennis S. Bernstein
- Global Population: From Super-Malthus Behavior to Doomsday Criticality by Agata Angelika Sojecka and Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska
- Corruption, Unemployment, and Clientelism: A Political Economy Approach by Wilson Pérez-Oviedo, John Cajas-Guijarro and Kathia Pinzón-Venegas
- Investigation of Shallow Water Waves Near the Coast or in Lake Environments via the KdV-Calogero–Bogoyavlenskii–Schiff Equation by Peng-Fei Han and Yi Zhang
- Exact Symmetry Conservation and Automatic Mesh Refinement in Discrete Initial Boundary Value Problems by Alexander Rothkopf, W. A. Horowitz and Jan Nordström
- Numerical Accuracy of the Derivative-Expansion-Based Functional Renormalization Group by Andrzej Chlebicki
- Optimal Delivery with a Faulty Drone by Jared Coleman et al.
- Tuning the Electrostatic Energy Landscape within the Pores of Covalent Organic Frameworks: Post-synthetic Modification Reactions and Structural Imperfections by Egbert Zojer
- Singular Lagrangians and the Faddeev–Jackiw Formalism in Classical Mechanics by Jorge Mauricio Paulin-Fuentes, Carlos Manuel López Arellano and Jaime Manuel Cabrera
- Collective vs. Relative Performance Evaluation with Career Concerns by Huseyin Yildirim
- The European Neolithic Expansion: A Model Revealing Intense Assortative Mating and Restricted Cultural Transmission by Troy M. LaPolice, Matthew P. Williams and Christian D. Huber
- The Parisi–Sourlas Uplift and Infinitely Many Solvable 4d CFTs by Emilio Trevisani
- Characterizing Positively Invariant Sets: Inductive and Topological Methods by Khalil Ghorbal and Andrew Sogokon
- Frequency Response Function-Based Closed-Form Expression for Multi-damage Quantification and Its Application on Shear Buildings by Saranika Das and Koushik Roy
- Eco-evolutionary Dynamics of Anthelmintic Resistance in Soil-Transmitted Helminths by Swati Patel et al.
- The Role of Perceived Negative Partner Behavior in Daily Snacking Behavior: A Dynamical Systems Approach by Jingrun Lin et al.
- Navigating the Recycling Intention of Electronics Manufacturers in Collaborating with a Third-Party Collector: A Stackelberg Game Analysis by Zhangwei Feng et al.
- AI-Powered in the Digital Age: Ensemble Innovation Personalizes the Food Recommendations by Chairote Yaiprasert and Achmad Nizar Hidayanto
- Exact Simulation of the Multifactor Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Driven Stochastic Volatility Model by Riccardo Brignone
- Locally Adaptive Inversions in Structured Populations by Carl Mackintosh et al.
- Worldtube Puncture Scheme for First- and Second-Order Self-Force Calculations in the Fourier Domain by Jeremy Miller et al.
- Two Regimes of Asymptotic Fall-Off of a Massive Scalar Field in the Schwarzschild–De Sitter Spacetime by R. A. Konoplya
- Breathing and Switching Cyclops States in Kuramoto Networks with Higher-Mode Coupling by Maxim I. Bolotov et al.
- Distributed HAPS-Assisted Communications in FSO/RF Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks by Petros S. Bithas
- Limits to Species' Range: The Tension between Local and Global Adaptation by Nicholas Barton
- Study of Energy Backflow in Unidirectional Monochromatic and Space-Time Waves by Peeter Saari and Ioannis Besieris
- Spectral Density of Complex Eigenvalues and Associated Mean Eigenvector Self-Overlaps at the Edge of Elliptic Ginibre Ensembles by Mark J. Crumpton and Tim R. Würfel
- The Geometric Basis of Epithelial Convergent Extension by Fridtjof Brauns et al.
- Vector-Algebra Algorithms to Draw the Curve of Alignment, the Great Ellipse, the Normal Section, and the Loxodrome by Thomas H. Meyer
- Prolonging the Inevitable: Maximising Survival Time of an Engine-Equipped Spacecraft between Spatial Hypersurfaces, as Applied to the Schwarzschild Spacetime by Karol Urbański
- A Tale of Two Emergent Games: Opinion Dynamics in Dynamical Directed Networks by Yakun Wang and Bin Wu
- Mathematica Code for the Topological Analysis of Thom's Catastrophes in 2×2 Economic Games by Michael S. Harré, Adam Harris and Scott McCallum
- Coherent Distributions: Hilbert Space Approach and Duality by Egor Kravchenko
- Applying the Iterative Development Process: The Creation of Fractal Emergence by Christopher R. H. Hanusa and Eric Vergo
- On Noise in Swap ASAP Repeater Chains: Exact Analytics, Distributions and Tight Approximations by Kenneth Goodenough, Tim Coopmans and Don Towsley
- Mechanism of Stress Evolution in Environmental Barrier Coatings Considering the Presence of Crack Channels by Jinkang Du et al.
- The Eye Caustic of a Ball Lens by Thomas Quick and Johannes Grebe-Ellis
- Dually Weighted Multi-matrix Models as a Path to Causal Gravity-Matter Systems by Juan L. A. Abranches, Antonio D. Pereira and Reiko Toriumi
- Variation Comparison between Infinitely Divisible Distributions and the Normal Distribution by Ping Sun, Ze-Chun Hu and Wei Sun
- Constrained Optimal Grouping of Cloud Application Components by Marta Różańska and Geir Horn
- Research on Coupling Optimization of Carbon Emissions and Carbon Leakage in International Construction Projects by Zhiwu Zhou et al.
- Relativistic and Quantum Electrodynamics Effects on NMR Shielding Tensors of TlX (X = H, F, Cl, Br, I, At) Molecules by Karol Kozioł et al.
- Poisson Structures on Wrinkled Fibrations by P. Suárez-Serrato and J. Torres Orozco
- On the Set of Points Represented by Harmonic Subseries by Vjekoslav Kovač
- Hubble Tension Tomography: BAO vs SnIa Distance Tension by Dimitrios Bousis and Leandros Perivolaropoulos
- Season-Specific Dominance Broadly Stabilizes Polymorphism under Symmetric and Asymmetric Multivoltinism by Evgeny Brud
- Local Zeta Functions of Multiparameter Calabi–Yau Threefolds from the Picard–Fuchs Equations by Philip Candelas, Xenia de la Ossa and Pyry Kuusela
- Magic of Random Matrix Product States by Liyuan Chen et al.
- Entanglement Hamiltonian of a Nonrelativistic Fermi Gas by Viktor Eisler
- Hyperbolic Non-Abelian Semimetal by Tarun Tummuru et al.
- Return-Refund Strategy with Coordination Contracts in the E-commerce Supply Chain: A Study under Effects of Digitalization and Sustainable Manufacturing by Abhijit Barman
- Fourier Quantum Process Tomography by Francesco Di Colandrea et al.
- Quantum Spherical Codes by Shubham P. Jain et al.
- An Analytic Solution to the 3D CSC Dubins Path Problem by Victor M. Baez, Nikhil Navkar and Aaron T. Becker
- Optimization of Algorithmic Errors in Analog Quantum Simulations by Nikita A. Zemlevskiy, Henry F. Froland and Stephan Caspar
- Gravitational Influence of Saturn's Rings on Its Moons by Troy Shinbrot
- A Reference Meteor Magnitude for Intercomparable Fluxes by Althea V. Moorhead et al.
- Robust Self-Testing of Bell Inequalities Tilted for Maximal Loophole-Free Nonlocality by Nicolas Gigena et al.
- Strain Effects on the Electronic Properties of a Graphene Wormhole by J. E. G. Silva et al.
- Exploring the Local Landscape in the Triangle Network by Elisa Bäumer et al.
- A Characterization of Complex Hadamard Matrices Appearing in Families of MUB Triplets by Ákos K. Matszangosz and Ferenc Szöllősi
- Machine Learning to Identify Structural Motifs in Asphaltenes by Arun K. Sharma et al.
- Erosion Rate of Lunar Soil under a Landing Rocket, Part 2: Benchmarking and Predictions by Philip T. Metzger
- An Analytical Method for Solving the Maximum Deformation Responses of Suspension Bridges with Short Extended Spans under Live Load by Wen-Ming Zhang et al.
- Fractioned-Pattern Radiation Mapping, Part II: Assessment by Juan Camilo Valencia Estrada et al.
- Modelling Daisy Quorum Drive: A Short-Term Bridge across Engineered Fitness Valleys by Frederik J. H. De Haas et al.
- Fourier Transform Noise Spectroscopy by Arian Vezvaee et al.
- A Two-Dimensional Vertex Model for Curvy Cell-Cell Interfaces at the Subcellular Scale by Kyungeun Kim, J. M. Schwarz and Martine Ben Amar
- Applied Category Theory in the Wolfram Language Using Categorica I: Diagrams, Functors and Fibrations by Jonathan Gorard
- On the Continued Fraction Expansion of Almost All Real Numbers by Alex Jin et al.
- Accretion Tori around Rotating Neutron Stars—Paper II: Oscillations and Precessions by Monika Matuszková et al.
- The Thermodynamics of the Quantum Mpemba Effect by Mattia Moroder et al.
- New Evaluations of Inverse Binomial Series via Cyclotomic Multiple Zeta Values by John M. Campbell, M. Lawrence Glasser and Yajun Zhou
- Cost of Excursions until First Return for Random Walks and Lévy Flights: An Exact General Formula by Satya N. Majumdar, Francesco Mori and Pierpaolo Vivo
- Predicting Feynman Periods in Φ4-Theory by Paul-Hermann Balduf and Kimia Shaban
- Non-inertial Rigid Frames and the Principle of Equivalence by Dawood Kothawala
- On the Series Expansion of the Secondary Zeta Function by Artur Kawalec
- Efficient Semiclassical Approximation for Bound States in Graphene in Magnetic Field with a Small Trigonal Warping Correction by Vladislav Rykhlov
- A Story of Viral Co-infection, Co-transmission and Co-feeding in Ticks: How to Compute an Invasion Reproduction Number by Giulia Belluccini et al.
- Advanced Tools for Basis Decompositions of Genus-One String Integrals by Yong Zhang
- Rotating Metrics and New Multipole Moments from Scattering Amplitudes in Arbitrary Dimensions by Claudio Gambino, Paolo Pani and Fabio Riccioni
- Analytic Approach for Computation of Topological Number of Integrable Vortex on Torus by Kaoru Miyamoto and Atsushi Nakamula
- Elastic Properties and Compressive Mechanical Behaviour of Closed-Cell Porous Materials: Effect of Microstructural Morphology by Yulia Pirogova et al.
- A General Characterisation of Space-Time Prisms with Spatial Anchor Uncertainty by Arthur Jansen and Bart Kuijpers
- Structural Identifiability Analysis of Linear Reaction–Advection–Diffusion Processes in Mathematical Biology by Alexander P. Browning et al.
- Smallest Denominators by Jens Marklof
- On the Analytical Modeling of Fractal Memelement and Inverse Memelement by Rawid Banchuin
- Propagation of Focused Scalar and Vector Vortex Beams in Anisotropic Media: A Semianalytical Approach by Vittorio Aita et al.
- On Icicle Ripples by M. Grae Worster
- Topological Minibands and Interaction Driven Quantum Anomalous Hall State in Topological Insulator Based Moiré Heterostructures by Kaijie Yang et al.
- Dynamic Interaction between Chiral Currents and Surface Waves in Topological Superfluids: A Pathway to Detect Majorana Fermions? by S. Forstner et al.
- Maximum Expected Reward Lines if Non Specialist (for Darts) by Merlin Füllgraf and Jochen Gemmer
- A Computation of Two-Loop Six-Point Feynman Integrals in Dimensional Regularization by Johannes M. Henn et al.
- Planar Matrices and Arrays of Feynman Diagrams: Poles for Higher K by Alfredo Guevara and Yong Zhang
- An Analysis of Double-Quantum Coherence ESR in an N-Spin System: Analytical Expressions and Predictions by Aritro Sinha Roy, John A. Marohn and Jack H. Freed
- Quantum Dynamics in One and Two Dimensions via the Recursion Method by Filipp Uskov and Oleg Lychkovskiy
- Multiphysics Missing Data Synthesis: A Machine Learning Approach for Mitigating Data Gaps and Artifacts by J. C. Steuben et al.
- Observational Imprints of Gravastars from Accretion Disks and Hot Spots by João Luís Rosa et al.
- Learning-by-Doing and Contract Choice by Katja Greer
- A Theory for Context-Dependent Effects of Mammalian Trampling on Ecosystem Nitrogen Cycling by G. Adam Meyer and Shawn J. Leroux
- Kippenhahn's Construction Revisited by Stephan Weis
- The Schwarzian from Gauge Theories by Alejandro Cabo-Bizet
- Hyperspectral Imaging for Chloroplast Movement Detection by Paweł Hermanowicz and Justyna Łabuz
- Entanglement Entropy in Type II1 von Neumann Algebra: Examples in Double-Scaled SYK by Haifeng Tang
- Reaching Curzon–Ahlborn Limit in Linear Response and Whitney Limit in Nonlinear Response in Edge Mode Quantum Thermoelectrics and Refrigeration by Sachiraj Mishra and Colin Benjamin
- A Kerr Kernel Quantum Learning Machine by Carolyn Wood, Sally Shrapnel and G. J. Milburn
- An Euler-Like Product with Fibonacci Exponents by Ömer Eğecioğlu
- A Sustainable Deteriorating Inventory Model with Backorder and Controllable Carbon Emission by Using Green Technology by Magfura Pervin
- Predicting the Fundamental Thermal Niche of Ectotherms by Margaret W. Simon and Priyanga Amarasekare
- Teleportation of a Quantum Particle in a Potential via Quantum Zeno Dynamics by Miguel A. Porras, Miguel Casado-Álvaro and Isabel Gonzalo
- Information Propagation in Far-from-Equilibrium Molecular Templating Networks Is Optimised by Pseudo-equilibrium Systems with Negligible Dissipation by Benjamin Qureshi, Jenny M. Poulton and Thomas E. Ouldridge
- Coulomb Branch Surgery: Holonomy Saddles, S-Folds and Discrete Symmetry Gaugings by Elias Furrer and Horia Magureanu
- Simulating Holographic Conformal Field Theories on Hyperbolic Lattices by Santanu Dey et al.
- Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy Model for a Sustainable Electric Vehicle Battery with Controllable Wastewater and Carbon Emission by Abin Thomas and Umakanta Mishra
- Revealing the Boundary between Quantum Mechanics and Classical Model by EPR-Steering Inequality by Ruo-Chen Wang et al.
- Solid-Liquid Transition in a Skyrmion Matter by Dmitry A. Garanin and Eugene M. Chudnovsky
- Geometric Illumination of Implicit Surfaces by Michal Zamboj and Jakub Řada
- Fully Complementary Higher Dimensional Partitions by Florian Schreier-Aigner
- Homogenization and Continuum Limit of Mechanical Metamaterials by M. P. Ariza, S. Conti and M. Ortiz
- Comparative Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Forces in DC and HFPC TIG Welding by Igor Krivtsun et al.
- Effect of Degradation in Polymer Scaffolds on Mechanical Properties: Surface vs. Bulk Erosion by Nataliya Elenskaya et al.
- A Clovis/Solutrean Projectile-Point Image Classifier by Jack K. Horner
- Atomic-Scale Stick-Slip through a Point Defect by Enrico Gnecco and Paolo Nicolini
- Detailed Balance in Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Granular Matter: Derivation and Implications by Clara C. Wanjura et al.
- Markovian Description of a Wide Class of Feedback-Controlled Systems: Application to the Feedback Flashing Ratchet by Natalia Ruiz-Pino and Antonio Prados
- Geodesics for Mixed Quantum States via Their Geometric Mean Operator by Paul M. Alsing, Carlo Cafaro and Shannon Ray
- Modular Curves X1(n) as Moduli Spaces of Point Arrangements and Applications by Lev Borisov and Xavier Roulleau
- Invariant Tori of Rectilinear Type in the Spatial Three-Body Problem by Jesús F. Palacián, Flora Sayas and Patricia Yanguas
- Haemers' Conjecture: An Algorithmic Perspective by Wei Wang and Wei Wang
- Privatization and Licensing under Public Budget Constraint by Madhuri H. Shastry and Uday Bhanu Sinha
- Nonlinearity-Induced Topological Phase Transition Characterized by the Nonlinear Chern Number by Kazuki Sone et al.
- Mean-Field Elastic Moduli of a Three-Dimensional, Cell-Based Vertex Model by Kyungeun Kim, Tao Zhang and J. M. Schwarz
- Comment on "Comparing the Performance of College Chemistry Students with ChatGPT for Calculations Involving Acids and Bases" by Joshua Schrier
- On the Random Generation of Butcher Trees by Qiao Huang and Nicolas Privault
- Quantum Graph Models for Transport in Filamentary Switching by Alison A. Silva, Fabiano M. Andrade and Francesco Caravelli
- Most General Type-D Black Hole and Accelerating Reissner–Nordström-NUT-(A)dS by Marco Astorino
- Emerging Jordan Forms, with Applications to Critical Statistical Models and Conformal Field Theory by Lawrence Liu
- Stacked Rayleigh–Taylor Instabilities Grow Drops into Soft Stalactite-Like Structures by Barath Venkateswaran et al.
- Radiative Corrections and Threshold Resummed Predictions to Pseudoscalar Higgs Boson Production in QCD by Arunima Bhattacharya
- Lorentzian Contours for Tree-Level String Amplitudes by Lorenz Eberhardt and Sebastian Mizera
- Formation and Structure of Circumplanetary Disks and Envelopes during the Late Stages of Giant Planet Formation by Aster G. Taylor and Fred C. Adams
- A Systematic Approach to Diophantine Equations: Two Thousand Solved Examples by Ashleigh Wilcox
- Data-Driven Reduced Order Surrogate Modeling for Coronary In-Stent Restenosis by Jianye Shi et al.
- VIX Option Pricing through Nonaffine GARCH Dynamics and Semianalytical Formula by Junting Liu, Qi Wang and Yuanyuan Zhang
- Kronecker Sequences with Many Distances by Carl P. Dettmann
- The Design of Emission Taxes in Markets with New Firm Acquisitions by Luis Gautier and Mahelet G. Fikru
- Asymptotic, Second-Order Homogenization of Linear Elastic Beam Networks by Yang Ye, B. Audoly and C. Lestringant
- Data-Driven Identification of Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics from Finitely Many Non-local Noisy Measurements by Exponential Fitting by Rami Katz, Giulia Giordano and Dmitry Batenkov
- Shape Equilibria of Vesicles with Rigid Planar Inclusions by Geunwoong Jeon et al.
- Matroid Variant of Matiyasevich Formula and Its Application by E. Yu. Lerner
- European Bison (Bison bonasus) Increase Plant Species Richness in Forest Habitats by Lasse Gottlieb, Bjarke A. Schäfer and Rita M. Buttenschøn
- Spatial Dynamics of Higher Order Rock-Paper-Scissors and Generalisations by Christopher Griffin, Li Feng and Rongling Wu
- A Mathematica Program for Numerically Computing Real and Complex Critical Points in 4-Dimensional Lorentzian Spinfoam Amplitude by Muxin Han, Hongguang Liu and Dongxue Qu
- Separating Variables in Bivariate Polynomial Ideals: The Local Case by Manfred Buchacher
- Merkle Trees in Blockchain: A Study of Collision Probability and Security Implications by Oleksandr Kuznetsov et al.
- Probabilistic Analysis of a Class of Compartmental Models Formulated by Random Differential Equations by Vicente J. Bevia et al.
- Theory and Examples of Catch Bonds by Wolfgang Quapp and Josep Maria Bofill
- Dressing the Cusp: How Sharp-Edge Diffraction Theory Solves a Basic Issue in Catastrophe Optics by Riccardo Borghi
- Error Correction of Parity-Encoding-Based Annealing through Post-readout Decoding by Yoshihiro Nambu
- Improving the Longitudinal Spot Width of an Optimizingly Designed Point-Like Scatterer-Arrayed Transcranial Ultrasonic Lens by Tsuyoshi Ueta
- Simulation of Dust Grain Charging under Hypervelocity Impact Plasma Environment by Xiao-Jun Zhou and Xiao-Wei Chen
- Vacuum Energy of Scalar Fields on Spherical Shells with General Matching Conditions by Guglielmo Fucci and César Romaniega
- The Cue-Ball Effect: How an Advantaged Firm's Closer Competitors Can Propagate the Impact of Its Advantage to More Distant Competitors by Natarajan Balasubramanian, Richard Makadok and Wan-Ting Chiu
- Prevalence of Persistent SARS-CoV-2 in a Large Community Surveillance Study by Mahan Ghafari et al.
- QCD Corrections to the Darwin Coefficient in Inclusive Semileptonic B→Xuℓν¯ℓ Decays by Daniel Moreno
- Analytic Solution to Functional Differential Equations via Bell's Polynomials by Diego Caratelli, Pierpaolo Natalini and Paolo Emilio Ricci
- Compact Hyperbolic Coxeter Four-Dimensional Polytopes with Eight Facets by Jiming Ma and Fangting Zheng
- A Fast Forward Kinematics Algorithm Based on Planar Quaternion Solution for a Class of 3-DoF Planar Parallel Mechanisms by Linkang Wang et al.
- Effective Interaction between Guest Charges Immersed in 2D Jellium by Ladislav Šamaj
- Conformally Rigid Graphs by Stefan Steinerberger and Rekha R. Thomas
- Effect of Photon Propagation on a Zero Refractive Index Medium by Robert A. McCutcheon, Stefan Ostermann and Susanne F. Yelin
- Spin-Orbit Synchronization and Singular Perturbation Theory by Clodoaldo Ragazzo and Lucas Ruiz Dos Santos
- Nonequilibrium Dynamics and Entropy Production of a Trapped Colloidal Particle in a Complex Nonreciprocal Medium by Lea Fernandez, Siegfried Hess and Sabine H. L. Klapp
- Live Magnetic Observation of Parahydrogen Hyperpolarization Dynamics by James Eills et al.
- Numerically Explicit Estimates for the Distribution of Rough Numbers by Kai Fan Steve
- A Theoretical Model for Impact Protection of Flexible Polymer Material by Huifeng Xi et al.
- A Monolithic Fluid–Structure Interaction Approach Using Mixed LSFEM with High-Order Time Integration by Solveigh Averweg et al.
- Key Factors That Affect Guitar Timbre: Advice for the Musician by Jessica Moore and Gordon Ramsey
- De Broglie–Bohm Analysis of a Nonlinear Membrane: From Quantum to Classical Chaos by Henrique Santos Lima, Matheus M. A. Paixão and Constantino Tsallis
- Characterization of a Spring Pendulum Phase-Space Trajectories by Karla P. Acosta-Zamora et al.
- Evolution of Sensitivity to Warning Cues from Kin in Plants with a Structured Population by Atsushi Yamauchi et al.
- Riemannian Geometry and Molecular Similarity I: Spectrum of the Laplacian by Stuart J. Hall, Rachael Pirie and Daniel J. Cole
- Quantum Field Theory, Worldline Theory, and Spin Magnitude Change in Orbital Evolution by Zvi Bern et al.
- Exact Wave-Optical Imaging of a Kerr–De Sitter Black Hole Using Heun's Equation by Felix Willenborg, Dennis Philipp and Claus Lämmerzahl
- A Numerical Continuation Approach Using Monodromy to Solve the Forward Kinematics of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Sagging Cables by Aravind Baskar et al.
- A Proof of the Only Mode of a Unimodal Sequence by Jun Wan and Zuo-Ru Zhang
- Using Serosurveys to Optimize Surveillance for Zoonotic Pathogens by E. Clancey, S.L. Nuismer and S.N. Seifert
- A Mathematical Framework for Comparison of Intermittent versus Continuous Adaptive Chemotherapy Dosing in Cancer by Cordelia McGehee and Yoichiro Mori
- Regulatory Interactions between Daptomycin and Bacitracin Responsive Pathways Coordinate the Cell Envelope Antibiotic Resistance Response of Enterococcus faecalis by Sali M. Morris et al.
- Selection on Sporulation Strategies in a Metapopulation Can Lead to Coexistence by Stephen R. Proulx, Taom Sakal and Kelly Thomasson
- Rotating Rayleigh–Benard Convection: Attractors, Bifurcations and Heat Transport via a Galerkin Hierarchy by Roland Welter
- Loop Equations for Generalised Eigenvalue Models by Edoardo Vescovi and Konstantin Zarembo
- Analysis of Bootstrap and Subsampling in High-Dimensional Regularized Regression by Lucas Clarté et al.
- Neural Networks and Friction: Slide, Hold, Learn by Joaquin Garcia-Suarez
- Frustrated Ising Model with Competing Interactions on a Square Lattice by Jae Hwan Lee, Seung-Yeon Kim and Jin Min Kim
- Topological Learning in Multiclass Data Sets by Christopher Griffin, Trevor Karn and Benjamin Apple
- Failure of Trabecular Bone: XFEM Modelling of Multiple Crack Growth by Aleksandr Shalimov, Mikhail Tashkinov and Vadim v. Silberschmidt
- Bursts of Coalescence within Population Pedigrees Whenever Big Families Occur by Dimitrios Diamantidis et al.
- Size Effects in Spherical Indentation of Single Crystal Copper by S. Kucharski et al.
- Analysis of Local Density during Football Stadium Access: Integrating Pedestrian Flow Simulations and Empirical Data by Ander García et al.
- Tests of Macrorealism in Discrete and Continuous Variable Systems by Clement Mawby
- Computation of Marginal Eigenvalue Distributions in the Laguerre and Jacobi β Ensembles by Peter J. Forrester and Santosh Kumar
- The Statistics of Rayleigh–Levy Flight Extrema by Francis Bernardeau and Christophe Pichon
- Algorithmic Analysis of Termination Problems for Nondeterministic Quantum Programs by Jianling Fu et al.
- A Family of Maps and a Vector Field on Plane Polygons by Maxim Arnold, Lael Costa and Serge Tabachnikov
- Optimality and Noise-Resilience of Critical Quantum Sensing by Uesli Alushi et al.
- Plane Polynomials and Hamiltonian Vector Fields Determined by Their Singular Points by John A. Arredondo and Jesús Muciño-Raymundo
- Stokes Waves at the Critical Depth Are Modulationally Unstable by Massimiliano Berti, Alberto Maspero and Paolo Ventura
- Three-Leg Form Factor on Coulomb Branch by A. V. Belitsky et al.
- Brownian Symmetrization of Planar Domains by Maher Boudabra and Kais Hamza
- Old Meets New: Connecting Two Infinite Families of Congruences Modulo Powers of 5 for Generalized Frobenius Partition Functions by James A. Sellers and Nicolas Allen Smoot
- Thermo-mechanical Buckling and Sound Radiation Characteristics of 3D Graphene Porous Core Curved Sandwich Panels with Composite Facings by R. Kiran Kumar Reddy et al.
- Can Cross-Holdings Benefit Consumers? by Hao Cheng, Xiaoting Wu and Chenhang Zeng
- An Economic Production Quantity Model for an Imperfect Production System with Selling Price, Advertisement Frequency and Green-Level Dependent Demand by Mostafijur Rahaman et al.
- An Analytical Approach to (Meta)Relational Models Theory, and Its Application to Triple Bottom Line (Profit, People, Planet)—Towards Social Relations Portfolio Management by Arsham Farzinnia and Corine Boon
- Oxidation, Reduction and Semi-classical Limit for Quantum Matrix Geometries by Laura O. Felder and Harold C. Steinacker
- On the Statistical Inference of the Accelerated Life Tests for Some Hydroxylated Fullerenes by Mahmoud Mansour et al.
- Analytic Continuations and Numerical Evaluation of the Appell F1, F3, Lauricella FD^3 and Lauricella–Saran FD^3 and Their Application to Feynman Integrals by Souvik Bera and Tanay Pathak
- Mode-Coupled Perturbation Growth on the Interfaces of Cylindrical Implosion: A Comparison between Theory and Experiment by Xinyu Zhang et al.
- The Break Buddy Problem by William Q. Erickson
- Napoleonic Triangles on the Sphere by Serena Dipierro, Lyle Noakes and Enrico Valdinoci
- Variety Is the Spice of Life: Nongenetic Variation in Life Histories Influences Population Growth and Evolvability by Amy B. Forsythe et al.
- Risk Quantization by Magnitude and Propensity by Olivier P. Faugeras and Gilles Pagès
- Investigation of Multivariate Pairs Trading under Copula Approach with Mixture Distribution by Fuli He, Ali Yarahmadi and Fazlollah Soleymani
- Effects of Whaling and Krill Fishing on the Whale-Krill Predation Dynamics: Bifurcations in a Harvested Predator-Prey Model with Holling Type I Functional Response by Qin Pan et al.
- A Programmable Hybrid Digital Chemical Information Processor Based on the Belousov–Zhabotinsky Reaction by Abhishek Sharma et al.
- A New Universality Class Describes Vicsek's Flocking Phase in Physical Dimensions by Patrick Jentsch and Chiu Fan Lee
- Rigorously Proven Chaos in Chemical Kinetics by M. Susits and J. Tóth
- Statistical Games by Jozsef Konczer
- A Model for the Redshift-Space Galaxy 4-Point Correlation Function by William Ortolá Leonard, Zachary Slepian and Jiamin Hou
- Towards the Quantum Exceptional Series by Scott Morrison, Noah Snyder and Dylan P. Thurston
- Pair Correlations of Logarithms of Complex Lattice Points by Jouni Parkkonen and Frédéric Paulin
- Investigating Suitable Combinations of Dynamic Models and Control Techniques for Offline Reinforcement Learning Based Navigation: Application of Universal Omni-wheeled Robots by Nalaka Amarasiri, Alan A. Barhorst and Raju Gottumukkala
- Classifying Bulk-Edge Anomalies in the Dirac Hamiltonian by Hansueli Jud and Clément Tauber
- Effect of Dark Matter on the Shadow of a Distorted and Deformed Compact Object by Shokoufe Faraji and João Luís Rosa
- Novel Approach of Exploring ASEP-Like Models through the Yang Baxter Equation by Suvendu Barik, Alexander. S. Garkun and Vladimir Gritsev
- A Prediction Rigidity Formalism for Low-Cost Uncertainties in Trained Neural Networks by Filippo Bigi et al.
- Demonstrating a Robust Walking Algorithm for Underactuated Bipedal Robots in Non-flat, Non-stationary Environments by Oluwami Dosunmu-Ogunbi, Aayushi Shrivastava and Jessy W. Grizzle
- Improving the Accuracy of the Newmark Method through Backward Error Analysis by Donát M. Takács and Tamás Fülöp
- Arctic Curves of the T-System with Slanted Initial Data by Philippe Di Francesco and Hieu Trung Vu
- Les Houches Lectures on Community Ecology: from Niche Theory to Statistical Mechanics by Wenping Cui, Robert Marsland III and Pankaj Mehta
- Generic ETH: Eigenstate Thermalization beyond the Microcanonical by Elena Cáceres et al.
- Asymptotic Teleportation Schemes Bridging between Standard and Port-Based Teleportation by Ha Eum Kim and Kabgyun Jeong
- Broadband Transparent Huygens' Spaceplates by Francisco J. Díaz-Fernández et al.
- Topology and Entanglement of Molecular Phase Space by Victor v. Albert et al.
- Birdtracks of Exotic SU(N) Color Structures by Thorsten Ohl
- Every Finite Graph Arises as the Singular Set of a Compact 3D Calibrated Area Minimizing Surface by Zhenhua Liu
- Stability Study of the Compressible Mooney–Rivlin Hyperelastic Model by Balázs Fodor and Attila Kossa
- Dynamic Trait Distribution as a Source for Shifts in Interaction Strength and Population Density by Zachary Jackson and BingKan Xue
- The Evolution of Honest and Dishonest Signals of Fighting Ability by Mohammadali Dashtbali, Xiaoyan Long and Jonathan M. Henshaw
- Endemic Does Not Mean Constant as SARS-CoV-2 Continues to Evolve by Sarah P. Otto, Ailene MacPherson and Caroline Colijn
- A Reformulation of the Browaeys and Chevrot Decomposition of Elastic Maps by Walter Tape and Carl Tape
- Spherically Symmetric Vacuum Solutions in One-Parameter New General Relativity and Their Phenomenology by Helen Asuküla et al.
- Bootstrapping Deconfined Quantum Tricriticality by Shai M. Chester and Ning Su
- Predicting Droplet Detachment Force: Young–Dupré Model Fails, Young–Laplace Model Prevails by Muhammad Subkhi Sadullah et al.
- Diving Dinosaurs? Caveats on the Use of Bone Compactness and pFDA for Inferring Lifestyle by Nathan P. Myhrvold et al.
- Tipping Points Emerge from Weak Mutualism in Metacommunities by Jonas Denk and Oskar Hallatschek
- A Multiscale Computational Framework for the Development of Spines in Molluscan Shells by Derek E. Moulton et al.
- The d'Alembert Solution in Hyperboloidal Foliations by Juan A. Valiente Kroon and Lidia J. Gomes Da Silva
- Inversion and Integral Identities in dCFTs by Georgios Sakkas
- Non-additivity in Many-Body Interactions between Membrane-Deforming Spheres Increases Disorder by Ali Azadbakht, Thomas R. Weikl and Daniela J. Kraft
- Conservative Black Hole Scattering at Fifth Post-Minkowskian and First Self-Force Order by Mathias Driesse et al.
- TopoTB: A Software Package for Calculating the Electronic Structure and Topological Properties of the Tight-Binding Model by Xinliang Huang, Fawei Zheng and Ning Hao
- Geodesic Motion in a Swirling Universe: The Complete Set of Solutions by Rogério Capobianco, Betti Hartmann and Jutta Kunz
- Backspin in Ruellia Ciliatiflora Does Not Maximize Seed Dispersal Range, but Provides Moderate Dispersal Range That Is Robust to Launch Conditions by Joseph L. Hesse-Withbroe and Dwight L. Whitaker
- Infinite Tower of Higher-Curvature Corrections: Quasinormal Modes and Late-Time Behavior of D-dimensional Regular Black Holes by R. A. Konoplya and a. Zhidenko
- Strict Hierarchy of Optimal Strategies for Global Estimations: Mapping Global Estimations Into Local Ones by Zhao-Yi Zhou, Jing-Tao Qiu and Da-Jian Zhang
- Sensing Vibrations Using Quantum Geometry of Electrons by Bhuvaneswari R, Mandar M Deshmukh and Umesh v Waghmare
- Surface Exciton Polariton Enhanced Goos–Hänchen and Imbert–Fedorov Shifts and Their Applications in Refractive Index Sensing by Yi Xu, Lin Wu and Lay Kee Ang
- On the Speed of Propagation in Turing Patterns for Reaction-Diffusion Systems by Václav Klika, Eamonn a. Gaffney and Philip K. Maini
- Fracture of the C15 CaAl2 Laves Phase at Small Length-Scales by James P. Best et al.
- The Elastic Stored Energy of Initially Strained, or Stressed, Materials: Restrictions and Third-Order Expansions by Artur L. Gower et al.
- Ancilla-Free Measurement of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlation Functions: General Measurement Protocol and Rydberg Atom Implementation by Michael Kastner, Philip Osterholz and Christian Gross
- Redefining the Role of Hypoxia-Inducible Factors (HIFs) in Oxygen Homeostasis by Clemente F. Arias et al.
- A Close Look at the Intricacies of the Simultaneous Triple Valued Analytical Function Having the Potential to Account for the Presence of Higher Order Seams, Namely Three Usually Seen in Any Intersecting Multiple PESs of Polyatomic Molecular Systems by F. George D. Xavier
- Automated Development of Railway Signalling Control Tables: A Case Study from Serbia by Ivan Ristic
- Quantum Geometry of the Parameter Space: A Proposal for Curved Systems by Joshua Davy-Castillo et al.
- A Mathematica-Based Interface for the Exploration of Inter- and Intra-Regional Financial Flows by Kyriaki Tsilika
- Strong-Coupling Theory of Quantum-Dot Josephson Junctions: Role of a Residual Quasiparticle by Luka Pavešić, Ramón Aguado and Rok Žitko
- The Standard Model Effective Field Theory at Work by Gino Isidori, Felix Wilsch and Daniel Wyler
- Clustering, Coding, and the Concept of Similarity by L. Thorne McCarty
- Hawking Radiation Inside a Rotating Black Hole by Tyler McMaken and Andrew J.S. Hamilton
- Analytical Structure of the Binary Collision Integral and the Ultrarelativistic Limit of Transport Coefficients of an Ideal Gas by David Wagner, Victor E. Ambruş and Etele Molnár
- A Non-Hermitean Momentum Operator for the Particle in a Box by Seyong Kim and Alexander Rothkopf
- Non-Reciprocal Topological Solitons in Active Metamaterials by Jonas Veenstra et al.
- Two-Level Systems and Harmonic Excitations in a Mean-Field Anharmonic Quantum Glass by Thibaud Maimbourg
- Open Quantum System Simulation of Time and Frequency Resolved Spectroscopy by Tobias Kramer
- On the Frame Property of Hermite Functions and Analytic Extensions of Their Frame Sets by Markus Faulhuber, Irina Shafkulovska and Ilya Zlotnikov
- Calculation of cSW at One-Loop order for Brillouin Fermions by Maximilian Ammer and Stephan Dürr
- Falsifying Pati-Salam Models with LIGO by Peter Athron et al.
- Computing Compact Finite Difference Formulas under Radial Basis Functions with Enhanced Applicability by Yanlai Song, Mahdiar Barfeie and Fazlollah Soleymani
- Product-Specified Dual-Channel Retail Management with Significant Consumer Service by Kunomboua Anicet Cyrille Amankou et al.
- Imaging Genomics Reveals Genetic Architecture of the Globular Human Braincase by Barbara Molz et al.
- Prices and Policies in Opioid Markets by Casey B. Mulligan
- Machine Learning for Prediction of Unitarity and Bounded from Below Constraints by Darius Jurčiukonis
- Higgs Branch RG-Flows via Decay and Fission by Antoine Bourget, Marcus Sperling and Zhenghao Zhong
- New Approach to Strong Correlation: Twisting Hubbard Into the Orbital Hatsugai-Kohmoto Model by Peizhi Mai et al.
- Observational Imprints of Gravastars from Accretion Disks and Hot-Spots by João Luís Rosa et al.
- Symbol Letters of Feynman Integrals from Gram Determinants by Xuhang Jiang et al.
- Quantum State Systems That Count Perfect Matchings by Scott Baldridge and Ben McCarty
- Manifolds from Partitions by Oliver Knill
- Generalized Petersen Graphs Are (1,3)-Choosable by Yunfang Tang and Yuting Yao
- On the Interplay between Boundary Conditions and the Lorentzian Wetterich Equation by Claudio Dappiaggi, Filippo Nava and Luca Sinibaldi
- Parameterizing Black Hole Orbits for Adiabatic Inspiral by Scott A. Hughes
- Efficient Re-synthesis of Control Barrier Function via Safe Exploration by Ashkan Zehfroosh, Zhaodan Kong and Stavros G. Vougioukas
- The Power Series Method to Compute Backstepping Kernel Gains: Theory and Practice by Rafael Vazquez et al.
- Bayesians Commit the Gambler's Fallacy by Kevin Dorst
- Differentiation of Integral Mittag–Leffler and Integral Wright Functions with Respect to Parameters by Alexander Apelblat and Juan Luis González-Santander
- Algorithm for Differential Equations for Feynman Integrals in General Dimensions by Leonardo De La Cruz and Pierre Vanhove
- Empirical Mathematical Model for Describing Anisotropic Dry Friction Forces by Adam Wijata, Bartosz Stańczyk and Jan Awrejcewicz
- Singularity at the Demise of a Black Hole by Justin C. Feng, Shinji Mukohyama and Sante Carloni
- Gravitational Radiation from a Particle Plunging Into a Schwarzschild Black Hole: Frequency-Domain and Semirelativistic Analyses by Hector O. Silva et al.
- A Reformulation of Fisher's Runaway Identifies the Heritability of Mate Choices as a Key Parameter and Highlights Limitations of the Hypothesis by James D. Fry
- Periodic Strings: A Mechanical Analogy to Photonic and Phononic Crystals by R. S. Pitombo et al.
- Dynamics of Two-Link Exoskeleton Support Leg, Considering Payload and Adjustable Stiffness by Andrey Borisov and Robert Mukharlyamov
- The Scavenger Hunt for Quasar Samples to Be Used as Cosmological Tools by Maria Giovanna Dainotti et al.
- Predator-Induced Prey Dispersal Can Cause Hump-Shaped Density-Area Relationships in Prey Populations by James T. Cronin et al.
- Numerical Methodology to Model Offshore Systems Composed of Slender Structures by Alfredo Gay Neto et al.
- Building a Bridge Between Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratio Black Hole Binaries: A Single Spin Precessing Model for the Final State by Maria De Lluc Planas, Joan Llobera-Querol and Sascha Husa
- Generating Random Gaussian States by Leevi Leppäjärvi, Ion Nechita and Ritabrata Sengupta
- Order Conditions for Nonlinearly Partitioned Runge–Kutta Methods by Brian K. Tran, Ben S. Southworth and Tommaso Buvoli
- New Spectral-Parameter Dependent Solutions of the Yang–Baxter Equation by Alexander. S. Garkun et al.
- A New Class of Algorithms for Finding Short Vectors in Lattices Lifted from Co-Dimension K Codes by Robert Lin and Peter W. Shor
- Effect of Gravitational Waves on Yang–Mills Condensates by Narasimha Reddy Gosala and Arundhati Dasgupta
- Group Theoretical Classification of SIC-POVMs by Solomon B. Samuel and Zafer Gedik
- A Game-Theoretic Implication of the Riemann Hypothesis by Christian Ewerhart
- One-Dimensional Reflection in the Quantum Mechanical Bootstrap by David Berenstein and George Hulsey
- On Random Walks with Geometric Lifetimes by Elcio Lebensztayn and Vicenzo Pereira
- Computing Derivations on Nilpotent Quadratic Lie Algebras by Pilar Benito, Javier Rández-Ibáñez and Jorge Roldán-López
- The Soaring Kite: A Tale of Two Punctured Tori by Mathieu Giroux et al.
- Probing Bad Theories with the Dualization Algorithm II by Simone Giacomelli et al.
- Parameter Space Geometry of the Quartic Oscillator and the Double-Well Potential: Classical and Quantum Description by Diego Gonzalez et al.
- Tyre Lateral Slip Effect on Off-Tracking of a Long Combination Vehicle by Campbell Neighborgall, Yang Chen and Mehdi Ahmadian
- New Orthogonality Relationships of the Gaunt Coefficients by S. Özay, S. Akdemir and E. Öztekin
- The Value of Secondary Markets When Consumers Are Socially Conscious by You Zhao, Rui Hou and Zhonghui Ding
- Supply Contracts under Partial Forward Ownership by Matthias Hunold and Frank Schlütter
- Interactions between Temperature and Nutrients Determine the Population Dynamics of Primary Producers by Carling Bieg and David Vasseur
- An Implicit Staggered Algorithm for CPFEM-Based Analysis of Aluminum by Pedro Areias et al.
- Mechanical Forces Across Compartments Coordinate Cell Shape and Fate Transitions to Generate Tissue Architecture by Clémentine Villeneuve et al.
- A New Model of Variable-Length Coupled Pendulums: from Hyperchaos to Superintegrability by Wojciech Szumiński
- Efficiently Separating the Source of the Teukolsky Equation by Andrew Spiers
- Water-Wave Vortices and Skyrmions by Daria a. Smirnova, Franco Nori and Konstantin Y. Bliokh
- Resurgence in the Transition Region: The Incomplete Gamma Function by Gergő Nemes
- Construction of Diagonal Quintic Threefolds with Infinitely Many Rational Points by Maciej Ulas
- Near-Critical Behavior of the Zhong–Zhang Model by J. H. Lowenstein
- Dynamics of Nonlinear Scalar Field with Robin Boundary Condition on the Schwarzschild–anti–de Sitter Background by Filip Ficek and Maciej Maliborski
- Early Dark Energy Triggered by Spacetime Dynamics That Encodes Cosmic Radiation-Matter Transition by Changcheng Jing, Shuxun Tian and Zong-Hong Zhu
- Retailer- vs. Vendor-Managed Inventory in the Presence of Consumer Response to Retail Stockouts by Jun Ru
- A Student-Centered Lesson on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors by Judi McDonald, Sepideh Stewart and Guershon Harel
- Dynamics of Inertialess Sedimentation of a Rigid U-shaped Disk by Tymoteusz Miara et al.
- A Diffusion-Based Approach for Simulating Forward-in-Time State-Dependent Speciation and Extinction Dynamics by Albert C. Soewongsono and Michael J. Landis
- Conformal Invariants of Curves via Those for Inscribed Polygons with Circular Edges by Harald Dorn
- Is There Quantum Recurrence in the Presence of an Energy Continuum? by James P. Lavine
- Speed Excess and Total Acceleration: A Kinematical Approach to Entanglement by C. Chryssomalakos et al.
- PDE-Constrained Inverse Analysis Using Bayesian Optimization for Finding Hidden Corrosion Given Partial Surface Information by Israr B. M. Ibrahim et al.
- Port-Based Entanglement Teleportation via Noisy Resource States by Ha Eum Kim and Kabgyun Jeong
- Food-Limited PlantâHerbivore Model: Bifurcations, Persistence, and Stability by E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav
- Europa's Double Ridges Produced by Ice Wedging by M. D. Cashion et al.
- The Effect of Model Structure and Data Availability on Usutu Virus Dynamics at Three Biological Scales by Nora Heitzman-Breen et al.
- Laser Induced Temperature-Jump Time Resolved IR Spectroscopy of Zeolites by Alexander P. Hawkins et al.
- Spinning Q-Ball Superradiance in 3+1D by Guo-Dong Zhang et al.
- Quantum Circuits with Free Fermions in Disguise by Balázs Pozsgay
- Near-Horizon Geometries and Black Hole Thermodynamics in Higher-Derivative AdS5 Supergravity by Pablo a. Cano and Marina David
- Generalized Transmon Hamiltonian for Andreev Spin Qubits by Luka Pavešić and Rok Žitko
- Gravitational Losses for the Binary Systems Induced by the Next-to-Leading Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects by Hao Zhang et al.
- Eigenvalue Statistics of Elliptic Volatility Model with Power-Law Tailed Volatility by Anna Maltsev and Svetlana Malysheva
- Refined Bounds on Energy Harvesting from Anisotropic Fluctuations by Jordi Ventura Siches, Olga Movilla Miangolarra and Tryphon T. Georgiou
- A Synthetic Differentiation Circuit in Escherichia Coli for Suppressing Mutant Takeover by David S. Glass et al.
- A New Strain-Based Pentagonal Membrane Finite Element for Solid Mechanics Problems by Wei Hao Koh, Logah Perumal and Chee Kuang Kok
- Saline Groundwaters Counteract Up-Flow of Contaminants- Implications for Radionuclide Repositories? by Ivars Neretnieks
- Closed Form Expressions for Certain Improper Integrals of Mathematical Physics by B. Ananthanarayan, Tanay Pathak and Kartik Sharma
- A New Binning Method to Choose a Standard Set of Quasars by Maria Giovanna Dainotti et al.
- Port-Based Entanglement Teleportation via Noisy Resource States by Ha Eum Kim and Kabgyun Jeong
- Bringing Metasurfaces to Analytical Lens Design: Stigmatism and Specific Ray Mapping by Jeck Borne et al.
- Mathematical Model of Oxygen, Nutrient, and Drug Transport in Tuberculosis Granulomas by Meenal Datta et al.
- Emergent Competition Shapes Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Control in Multi-Trophic Ecosystems by Zhijie Feng et al.
- Simple Inexpensive Vertex and Edge Invariants Distinguishing Dataset Strongly Regular Graphs by Jarek Duda
- Back Action Suppression for Levitated Dipolar Scatterers by Yannick Weiser et al.
- Strain Functionals: A Complete and Symmetry-Adapted Set of Descriptors to Characterize Atomistic Configurations by Edward M. Kober et al.
- Perturbative Quasinormal Mode Frequencies by Yasuyuki Hatsuda and Masashi Kimura
- Novel Analytical STFT Expressions for Nonlinear Power Engineering Problem Solving by Martin Ćalasan
- Horo-Shrinkers in the Hyperbolic Space by Antonio Bueno and Rafael López
- Quantifier Elimination for Normal Cone Computations by Michael Mandlmayr and Ali Kemal Uncu
- Bounds for the Hilbert-Kunz Multiplicity of Singular Rings by Ian M. Aberbach and Nicholas O Cox-Steib
- Triply Periodic Helical Weaves by Duston Wetzel et al.
- Mittag-Leffler Wavelets and Their Applications for Solving Fractional Optimal Control Problems by Arezoo Ghasempour, Yadollah Ordokhani and Sedigheh Sabermahani
- The Ghost Algebra and the Dilute Ghost Algebra by Madeline Nurcombe
- Evolution of Parental Care in Haploid-Diploid Plants by Kazuhiro Bessho and Akira Sasaki
- Spontaneous De-Bonding, Buckling and Delamination of an Elastic Plate Adhering to a Rigid Base: Theoretical Limits by George G. Adams
- Geometry, Mechanics and Actuation of Intrinsically Curved Folds by Fan Feng et al.
- Experimental Observations on the Creep Behaviour of Frozen Soil by Katarzyna Staszewska, Andrzej Niemunis and Marcin Cudny
- Bakry-Émery-Ricci Curvature: An Alternative Network Geometry Measure in the Expanding Toolbox of Graph Ricci Curvatures by Madhumita Mondal et al.
- Tidal Resonances for Fuzzballs by Giorgio Di Russo, Francesco Fucito and Jose Francisco Morales
- Uniform Enclosures for the Phase and Zeros of Bessel Functions and Their Derivatives by Nikolay Filonov et al.
- Bifurcations and Global Dynamics of a Predator-Prey Mite Model of Leslie Type by Yue Yang et al.
- Dynamic Effects of Parallel Selling Channels on the Electronic Marketplace Reputation and Performance by Samira Ebrahimi, Mohammad Fathian and Seyyed-Mahdi Hosseini-Motlagh
- Shadows of Rotating Hairy Kerr Black Holes Coupled to Time Periodic Scalar Fields with Non-Flat Target Space by Galin N. Gyulchev et al.
- On a Ramanujan-Type Series Associated with the Heegner Number 163 by John M. Campbell
- Particle Spectra of General Ricci-Type Palatini or Metric-Affine Theories by W. Barker and C. Marzo
- Quantum Mechanical Bootstrap on the Interval: Obtaining the Exact Spectrum by Lewis Sword and David Vegh
- Seeing Dark Matter via Acceleration Radiation by Syed Masood A.S. Bukhari and Li-Gang Wang
- Linked Selection and the Evolution of Altruism in Family-Structured Populations by Lia Thomson et al.
- Machine Learning Suggests Possible Bias in Molecular Simulations for Asphaltene Systems by Felipe Perez et al.
- A Simple Optical Flow Model Explains Why Certain Object Viewpoints Are Special by Emma E.M. Stewart, Roland W. Fleming and Alexander C. Schütz
- Genetic Basis of Variation in Thermal Developmental Plasticity for Drosophila Melanogaster Body Pigmentation by E. Lafuente, D. Duneau and P. Beldade
- DNA Binding Redistributes Activation Domain Ensemble and Accessibility in Pioneer Factor Sox2 by Sveinn Bjarnason et al.
- Computational Tools for Trees in Gauge Theory and Gravity by Jacob L. Bourjaily
- Equity-Efficiency Tradeoffs in International Bargaining by Adib Bagh and Josh Ederington
- Momentum Spectrum of Nonlinear Breit–Wheeler Pair Production in Space-Time Fields by Gianluca Degli Esposti and Greger Torgrimsson
- Fractional-Statistics-Induced Entanglement from Andreev-Like Tunneling by Gu Zhang et al.
- A Refined Simulation Method of Building Earthquake Evacuation Processes Considering Multi-exits and Time-Variant Velocities by Yinghao Duan, Chenyun Li and Jun He
- Reprogramming Biocatalytic Futile Cycles through Computational Engineering of Stereochemical Promiscuity to Create an Amine Racemase by Sang-Woo Han et al.
- Diophantine Imaging Reveals the Broken Symmetry of Sums of Integer Cubes by Eldar Sultanow, Max Henkel and Idriss J. Aberkane
- Entropy Cones and Entanglement Evolution for Dicke States by William Munizzi and Howard J. Schnitzer
- Amplitude Basis for Conformal Correlators by Hayden Lee and Xinkang Wang
- Circular Economy of Food: A Secondary Supply Chain Model on Food Waste Management Incorporating IoT Based Technology by Muhammad Waqas Iqbal and Yuncheol Kang
- Some Examples of Quasiperiodic Tilings Obtained with a Simple Grid Method by Jean-François Sadoc and Marianne Impéror-Clerc
- Hydrodynamics in a Randomly Packed Bed of Spheres: A Comparison between PR-CFD Simulations and MRI Experiments by Amirhossein Eghbalmanesh et al.
- Topological Atom Optics and Beyond with Knotted Quantum Wavefunctions by Maitreyi Jayaseelan et al.
- Stable Discrete Bending by Analytic Eigensystem and Adaptive Orthotropic Geometric Stiffness by Zhendong Wang, Yin Yang and Huamin Wang
- Computation of Turing Bifurcation Normal Form for n-Component Reaction-Diffusion Systems by Edgardo Villar-Sepúlveda and Alan Champneys
- Nitrification Control by Plants and Preference for Ammonium versus Nitrate: Positive Feedbacks Increase Productivity but Undermine Resilience by Alice Nadia Ardichvili et al.
- Parameter Sensitivity of Transient Community Dynamics by György Barabás
- Dissipation in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Its Connection to the Rayleighian Functional by Antony N. Beris and Brian J. Edwards
- Martingale Drift of Langevin Dynamics and Classical Canonical Spin Statistics by Ken Sekimoto
- A Mathematica Function to Get a List of Random Inequalities and Their Respective Solution Sets by Judith K. Jiménez-Vilcherrez et al.
- Scattering Amplitudes in Quantum Field Theory by Simon Badger et al.
- Capillary Rise in Sharp Corners: Not Quite Universal by Katie Wu, C. Duprat and H. A. Stone
- Light as a Dipole: A Tortoise and Hare Model by Karunakar Kothapalli, Andrew J. Simoson and Gideon A. Bezuidenhout
- Almost Perfect Shadow Prices by Eberhard Mayerhofer
- General Relativity from Intersection Theory and Loop Integrals by Toni Teschke
- Depth and Spatial Variation of the Shear Wave Attenuation Parameters in the Shallow Crust and Lower Crust/Upper Mantle of Mt. Etna (Italy) by Elisabetta Giampiccolo et al.
- On the Expected Length of an Orderly Path by Martin Wiegand and Saralees Nadarajah
- Optimization of the Four Coil Configuration for Single Magnet Levitation from Below by Peter Berkelman and Steven Kang
- Face-Milling Cutting Simulation of Bevel Gears Using Ring-Dexel Method by Yi-Pei Shih et al.
- Asymptotic Study of Critical Wave Fronts for Parameter-Dependent Born–Infeld Models: Physically Predicted Behaviors and New Phenomena by Maurizio Garrione
- Collusion under Product Differentiation by Neelanjan Sen, Urvashi Tandon and Rajit Biswas
- A Vendor-Managed Inventory Model for a Three-Layer Supply Chain Considering Exponential Demand, Imperfect System, and Remanufacturing by Katherinne Salas-Navarro, Whady F. Florez and Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrón
- Extended Black Hole Thermodynamics from Extended Iyer–Wald Formalism by Yong Xiao, Yu Tian and Yu-Xiao Liu
- The Formal Theory of Green's Function in Non-Hermitian Systems by Changrui Chen and Wenan Guo
- A Double Copy from Twisted (Co)homology at Genus One by Rishabh Bhardwaj et al.
- On the Absolute-Value Integral of a Brownian Motion with Drift: Exact and Asymptotic Formulae by Weixuan Xia and Yuyang Zhang
- A Computational Framework for Pharmaco-Mechanical Interactions in Arterial Walls Using Parallel Monolithic Domain Decomposition Methods by Daniel Balzani et al.
- Estimation of Uncertainty in Computation of Importance Factors and Probability of Undesirable Events for Safety-Critical Multi-unit Systems, Based on Binary Decisions Diagrams by Anatoli Paul Ulmeanu et al.
- Handbook of Derivative AdS Amplitudes by Adam Bzowski
- Boundary Overlaps from Functional Separation of Variables by Simon Ekhammar, Nikolay Gromov and Paul Ryan
- Strong Error Bounds for Trotter & Strang-Splittings and Their Implications for Quantum Chemistry by Daniel Burgarth et al.
- Data-Driven Reconstruction of Chaotic Dynamical Equations: The Hénon–Heiles Type System by A. M. Escobar-Ruiz et al.
- FeynGrav and Recent Progress in Computational Perturbative Quantum Gravity by Boris N. Latosh
- Error Suppression in Multicomponent Cat Codes with Photon Subtraction and Teleamplification by Saurabh U. Shringarpure, Yong Siah Teo and Hyunseok Jeong
- Efficient Exponential Tilting with Applications by Cheng-Der Fuh and Chuan-Ju Wang
- Stabilization Policy and Lags by Olivier Loisel
- A Fuzzy Graph Theory and Matrix Approach (Fuzzy GTMA) to Select the Best Renewable Energy Alternative in India by Puspendu Giri, Somnath Paul and Bijoy Krishna Debnath
- Consumer Response to Adjustable Price and Shelf-Life of Fresh Food Products under Effective Preservation Policy by Muhammad Waqas Iqbal et al.
- Male Contributions to Female-Male Mutualism Overcome the Twofold Cost of Sex by Yukio Yasui and Eisuke Hasegawa
- Preferential Cannibalism as a Key Stabilizing Mechanism of Intraguild Predation Systems with Trophic Polymorphic Predators by Clara A. Woodie and Kurt E. Anderson
- Resolving Degeneracies in Google Search via Quantum Stochastic Walks by Colin Benjamin and Naini Dudhe
- Quantum Backflow for a Free-Particle Hermite Wavepacket by P. Strange
- Solution of the Dirac–Coulomb Equation Using the Rayleigh–Ritz Method: Results for He-Like Atoms by A. Bağc and Philip E. Hoggan
- Higgs Branch RG-Flows via Decay and Fission by Antoine Bourget, Marcus Sperling and Zhenghao Zhong
- New Approach to Strong Correlation: Twisting Hubbard into the Orbital Hatsugai–Kohmoto Model by Peizhi Mai et al.
- Symbol Letters of Feynman Integrals from Gram Determinants by Xuhang Jiang et al.
- Quantum State Systems That Count Perfect Matchings by Scott Baldridge and Ben McCarty
- Developing 3D Computational Models to Capture the Spatial, Temporal and Thermal Behavior as Laser Beams Propagate through Photo-thermally Responsive Gels by Victor v. Yashin et al.
- Comparing Negative Feedback Mechanisms in Gene Expression: From Single Cells to Cell Populations by Zhanhao Zhang, César Nieto and Abhyudai Singh
- Partial-Wave Projection of the One-Particle Exchange in Three-Body Scattering Amplitudes by Andrew W. Jackura and Raúl A. Briceño
- The Realisation of Admissible Graphs for Coupled Vector Fields by Tiago de Albuquerque Amorim and Miriam Manoel
- Continuous Variable Port-Based Teleportation by Jason L. Pereira, Leonardo Banchi and Stefano Pirandola
- Accurate Prediction of Protein Folding Mechanisms by Simple Structure-Based Statistical Mechanical Models by Koji Ooka and Munehito Arai
- Tracing Cancer Evolution and Heterogeneity Using Hi-C by Dan Daniel Erdmann-Pham et al.
- Holographic Codes from Hyperinvariant Tensor Networks by Matthew Steinberg, Sebastian Feld and Alexander Jahn
- Optimal Free-Surface Pumping by an Undulating Carpet by Anupam Pandey et al.
- Curated Dataset of Asphaltene Structures by Madison Franke et al.
- Partition Function Zeros of Zeta-Urns by Piotr Bialas, Zdzislaw Burda and Desmond A. Johnston
- Momentum-Space Formulae for AdS Correlators for Diverse Theories in Diverse Dimensions by Soner Albayrak, Savan Kharel and Xinkang Wang
- Age-Based Restrictions: An Alternative to Horizontal Lockdowns? by Vasiliki Bitsouni, Nikolaos Gialelis and Vasilis Tsilidis
- One Parameter Families of Conformal Mappings of Bounded Doubly Connected Polygonal Domains by A. Dyutin and S. Nasyrov
- Universal Scaling Law for Electrified Sessile Droplets on a Lyophilic Surface by Dipin S. Pillai and Kirti Chandra Sahu
- Phase Portraits for Quadratic Systems Possessing an Infinite Elliptic-Saddle or an Infinite Nilpotent Saddle by Joan C. Artés, Marcos C. Mota and Alex C. Rezende
- Design of Auxetic Cellular Structures for In-Plane Response through Out-of-Plane Actuation of Stimuli-Responsive Bridge Films by Anirudh Chandramouli, Sri Datta Rapaka and Ratna Kumar Annabattula
- Near Mass-Shell Double Boxes by A. V. Belitsky and V. A. Smirnov
- Marginally Outer Trapped Tori in Black Hole Spacetimes by Kam To Billy Sievers et al.
- Equivalence Principle and Generalised Accelerating Black Holes from Binary Systems by Marco Astorino
- Quantitative Modeling of the Short-Term Response to Nitrogen Availability That Coordinates Early Events in Lateral Root Initiation by Allison Gaudinier et al.
- Revisiting the Averaged Annihilation Rate of Thermal Relics at Low Temperature by A. Arbey, F. Mahmoudi and M. Palmiotto
- Localized and Extended Collective Optical Phonon Modes in Regular and Random Arrays of Contacting Nanoparticles: Escape from Phonon Confinement by S. V. Koniakhin, O. I. Utesov and A. G. Yashenkin
- Holographic Timelike Superconductor by Alexander Krikun and Uriel Elinos
- Striking the Balance: Life Insurance Timing and Asset Allocation in Financial Planning by An Chen, Giorgio Ferrari and Shihao Zhu
- Coarsening and Wavelength Selection Far from Equilibrium: A Unifying Framework Based on Singular Perturbation Theory by Henrik Weyer, Fridtjof Brauns and Erwin Frey
- Welfare Enhancing Time Consistent Environmental Policy in Imperfectly Competitive Markets by Emmanuel Petrakis, Debasmita Basak and Anastasios Xepapadeas
- Relativity of Spacetime Ontology: When Correlations in Space Become Correlata in Time by Marek Czachor and Marcin Nowakowski
- Influence of Trotterization Error on Single-Particle Tunneling by Anton V. Khvalyuk et al.
- A Double Pendulum Fixed at the L1 Libration Point: A Precursor to a Mars-Phobos Space Elevator by Vladimir S. Aslanov
- Italy's National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Will It Narrow the North–South Productivity Gap? by Luciano Mauro and Francesco Pigliaru
- An Archetype and Scaling of Developmental Tissue Dynamics Across Species by Yoshihiro Morishita et al.
- Quasicrystalline Structure of the Hat Monotile Tilings by Joshua E. S. Socolar
- Robustness of the Derivative Expansion in Asymptotic Safety by Alessio Baldazzi et al.
- Expansion of Hypergeometric Functions in Terms of Polylogarithms with Nontrivial Variable Change by M. A. Bezuglov and a. I. Onishchenko
- Motion and Zero Velocity Curves of a Dust Grain around Collinear Libration Points for the Binary IRAS 11472-0800 and G29-38 with a Triaxial Star and Variable Masses by Oni Leke and Orum Samuel
- Design and Performance Evaluation of a Fully Integrated Knitted Knee Brace for Knee Motion Sensing by Jun Liang Lau et al.
- Layer-Specific Properties of the Human Infra-renal Aorta during Aging Considering Pre/Post-failure Damage by Dimitrios P. Sokolis
- A Phase-Field Model of Cell Motility in Biodegradable Hydrogel Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications by Pierfrancesco Gaziano and Michele Marino
- Twist Numbers on Hyperbolic Once-Punctured Tori by Jonah Gaster
- Ricci Flow of Discrete Surfaces of Revolution, and Relation to Constant Gaussian Curvature by Naoya Suda
- Evolving Information Complexity of Coarsening Materials Microstructures by J. M. Rickman et al.
- On Auxiliary Fields and Lagrangians for Relativistic Wave Equations by Alexey Sharapov and David Shcherbatov
- The Free Energy Landscape of Small-World Networks of Cells by Francesco Gentile
- Mechanical Response of Tensegrity-Origami Solar Modules by Fernando Fraternali et al.
- Comparative Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Forces in DC and HFPC TIG Welding by Igor Krivtsun et al.
- Algorithmic Approach for a Unique Definition of the Next-Generation Matrix by Florin Avram et al.
- Nonlinear Stability of Triangular Equilibrium Points in Non-resonance Case with Perturbations by Saleem Yousuf and Ram Kishor
- Mechanics of the Artillery Fungus by Nicholas P. Money, Jessica Stolze and Mark W. F. Fischer
- FeynCalc 10: Do Multiloop Integrals Dream of Computer Codes? by Vladyslav Shtabovenko, Rolf Mertig and Frederik Orellana
- The Role of Poroelastic Diffusion in the Transient Wetting Behavior of Hydrogels by Amir Kashani and H. Jeremy Cho
- Orisometry Formalism Reveals Duality and Exotic Nonuniform Response in Origami Sheets by Michael Czajkowski et al.
- Model Checking QCTL Plus on Quantum Markov Chains by Ming Xu et al.
- Non-negligible Role of Gradient Porous Structure in Superelasticity Deterioration and Improvement of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys by Yintao Zhang et al.
- Maximizing the Second Robin Eigenvalue of Simply Connected Curved Membranes by Jeffrey J. Langford and Richard S. Laugesen
- Discrete Algebraic Sets in Discrete Manifolds by Oliver Knill
- Probability Vector Representation of the Schrödinger Equation and Noninvasive Measurability for Leggett–Garg Inequalities by Masahiro Hotta and Sebastian Murk
- Efficient Simulation of Mixed Boundary Value Problems and Conformal Mappings by Qiansheng Han, Antti Rasila and Tommi Sottinen
- Chaotic and Thermal Aspects in the |HES⟩ S-Matrix by Diptarka Das, Santanu Mandal and Anurag Sarkar
- Closed and Asymptotic Formulae for Harmonic and Quadratic Harmonic Sums by Krzysztof Bartoszek
- The Power Series Method to Compute Backstepping Kernel Gains: Theory and Practice by Rafael Vazquez et al.
- Extractive Politics, Redistribution, and War: On the Rationality of Kleptocratic Mismanagement by Soeren C. Schwuchow
- The Illusion of Competition by Michael D. Grubb and Ryan Westphal
- Might Molecular Symmetry Operations Exist "Partially"? by Giorgio Celebre
- Trapped Atoms in Spatially-Structured Vector Light Fields by Maurizio Verde et al.
- One-Point Quadrature of Higher-Order Finite and Virtual Elements in Nonlinear Analysis by Tobias Bode
- Drift Correction in Operando Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Batteries Research by Rebeca Fortes-Martín, Sebastian Risse and Rafael Müller
- A Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Supply Chain Management with Biodiesel Energy Production Using Microwave Technology by Najaf Ali Wani and Umakanta Mishra
- Modeling and Design of a Bilaterally Statically Balanced Passive Exoskeleton by André W. D. B. Victorette et al.
- Mobility Analysis of a Novel Six-DOF Parallel Robot with Additional Rotation and Plate Tilting Mechanisms by Takashi Harada and Hayato Yase
- The Accuracy of Computational Results from Wolfram Mathematica in the Context of Summation in Trigonometry by David Nocar et al.
- Random Templex Encodes Topological Tipping Points in Noise-Driven Chaotic Dynamics by Gisela D. Charó, Michael Ghil and Denisse Sciamarella
- Limits on the Accuracy of Contact Inhibition of Locomotion by Wei Wang and Brian A. Camley
- Stochastic Resetting with Refractory Periods: Pathway Formulation and Exact Results by Gregorio García-Valladares et al.
- Dynamics of an SIR Epidemic Model with Limited Medical Resources, Revisited and Corrected by Rim Adenane et al.
- Sharp-Edge Diffraction of Laguerre–Gauss Vortex Beams by Elliptic Apertures by Riccardo Borghi
- Polygenic Dynamics Underlying the Response of Quantitative Traits to Directional Selection by Hannah Götsch and Reinhard Bürger
- Identify Production Area, Growth Mode, Species, and Grade of Astragali Radix Using Metabolomics "Big Data" and Machine Learning by Jing Wu et al.
- New Economic Model of Eutrophication of Shallow Lakes and the Existence of Equivalent Policies by Luis Bayón et al.
- Non-perturbative Symmetries of Little Strings and Affine Quiver Algebras by Baptiste Filoche, Stefan Hohenegger and Taro Kimura
- Market Discipline and Bank Diversification by Hyun Woong Park
- Reciprocal Preferences and Expectations in International Agreements by Doruk Iris and Suha Kim
- Geometric-Algebraic Approach to Aqueous Solutions of Diprotic Acids and Its Buffer Mixtures by Juan C. Morales and Carlos A. Arango
- Dynamic Space Packing by Rahul Dandekar and P. L. Krapivsky
- On Arithmetical Structures on K9 by Claire Levaillant
- Carroll Geodesics by Luca Ciambelli and Daniel Grumiller
- Unraveling the Holomorphic Twist: Central Charges by Pieter Bomans and Jingxiang Wu
- Self-Driven Configurational Dynamics in Frustrated Spring-Mass Systems by Ori Saporta-Katz and Avraham Moriel
- Metachronal Coordination at the Mesoscale by Sebastian Ziegler et al.
- A Multiscale Model for Weakly Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves over Periodic Bathymetry by David I. Ketcheson, Lajos Lóczi and Giovanni Russo
- Spectrum of the Laplacian on the Fricke–Macbeath Surface by Chul-hee Lee
- The Isomorphism of H4 and E8 by J. G. Moxness
- Physics of the Analytic S-Matrix by Sebastian Mizera
- Self-Rotation-Symmetry Transformation for Tuning Anisotropy of Single Type Lattice Structures with Minimal Surfaces by Nan Yang, Miao Zhao and Huaxian Wei
- A Reverse Logistics Inventory Model with Consideration of Carbon Tax Policy, Imperfect Production, and Partial Backlogging under a Sustainable Supply Chain by Nidhi Handa, S. R. Singh and Chandni Katariya
- Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences by Peter Wriggers, Fadi Aldakheel and Blaž Hudobivnik
- Are All Weakly Convex and Decomposable Polyhedral Surfaces Infinitesimally Rigid? by Jilly Kevo
- Two-Sided Productivity Heterogeneity, Firm Boundaries, and Assortative Matching by Kaniṣka Dam, Daniel Ripperger-Suhler and Konstantinos Serfes
- Dual Cycle Time Modelling and Design Optimisation for the Bidirectional Flow-Rack AS/RS by Hamzaoui Mohammed Adel, Sari Zaki and Belghoul Leila
- Shear and Flexural Deformations in Flextegrity Segmental Beams Inspired by Leonardo's Triangular Masonry Construction by Claudio Boni and Gianni Royer-Carfagni
- Viscoelastic Behavior of Composite Materials with Multi-coated Ellipsoidal Reinforcements and Imperfect Interfaces Modeled by an Equivalent Inclusion by Florence Dinzart
- The Gravitational Cat on the Cauchy Horizon by Christiane Klein and Jochen Zahn
- Visualization of Validity Ranges for Acid Approximations: Error Contour Plots as a Function of Concentration and Ka by Taweetham Limpanuparb and Junming Ho
- Efficient Waste Heat Recovery from Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells through Graphene-Collector Thermionic Generators by Hongzhe Sun et al.
- Artificial Intelligence and the Skill Premium by David E. Bloom et al.
- Toward Finiteness of Central Configurations for the Planar Six-Body Problem by Symbolic Computations. (I) Determine Diagrams and Orders by Ke-Ming Chang and Kuo-Chang Chen
- On the Statistics of the Ratio of Nonconstrained Arbitrary α-μ Random Variables: A General Framework and Applications by José David Vega Sánchez et al.
- Non-geometric Distance–Regular Graphs of Diameter at Least 3 with Smallest Eigenvalue at Least −3 by Jack Koolen et al.
- RG Flows and Fixed Points of O(N)r Models by Christian Jepsen and Yaron Oz
- Physical Scale Adiabatic Regularization in Cosmological Spacetimes by Antonio Ferreiro, Samuel Monin and Francisco Torrenti
- On Identifiability of BN2A Networks by Iván Pérez and Jiří Vomlel
- Phi4tools: Compilation of Feynman Diagrams for Landau–Ginzburg–Wilson Theories by Giacomo Sberveglieri and Gabriele Spada
- Reclassifying Feynman Integrals as Special Functions by Zhi-Feng Liu, Yan-Qing Ma and Chen-Yu Wang
- Optimal Taxation and Other-Regarding Preferences by Thomas Aronsson and Olof Johansson-Stenman
- Governing Principles of Transcriptional Logic Out of Equilibrium by Smruti Dixit, Teije C. Middelkoop and Sandeep Choubey
- Self-Buckling with Initial Imperfections: Application to Trees by Tohya Kanahama and Motohiro Sato
- Conformal Perturbation Theory on K3: The Quartic Gepner Point by Christoph A. Keller
- One-Loop Effective Action Up to Any Mass-Dimension for Non-degenerate Scalars and Fermions Including Light-Heavy Mixing by Upalaparna Banerjee et al.
- Code Verification of Immersed Boundary Techniques Using the Method of Manufactured Solutions by Márton Petö et al.
- Influence of the Seed of Measurement on the Work Extracted in a Quantum Szilard Engine by Marina Cuzminschi et al.
- Interval Valued Inventory Model for Deterioration, Carbon Emissions and Selling Price Dependent Demand Considering Buy Now and Pay Later Facility by Fleming Akhtar et al.
- Quantum Metrology with Linear Lie Algebra Parameterisations by Ruvi Lecamwasam, Tatiana Iakovleva and Jason Twamley
- A New Paradigm for the Efficient Inclusion of Stochasticity in Engineering Simulations by Hendrik Geisler et al.
- Optimal Retirement Choice under Age-Dependent Force of Mortality by Giorgio Ferrari and Shihao Zhu
- The Eco-evolutionary Dynamics of Batesian Mimicry by Haruto Tomizuka and Yuuya Tachiki
- Inequalities à la Pólya for the Aharonov–Bohm Eigenvalues of the Disk by Nikolay Filonov et al.
- Analysis of a Regular Black Hole in Verlinde's Gravity by A. A. Araújo Filho
- The Tensor of the Exact Circle: Reconstructing Geometry by Dennis Obster
- Truly Lorentzian Quantum Cosmology by Ding Jia
- Distributed Delay and Desynchronization in a Brain Network Model by Isam Al-Darabsah, Sue Ann Campbell and Bootan Rahman
- Moment-Based Outcrossing Rate Method for Time-Dependent Reliability Assessment Including Finite Element Analysis by Xiang-Wei Li, Xuan-Yi Zhang and Yan-Gang Zhao
- Algorithmic Approach for [a] Unique Definition of the Next Generation Matrix by Florin Avram et al.
- Quartz Crystal Microbalance Frequency Response to Finite-Size Adsorbents in Liquids by Alexander M. Leshansky, Itzhak Fouxon and Boris Y. Rubinstein
- The Centroid Speed as a Characteristic of the Group Speed of Solar Coronal Fast Magnetoacoustic Wave Trains by Dmitrii Y. Kolotkov, Valery M. Nakariakov and Maximilien Cloesen
- Integrability of Rank-Two Web Models by Augustin Lafay, Azat M. Gainutdinov and Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
- Metrological Advantages in Seeded and Lossy Nonlinear Interferometers by Jasper Kranias et al.
- Rediscovering the Particle-in-a-Box: Machine Learning Regression Analysis for Hypothesis Generation in Physical Chemistry Lab by Elizabeth S. Thrall et al.
- Non-Abelian Hyperbolic Band Theory from Supercells by Patrick M. Lenggenhager, Joseph Maciejko and Tomáš Bzdušek
- A Model for the Gradual Evolution of Dioecy and Heterogametic Sex Determination by Thomas Lesaffre, John R. Pannell and Charles Mullon
- Lightcone Hamiltonian for Ising Field Theory I: T < T_c by A. Liam Fitzpatrick, Emanuel Katz and Yuan Xin
- Growth Rate, Evolutionary Entropy and Ageing across the Tree of Life by Jorge Buescu, Henrique M. Oliveira and Mónica Sousa
- New Players in Intelligent Transportation: Autonomous Segway in a Dynamic Environment by Sandeep A. Kumar et al.
- Revisitation of Algebraic Approach for Time Delay Interferometry by Weisheng Huang et al.
- The Path of a Light Ray in a Semicircular Cavity by R. De Luca
- Machine Learning Approaches for the Optimization of Packing Densities in Granular Matter by Adrian Baule et al.
- Accelerated Gradient Descent via Long Steps by Benjamin Grimmer, Kevin Shu and Alex L. Wang
- Analytical Structure of the Binary Collision Integral and the Ultrarelativistic Limit of Transport Coefficients of an Ideal Gas by David Wagner, Victor E. Ambrus and Etele Molnar
- Active Shape Control by Plants in Dynamic Environments by Hadrien Oliveri et al.
- The Evolution of Autonomy from Two Cooperative Specialists in Fluctuating Environments by Xiaoli Chen et al.
- The Impact of Sales Effort on a Dual-Channel Dynamical System under a Price-Sensitive Stochastic Demand by Alotosh Datta et al.
- The Role of Image Encryption and Decryption in Secure Communication: A Survey by T. Devi Manjari et al.
- Design and Analysis of Cyber Warfare Model with Intelligent Predictive Stochastic Networks for Attack–Defend Strategies on Critical Infrastructures by Khalid Majeed et al.
- Disjointness Graphs of Segments in ℝ2 Are Almost All Hamiltonian by J. Leaños, Christophe Ndjatchi and L.M. Ríos-Castro
- Dual Sources and Consumption of Methane in Shallow Sediments of Southern SCS: Insight from Porewater Composition and Numerical Modeling by Yiyun Cao et al.
- Borrower Technology Similarity and Bank Loan Contracting by Mingze Gao et al.
- Correction to: Cosmic Ray Interstellar Propagation Tool Using Itô Calculus (CRIPTIC): Software for Simultaneous Calculation of Cosmic Ray Transport and Observational Signatures by Mark R. Krumholz, Roland M. Crocker and Matt L. Sampson
- Dimension of the Isometry Group in Spacetimes with an Invariant Frame by Juan Antonio Sáez, Salvador Mengual and Joan Josep Ferrando
- Geometric Conditions for the Existence or Non-existence of a Solution to the Perspective 3-Point Problem by Michael Q. Rieck
- Evolution of Semi-Kantian Preferences in Two-Player Assortative Interactions with Complete and Incomplete Information and Plasticity by Ingela Alger and Laurent Lehmann
- A Proof of Concept for Matchete: An Automated Tool for Matching Effective Theories by Javier Fuentes-Martín et al.
- The Optical Fiber Biosensor Enhancement Consisting of Nanocomposite by Using Graphene in Medical Application by Parisa Esmailidastjerdipour and Fatemeh Shahshahani
- Sequential Mergers and Delayed Monopolization in Triopoly by Didier Laussel
- Automated Gaze-Based Identification of Students' Strategies in Histogram Tasks through an Interpretable Mathematical Model and a Machine Learning Algorithm by Lonneke Boels et al.
- Numerical Modeling of the Multi-stage Stern–Gerlach Experiment by Frisch and Segrè Using Co-quantum Dynamics via the Schrödinger Equation by Zhe He et al.
- Evolution of Environmentally Mediated Social Interactions under Isolation by Distance by Charles Mullon, Jorge Peña and Laurent Lehmann
- Stability of Consumer–Resource Interactions in Periodic Environments by Carling Bieg, Gabriel Gellner and Kevin S. McCann
- Orthogonal Signed-Distance Coordinates and Vector Calculus Near Evolving Curves and Surfaces by Eric W. Hester and Geoffrey M. Vasil
- Quantified Formulation of an Interval Model in Mechanics by Evgenija D. Popova
- Agreeing on Public Goods or Bads by Erik Ansink and Hans-Peter Weikard
- Phase-Space Iterative Solvers by Joaquin Garcia-Suarez
- Basis Decompositions of Genus-One String Integrals by Carlos Rodriguez, Oliver Schlotterer and Yong Zhang
- Triangular Automata: The 256 Elementary Cellular Automata of the 2D Plane by Paul Cousin
- Characterising Semi-Clifford Gates Using Algebraic Sets by Imin Chen and Nadish de Silva
- Energy Bands in a Three Dimension Simple Cubic Lattice of Contact Potential by Yi-Cai Zhang and J. M. Zhang
- Optimal Control Theory Techniques for Nitrogen Vacancy Ensembles in Single Crystal Diamond by Madelaine S. Z. Liddy et al.
- Gravity Mediated Entanglement between Oscillators as Quantum Superposition of Geometries by Ofek Bengyat et al.
- The Fastest Generation of Multipartite Entanglement with Natural Interactions by Paweł Cieśliński et al.
- A Quantum Analog Model for a Scalar Particle Interacting with a Kerr–de Sitter Black Hole by Alexandre G. M. Schmidt and Matheus E. Pereira
- Assessment of the Impact of the Number of Girders on the Dynamic Behaviour of Geiger Dome by Paulina Obara and Maryna Solovei
- Predicting Rapid Adaptation in Time from Adaptation in Space: A 30-Year Field Experiment in Marine Snails by Diego Garcia Castillo et al.
- The Interaction between Exploitative and Interference Competition: Limits to R* Theory by Daniel J. B. Smith and Joanna Masel
- How Responsive Should a Firm Be to Customers' Expectations? by Gila E. Fruchter and Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel
- Intertemporal Price Discrimination with Time-Inconsistent Consumers by János Flesch et al.
- Semisimple Unifications of Any Gauge Theory by Andrew Gomes, Maximilian Ruhdorfer and Joseph Tooby-Smith
- Small Polygons with Large Area by Christian Bingane and Michael J. Mossinghoff
- Statistics for Machine Learning with Mathematica Applications by M. M. Hammad
- General Diffraction Integral for Converging Freeform Vectorial Fields by Rafael G. González-Acuña and Simon Thibault
- Compression of Sickspan by Interventions That Steepen the Survival Curve by Yifan Yang et al.
- Method of Brackets: Revisiting a Technique for Calculating Feynman Integrals and Certain Definite Integrals by B. Ananthanarayan et al.
- Frustration, Solitons, and Entanglement in Spin Chains by Christian Boudreault, S. A. Owerre and M. B. Paranjape
- Mechanically Generated Random Numbers in High School by Mihály Hömöstrei, Balázs Norbert Nagy and Dorottya Schnider
- Inferred Attractiveness: A Generalized Mechanism for Sexual Selection That Can Maintain Variation in Traits and Preferences over Time by Emily H. DuVal et al.
- Estimation of the Probability and Uncertainty for Undesirable Events for Safety-Critical Multi-unit Systems Based on Binary Decision Diagram Models by Anatoli Paul Ulmeanu et al.
- When a Glimpse Is Enough: Partial Mimicry of Jumping Spiders by Insects by Carlos E. Muñoz-Amezcua, Horacio Tapia-McClung and Dinesh Rao
- Estimating Coach-Suspension Parameters through Stop Braking: Analytical Modeling and Validation by Sudhir Kumar Singh, Sanjay R. Singh and Vikranth Racherla
- Stem Shape and Structural Complexity Change in Beech Forests Along a Management Gradient by Liane C. Neudam, Kirsten Höwler and Dominik Seidel
- High Importance of Indirect Evolutionary Rescue in a Small Food Web by Ellen van Velzen
- Enumerating Calabi–Yau Manifolds: Placing Bounds on the Number of Diffeomorphism Classes in the Kreuzer–Skarke List by Aditi Chandra et al.
- High-Yield Atmospheric Water Capture via Bioinspired Material Segregation by Yiwei Gao et al.
- Risk Factor Aggregation and Stress Testing by Natalie Packham
- A Survey of Mathematical Models on Somitogenesis by Hanyu Song
- A Decomposition of Light's Spin Angular Momentum Density by Alex J. Vernon et al.
- Algorithms on Low Energy Spectra of the Hubbard Model Pertinent to Molecular Nanomagnets by M. Antkowiak et al.
- Simplified Equations for Object Trajectories in Rotating Space Habitats and Space Juggling by R. Adam Dipert
- Brickwall in Rotating BTZ: A Dip-Ramp-Plateau Story by Suman Das and Arnab Kundu
- Reissner–Nordström Black Holes in de Sitter Space-Time: Bounds with Quasinormal Frequencies by Anna Chrysostomou et al.
- Formation of Climate Coalitions and Preferential Free Trade: The Case for Participation Linkage by Thomas Kuhn, Radomir Pestow and Anja Zenker
- The General Equilibrium Effects of Localised Technological Progress: A Classical Approach by Naoki Yoshihara and Roberto Veneziani
- On a New (21_4) Polycyclic Configuration by Leah Wrenn Berman, Gábor Gévay and Tomaz Pisanski
- Direct Observation and Control of Near-Field Radiative Energy Transfer in a Natural Hyperbolic Material by L. Abou-Hamdan et al.
- Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspiral and Waveforms for a Spinning Body into a Kerr Black Hole via Osculating Geodesics and Near-Identity Transformations by Lisa V. Drummond et al.
- A Unifying Quantum Speed Limit for Time-Independent Hamiltonian Evolution by H. F. Chau and Wenxin Zeng
- A Robust Finite-Difference Model Reduction for the Boundary Feedback Stabilization of Fully-Dynamic Piezoelectric Beams by Ahmet Ozkan Ozer, Ahmet Kaan Aydin and Jacob Walterman
- Evaluation on 131I Production Based on Molten Salt Reactor Off-Gas Extraction by Liang Chen et al.
- On the Theory and Application of the Fractional-Order Dirac-Delta Function by Anis Allagui and Ahmed S. Elwakil
- Majorana Fermion Induced Power-Law Scaling in the Violation of Wiedemann–Franz Law by Ritesh Das and Colin Benjamin
- An Overview of Formulae for the Higher-Order Kinematics of Lower-Pair Chains with Applications in Robotics and Mechanism Theory by Andreas Müller
- Refining the Freeloading and No Purchase Behavior in Pay as You Wish Pricing by Udo Wagner and Karl Akbari
- (Avoided) Crossings in the Spectra of Matrices with Globally Degenerate Eigenvalues by S. Silliman and M. Bhattacharya
- The Nonlinear Theory of Magnetoelasticity and the Role of the Maxwell Stress: A Review by Luis Dorfmann and Ray W. Ogden
- Debt Burden, Investment, and Profit-Sharing by Kenshiro Ninomiya
- Odd Mechanical Screening in Disordered Solids by Yael Cohen et al.
- Taking Horizonless Black Hole Mimickers Out for a Spin by Ulf Danielsson and Suvendu Giri
- Moduli Space Tilings and Lie-Theoretic Color Factors by Nick Early
- Optimizing the Random Search of a Finite-Lived Target by a Lévy Flight by Denis Boyer et al.
- Fractional Linear Periodic Recursions of Orders Two and Three by Evgeni Lozitsky
- Cut It Out: Out-of-Plane Stresses in Cell Sheet Folding of Volvox Embryos by Pierre A. Haas and Stephanie S. M. H. Höhn
- Distrustful Quantum Steering by Shubhayan Sarkar
- Geometry of Ecological Coexistence and Niche Differentiation by Emmy Blumenthal and Pankaj Mehta
- Bimodal Buckling Governs Human Fingers' Luxation by Massimiliano Fraldi et al.
- Self-Propulsion of a Calcium Alginate Surfer by Réka Zahorán et al.
- A Model for Evolutionary Rescue through Plant Mating System by Faustine Degottex-Féry and Pierre-Olivier Cheptou
- Dynamics of the Discrete-Time Rosenzweig–MacArthur Predator–Prey System in the Closed Positively Invariant Set by E. Bešo, S. Kalabušić and E. Pilav
- Black Hole Thermodynamics in Natural Variables: Quadrophenia by Kiril Hristov
- Relativistic Disks by Appell-Ring Convolutions by David Kofroň, Petr Kotlařík and Oldřich Semerák
- Real Term Premia in Consumption-Based Models by Errikos Melissinos
- Angular Location of the nth Einstein Ring at Large n by Spandan Minwalla
- Magnetic Black Holes: From Thomson Dipoles to the Penrose Process and Cosmic Censorship by Conor Dyson and David Pereñiguez
- Sensitivities to Feebly Interacting Particles: Public and Unified Calculations by Maksym Ovchynnikov et al.
- Local Momentum Space: Scalar Field and Gravity by Sukanta Panda, Abbas Tinwala and Archit Vidyarthi
- An Efficient Method of Finding New Symplectic Schemes for Hamiltonian Mechanics Problems with the Aid of Parametric Gröbner Bases by Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov and Sergey P. Kiselev
- Reconstruction of Particle Positions and Orientations from 3D MRI Images of Non-spherical Particle Packings by N. Romijn et al.
- The Not-So-Secret Fourth Parameter of Quantum Codes by Eric Kubischta and Ian Teixeira
- Typical Entanglement Entropy in Systems with Particle-Number Conservation by Yale Cheng et al.
- Perturbing the Perturbed: Stability of Quasinormal Modes in Presence of a Positive Cosmological Constant by Subhodeep Sarkar, Mostafizur Rahman and Sumanta Chakraborty
- Torsional IR Spectra of Three Conformers of the Resorcinol Molecule by George Pitsevich and Alex Malevich
- Chemical Reaction Motifs Driving Non-equilibrium Behaviours in Phase Separating Materials by Dino Osmanović and Elisa Franco
- Nonlocal Effect on Shear Wave Propagation in a Fiber-Reinforced Poroelastic Layered Structure Subjected to Interfacial Impulsive Disturbance by Rachaita Dutta et al.
- Product Market Cooperation, Foreign Direct Investment and Consumer Welfare by Arijit Mukherjee and Uday Bhanu Sinha
- Alleviating the Present Tension between T2K and NOνA with Neutrino New Physics at Source by Adriano Cherchiglia et al.
- Perturbative and Non-perturbative Analysis of Defect Correlators in AdS/CFT by Gabriel J. S. Bliard
- A Ridesharing Platform with an Oversupply of Drivers: Different Assigning Rates or Commission Rates for Drivers? by Peng Wang, Haozhao Zhang and Zhe Zhang
- Spying and Imperfect Commitment in First-Price Auctions: A Case of Tacit Collusion by Cuihong Fan, Byoung Heon Jun and Elmar G. Wolfstetter
- Hopf Bifurcations of Reaction Networks with Zero-One Stoichiometric Coefficients by Xiaoxian Tang and Kaizhang Wang
- Extended Black Hole Thermodynamics from Extended Iyer–Wald Formalism by Yong Xiao, Yu Tian and Yu-Xiao Liu
- Mean Field Elastic Moduli of a Three-Dimensional Cell-Based Vertex Model by Kyungeun Kim, Tao Zhang and J. M. Schwarz
- Møller–Plesset and Density-Fixed Adiabatic Connections for a Model Diatomic System at Different Correlation Regimes by Sara Giarrusso and Aurora Pribram-Jones
- QCMATH: Mathematica Modules for Electronic Structure Calculations by Enzo Monino, Antoine Marie and Pierre-François Loos
- Broken Arrows: Hardy–Unruh Chains and Quantum Contextuality by Michael Janas and Michel Janssen
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- The Multipolar Elastic Fields of Ellipsoidal and Polytopal Plastic Inclusions by B. Gurrutxaga-Lerma
- Stability of Heteroclinic Cycles: A New Approach Based on a Replicator Equation by Telmo Peixe and Alexandre A. Rodrigues
- Quantum Register Algebra: The Mathematical Language for Quantum Computing by J. Hrdina et al.
- Renormalization Group Theory of One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Lattice Models with Commensurate Approximants by Miguel Gonçalves et al.
- Semiparametric Inference of Effective Reproduction Number Dynamics from Wastewater Pathogen Surveillance Data by Isaac H. Goldstein et al.
- Measuring Energy by Measuring Any Other Observable by Dominik Šafránek and Dario Rosa
- Computational Methods Based on Peridynamics and Nonlocal Operators by Timon Rabczuk, Huilong Ren and Xiaoying Zhuang
- Powerful Mathematica Codes for Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Censored Data by Omar Kittaneh
- Numerical Simulation of Supercooled Droplets Freezing During In-Flight Icing via a Hybrid Numerical-Analytical Method by Emerson B. dos Anjos et al.
- Research on Financing Decision of New Energy Vehicle Supply Chain with Manufacturer's Capital Constraint by Di Wu, Nianchao Wang and Wenlong Wang
- Efficient Framework for Operating on Data Sketches by Jakub Lemiesz
- Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Lévy Flights for Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds with Applications to Reverse Engineering by Akemi Galvez et al.
- Spectral Solutions for the Schrödinger Equation with a Regular Singularity by Pushkar Mohile et al.
- Multiple Mellin–Barnes Integrals and Triangulations of Point Configurations by Sumit Banik and Samuel Friot
- Lattice Sums for Double Periodic Polyanalytic Functions by Piotr Drygaś and Vladimir Mityushev
- Counting and Accounting: Measuring the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Multidimensional Poverty Reduction by Maria Emma Santos, Nora Lustig and Maximiliano Miranda Zanetti
- Introduction to the Bohm–de Broglie Theory by Klaus Von Bloh
- Unusual Dynamics and Nonlinear Thermal Self-Focusing of Initially Focused Magnetoacoustic Beams in a Plasma by Anna Perelomova
- A Green Manufacturer–Retailer Circular Economic Production Model with Carbon Emissions and Waste Control by Vishnupriya Kalathil Sahadevan and Umakanta Mishra
- Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation in Nondegenerate and Degenerate Maser Heat Engines by Varinder Singh et al.
- Uniform Approximations and Effective Boundary Conditions for a High-Contrast Elastic Interface by C. J. Chapman and S. G. Mogilevskaya
- Fully Jacobi–Galerkin Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Time-Dependent PDEs Arising in Physics by R. M. Hafez and Y. H. Youssri
- Reservoir Computing with Dynamic Reservoir Using Cascaded DNA Memristors by Xingyi Liu and Keshab K. Parhi
- Measurement-Induced Integer Families of Critical Dynamical Scaling in Quantum Many-Body Systems by Zuo Wang et al.
- The Hereditary Closure of the Unigraphs by Michael D. Barrus, Ann N. Trenk and Rebecca Whitman
- Quantization of Causal Diamonds in (2 + 1)-Dimensional Gravity—Part I: Classical Reduction by Rodrigo Andrade e Silva
- Synchrony Patterns in Laplacian Networks by Tiago Amorim and Miriam Manoel
- The Eigenvalue Spectrum of a Large Real Antisymmetric Random Matrix with Non-zero Mean by Andrei Katsevich and Pavel Meshcheriakov
- Geometry, Mechanics and Actuation of Intrinsically Curved Folds by Fan Feng et al.
- Classical Limit of Genus Two DAHA by S. Arthamonov
- A Minimal and Non-alternative Realisation of the Cayley Plane by Daniele Corradetti, Alessio Marrani and Francesco Zucconi
- Classical Non-relativistic Fractons by Abhishodh Prakash, Alain Goriely and S. L. Sondhi
- Adaptive MOR Techniques for Non-linear FE Simulations of Unit Cells by Yasemin Özmen et al.
- Evidence of Introgression, Ecological Divergence and Adaptation in Asterias Sea Stars by Melina Giakoumis et al.
- Temporal Logic Circuits Implementation Using a Dual Cross-Inhibition Mechanism Based on DNA Strand Displacement by Yuan Liu et al.
- Application of Explicit Energy Bounds in Optimization of 3D Elastic Structures by Krešimir Burazin and Ivana Crnjac
- The Automation of SMEFT-Assisted Constraints on UV-Complete Models by Jaco ter Hoeve et al.
- The Three-Dimensional Structure of Wood Enables Horizontal Water Transport Needed to Conduct Water around Lesions by Peter Hietz, Sabine Rosner and Klaus Scheicher
- Shadow and Deflection Angle of Asymptotic, Magnetically-Charged, Non-singular Black Hole by Yashmitha Kumaran and Ali Övgün
- Isotropy Properties of the Absolute Luminosity Magnitudes of SnIa in the Pantheon + and SH0ES Samples by Leandros Perivolaropoulos
- Topological Darkness in Optical Heterostructures: Prediction and Confirmation by Emma Cusworth, Vasyl G. Kravets and Alexander N. Grigorenko
- Optimal Joint Pricing and Lot Sizing Policies for Perishables under Periodic Inspections, and Trade Credit Financing Schemes by Vikash Murmu, Dinesh Kumar and Ashok Kumar Jha
- Approximate Lie Symmetries and Singular Perturbation Theory by Alexander J. Dear and L. Mahadevan
- Correlations in Disordered Solvable Tensor Network States by Daniel Haag, Richard M. Milbradt and Christian B. Mendl
- Tissue-Scale Dynamic Mapping of Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Supportive Niche Cells in the Fetal Liver by Patrick M. Helbling et al.
- Absolutely Maximally Entangled State Equivalence and the Construction of Infinite Quantum Solutions to the Problem of 36 Officers of Euler by Suhail Ahmad Rather et al.
- Equations to Design an Aplanatic Catadioptric Freeform Optical System by Rafael G. González-Acuña
- Fourier Method for the Neumann Problem on a Torus by Z. Ashtab, J. Morais and R. Michael Porter
- Bootstrapping the Stochastic Resonance by Minjae Cho
- ChisholmD.wl—Automated Rational Approximant for Bi-variate Series by Souvik Bera and Tanay Pathak
- Metacomputing for Directly Computable Multiphysics Models by John G. Michopoulos et al.
- Microstrata by Bodgan Ganchev et al.
- Engineering Floquet Codes by Rewinding by Arpit Dua et al.
- Tilt-to-length Coupling in LISA Pathfinder: Analytical Modeling by Marie-Sophie Hartig and Gudrun Wanner
- One-Dimensional Reflection in the Quantum Mechanical Bootstrap by David Berenstein
- On Dynamical Measures of Quantum Information by James Fullwood and Arthur J. Parzygnat
- Enumeration and Identification of Unique 3D Spatial Topologies of Interconnected Engineering Systems Using Spatial Graphs by Satya R. T. Peddada et al.
- Adaptive Link Dynamics Drive Online Hate Networks and their Mainstream Influence by Minzhang Zheng et al.
- Existence of Wormhole Solutions in f(Q,T) Gravity under Non-commutative Geometries by Moreshwar Tayde, Zinnat Hassand and P.K Sahoo
- The Spin Point Groups and their Representations by Hana Schiff et al.
- How Hydrophobicity Shapes the Architecture of Protein Assemblies by Juan A. Cedano, Enrique Querol and Angel Mozo-Villarías
- Machine Learning Approaches for the Optimization of Packing Densities in Granular Matter by Adrian Baule et al.
- Comprehensive Bioinformatics Analysis of Structural and Functional Consequences of Deleterious Missense Mutations in the Human QDPR Gene by Aishwarya Girish et al.
- Efficient Extraction of data from Intra-operative Evoked Potentials: 1.-Theory and SSimulations by Mark M. Stecker, Jonathan Wermelinger and Jay Shils
- The Generalised Born Oscillator and the Berry-Keating Hamiltonian by Francesco Giordano, Stefano Negro and Roberto Tateo
- Spying and Imperfect Commitment in First-Price Auctions: A Case of Tacit Collusion by Cuihong Fan, Byoung Jun and Elmar G. Wolfstetter
- Modelling the Dynamics of a Large-Scale Industrial Manipulator for Precision Control by M. P. Cartmell et al.
- The Algorithm of the Path Length Optimization on the Polyhedron Surface by Alia Gumirova
- Magnetic Frame-Dragging Correction to the Electromagnetic Solution of a Compact Neutron Star by R Torres et al.
- Are Good Leaders Truly Good? by Susumu Cato and Akira Inoue
- A Sun-like Star Orbiting a Boson Star by Alexandre M Pombo and Ippocratis Saltas
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- Facilitating Collusion with Spot-Price Contracting by John William Hatfield and Richard Lowery
- A Novel Approach for Brake Emission Estimation Based on Traffic Microsimulation, Vehicle System Dynamics, and Machine Learning Modeling by https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2023.101872
- Sierpiński Fractals and the Dimension of Their Laplacian Spectrum by Mark Pollicott and Julia Slipantschuk
- Finite Markov Chains and Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials by Amílcar Branquinho et al.
- A Game-theoretic Analysis of Baccara Chemin de Fer, I by Stewart N. Ethier and Jiyeon Lee
- Polymeric Nature of Tandemly Repeated Genes Enhances Assembly of Constitutive Heterochromatin in Fission Yeast by Tetsuya Yamamoto, Takahiro Asanuma and Yota Murakami
- Metacomputing for Directly Computable Multiphysics Models by John G. Michopoulos et al.
- How Corporate–NGO Partnerships Affect Eco-Label Adoption and Diffusion by Dorothée Brécard
- A Simultaneous Eigen Valued Expression to Model the Three Coupled Electronic States with Triply and Doubly Degenerate Seams Together I by F. George D Xavier
- Path Distributions for Describing Eigenstates of Orbital Angular Momentum by Randall M. Feenstra
- Free Vibration Analysis of Accelerated Helicopter Rotor Blade by Hüseyin Ural and Özge Özdemir
- IMU Hand Calibration for Low-Cost MEMS Inertial Sensors by Hussein Al Jlailaty et al.
- Quantum Chemical Investigation of Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins, Dibenzofurans and Biphenyls: Relative Stability and Planarity Analysis by Sopanant Datta
- Decline in Large-seeded Species in Danish Grasslands Over an Eight-year Period by Christian Damgaard
- An Explicit Construction of Kaleidocycles by Shizuo Kaji
- A State Sum for the Total Face Color Polynomial by Scott Baldrige, Louis H. Kauffman and Ben McCarty
- Epidemic Thresholds and Disease Dynamics in Metapopulations: the Role of Network Geometry and Human Mobility by Haridas K. Das and Lucas M. Stolerman
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- Local Strengthening and Weakening of Shell-Like Tensegrity Lattices with the Use of Self-Equlibrated Normal Forces by Kamila Martyniuk-Sienkiewicz and Wojciech Gilewski
- Elasticity Control of Entangled Chromosomes: Crosstalk between Condensin Complexes and Nucleosomes by Tetsuya Yamamoto, Kazuhisa Kinoshita and Tatsuya Hirano
- Bounds for Periodic Energy and the Optimality of Two Periodic Point Configurations in the Plane by Doug Hardin and Nathaniel Tenpas
- Numerical Conformal Bootstrap with Analytic Functionals and Outer Approximation by Kausik Ghosh and Zechuan Zheng
- Persuasion as Transportation by Itai Arieli, Yakov Babichenko and Fedor Sandomirskiy
- Complete Characterization of Robust Perfect Adaptation in Biochemical Reaction Networks by Yuji Hirono, Ankit Gupta and Mustafa Khammash
- Quantum Entanglement & Purity Testing: A Graph Zeta Function Perspective by Zachary P. Bradshaw and Margarite L. LaBorde
- Computing Mellin Representations and Asymptotics of Nested Binomial Sums in a Symbolic Way: the RICA Package by Johannes Bluemlein, Nikolai Fadeev and Carsten Schneider
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- microRNA165 and 166 Modulate Response of the Arabidopsis Root Apical Meristem to Salt Stress by Daria Scintu et al.
- Map Enumeration from a Dynamical Perspective by Nicholas Ercolani, Joceline Lega and Brandon Tippings
- An Internal Validity Index for Arbitrarily Shaped Clusters by Paola Favati and Onerlla Menchi
- Frequent, Infinitesimal Bottlenecks Maximize the Rate of Microbial Adaptation by Oscar Delaney, Andrew Letten and Jan Engelstädter
- A Modern Twist on an Old Measurement: Using Laboratory Automation and Data Science to Determine the Solubility Product of Lead Iodide by Alexander J. Norquist et al.
- The Ka /Ks and πa /πs Ratios under Different Models of Gametophytic and Sporophytic Selection by Ling-Ling Li et al.
- Measurement-Induced Integer Families of Critical Dynamical Scaling in Quantum Many-Body Systems by Zuo Wang et al.
- Metacomputing for Directly Computable Multiphysics Models by John G. Michopoulos et al.
- Q-Analog Qudit Dicke states by David Raveh and Rafael I. Nepomechie
- Atoms in a Spin-Dependent Optical Lattice Potential as a Topological Insulator with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry by Igor Kuzmenko et al.
- Computational General Relativity in the Wolfram Language using Gravitas I: Symbolic and Analytic Computation by Jonathan Gorard
- Algebraic Classification of the Gravitational Field in Weyl-Cartan Spacetimes by Sebastian Bahamonde and Jorge Gigante Valcarcel
- On the Viscosity Approximation Type Iterative Method and its Non-Linear Behaviour in the Generation of Mandelbrot and Julia Sets by Sudesh Kumari, Krzysztof Gdawiec and Renu Chugh
- Return, Learn, and Earn: Product Returns, Customer Segmentation, and Dynamic Pricing in the Online Retail Market by Julia Otte, Konstantinos Serfes and Veikko Thiele
- Asymptotic Gravitational-Wave Fluxes from a Spinning Test Body on Generic Orbits Around a Kerr Black Hole by Viktor Skoupý et al.
- On the Geometry of a Fake Projective Plane with 21 Automorphisms by Lev Borisov, et al.
- Which Cues are Sexy? The Evolution of Mate Preference in Sympatric Species Reveals the Contrasted Effect of Adaptation and Reproductive Interference by Ludovic Maisonneuve, Charline Smadi and Violaine Llaurens
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- Provision of Essential Resources as a Persistence Strategy in Food Webs by Michael Raatz
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- Counting Rational Curves with an M-Fold Point by Indranil Biswas et al.
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- Substituting Clean for Dirty Energy: A Bottom-Up Analysis by Fabian Stöckl and Alexander Zerrahn
- The Complex Architecture of the Vault System of an Early Medieval Church by Enrico Babilio and Silvana Rapuano
- Thermal Analysis of Dual-Phase-Lag Model in a Two-Dimensional Plate Subjected to a Heat Source Moving Along Elliptical Trajectories by Kaiyuan Chen and Zhicheng Hu
- Reference Frames in General Relativity and the Galactic Rotation Curves by L. Filipe O. Costa et al.
- Parameter Space Geometry of the Quartic Oscillator and the Double Well Potential: Classical and Quantum Description by Diego Gonzalez et al.
- Negative Refraction in Isotropic Achiral and Chiral Materials by Y. B. Band, Igor Kuzmenko and Marek Trippenbach
- Eigenvalues of Regular Symmetric Hall-plates by Udo Ausserlechner
- LISA Dynamics & Control: Closed-loop Simulation and Numerical Demonstration of Time Delay Interferometry by Lavinia Heisenberg et al.
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- Analysis of Metapopulation Models of the Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States by MyVan Vo, Zhilan Feng and Jefferson N. Jones
- Complementary Uses of the Magnetic Vector Potential for the Understanding and Teaching of Electromagnetics by J G Adams and C L Duston
- Closed-loop Nash Competition for Liquidity by Alessandro Micheli, Johannes Muhle-Karbe and Eyal Neuman
- The Motion of Test Bodies around Kerr Black Holes by Adrien Druart
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Terrain Slope on the Performance of Single-Axis Trackers by A. Barbón et al.
- AlgRel.wl: Algebraic Relations for the Product of Propagators in Feynman Integrals by B.Ananthanarayan, Souvik Bera and Tanay Pathak
- Compressive Enhancement Gyroid Lattice with Implicit Modeling Implementation and Modified G-A Model Property Prediction by Ruiguang Chen et al.
- Quantifying the Effect of Isolation and Negative Certification on COVID-19 Transmission by Jun-Ichi Takeshita et al.
- New Actuation Modes of Composite Dielectric Elastomers by Pietro Liguori and Massimiliano Gei
- A Continuum Description of the Buckling of a Line of Spheres in a Transverse Harmonic Confining Potential by S. Hutzler et al.
- Tomorrow's Smart City Personal Transporter: An autonomous Hoverboard Robot by Ronal P. Chand et al.
- A Symmetry and Noether Charge Preserving Discretization of Initial Value Problems by Alexander Rothkopf and Jan Nordström
- On the Image of Graph Distance Matrices by William Dudarov et al.
- On the Total CR Twist of Transversal Curves in the 3-Sphere by Emilio Musso and Lorenzo Nicolodi
- The Recombination Hotspot Paradox: Co-Evolution Between PRDM9 and its Target Sites by Francisco Úbeda, Frédéric Fyon and Reinhard Bürger
- Vibration and damping analysis of functionally graded shells by Yavuz Cetin Cuma, Mehmet Bugra Özbey and Faruk Firat Calim
- Calculating the Many-Potential Vacuum Polarization Density of the Dirac Equation in the Finite-Basis Approximation by Maen Salman and Trond Saue
- Loop Amplitude Integrands from Unitarity Cuts by Jacob L. Bourjaily and Simon Caron-Huot
- Population Rescue through an Increase in the Selfing Rate under Pollen Limitation: Plasticity versus Evolution by Kuangyi Xu
- The Photon Sphere and the AdS/CFT Correspondence by Marcos Riojas and Hao-Yu Sun
- Provably Faster Gradient Descent via Long Steps by Benjamin Grimmer
- On Off-Critical Zeros of Lattice Energies in the Neighborhood of the Riemann Zeta Function by Laurent Bétermin, Ladislav Šamaj and Igor Travěnec
- Polynomially Knotted 2-Spheres by Rama Mishra and Tumpa Mahato
- Rewiring the Carbon Cycle: a Theoretical Framework for Animal-Driven Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration by Matteo Rizzuto, Shawn J. Leroux and Oswald J. Schmitz
- Microbial Redox Cycling Enhances Ecosystem Thermodynamic Efficiency and Productivity by Mayumi Seto and Michio Kondoh
- Winds of Change: Tornado Damage in Forest Ecosystems of the United States by Holly L. Munro et al.
- Quantifying Bark-Stripping Damages to Address the Relationship between External and Internal Wood Defects by M. Rößner, T. Vor and D. Seidel
- N-partite Entanglement Measures of GHZ States in a Non-inertial Frame by J. Rueda-Paz, J. L. Manríquez-Zepeda and M. Ávila
- Sustainable Production-Inventory System for Perishables under Dynamic Fuel Pricing and Preservation Technology Investment by Ranveer Singh Rana, Dinesh Kumar and Kanika Prasad
- Continuous Filament Network of the Local Universe by Anatoliy Tugay and Mariusz Tarnopolski
- Symbolic Computation of Solitary Wave Solutions and Solitons Through Homogenization of Degree by Willy Hereman and Unal Goktas
- Computing Tools for Effective Field Theories by Jason Aebischer et al.
- Pseudospectra of Holographic Quasinormal Modes by Daniel Arean, David Garcia-Fariña and Karl Landsteiner
- Recoil Momentum of an Atom Absorbing Light in a Gaseous Medium and the Abraham-Minkowski Debate by João G. L. Condé and Pablo L. Saldanha
- Gaussian Tripartite Entanglement in the Simultaneous Measurement of Position and Momentum by J. A. Mendoza-Fierro and L. M. Arévalo Aguilar
- Complete Characterization of Robust Perfect Adaptation in Biochemical Reaction Networks by Yuji Hirono, Ankit Gupta and Mustafa Khammash
- Black Hole Perturbation Theory and Multiple Polylogarithms by Gleb Aminov et al.
- The θ-formulation of the two-dimensional elastica: buckling and boundary layer theory by Gregory Kozyreff et al
- Bio-inspired machine learning: programmed death and replication by Andrey Grabovsky and Vitaly Vanchurin
- On Surprise Indices Related to Univariate Discrete and Continuous Distributions: A Survey by Indranil Ghosh and Tamara D. H. Cooper
- How Long Can k-Göbel Sequences Remain Integers? by Rinnosuke Matsuhira, Toshiki Matsusaka and Koki Tsuchida
- Inventory Optimization in a Green Environment with Two Warehouses by Ritu Motla et al.
- “Pass the Buck” on a Rooted Tree by Kenneth Levasseur
- Lexicon for Classifying Ear-Canal Shapes by J. C. Martinez et al.
- Chiral and Trace Anomalies in Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering. II. QCD Factorization and Beyond by Shohini Bhattacharya, Yoshitaka Hatta and Werner Vogelsang
- Communication and Coordination with Constraints by Raghul S. Venkatesh
- Using Interpretable Machine Learning to Extend Heterogeneous Antibody-Virus Datasets by Tal Einav and Rong Ma
- The More the Merrier? On the Optimality of Market Size Restrictions by Colin von Negenborn
- Overview of Fractional Calculus and Its Computer Implementation in Wolfram Mathematica by O. I. Marichev and E. L. Shishkina
- Simulation of Simple Movements of Arm-Z Oblique Swivel Joint Chain Manipulator by Ela Zawidzka and Machi Zawidzki
- Weierstrass Elliptic Functions for the Pendulum by Oliver Knill
- The Evolution of Early Hominin Food Production and Sharing by Ingela Alger et al.
- Motion of Localized Disturbances in Scalar Harmonic Lattices by Julia A. Baimova, Nikolay M. Bessonov and Anton M. Krivtsov
- Model Checking QCTL Plus on Quantum Markov Chains by Ming Xu et al.
- When to Push Ads: Optimal Mobile Ad Campaign Strategy under Markov Customer Dynamics by Guokai Li, Pin Gao and Zizhuo Wang
- Exact Hopfion Vortices in a 3D Heisenberg Ferromagnet by Radha Balakrishnan, Rossen Dandoloff and Avadh Saxena
- Stokes Waves at the Critical Depth Are Modulational Unstable by Massimiliano Berti, Alberto Maspero and Paolo Ventura
- Elasticity of Spheres with Buckled Surfaces by Yingzhen Tian et al.
- Holobiont Evolution: Lytic/Lysogenic Transition as a Life-History Switch by Joan Roughgarden
- Optimised Trotter Decompositions for Classical and Quantum Computing by Johann Ostmeyer
- Referral Strategy of E-commerce Platform under Different Selling Modes by Xin Wang et al.
- Analysis of Ill-Conditioned Cases of a Mass Moving on a Sphere with Friction by Terry W. McDaniel
- Induced Flow and Heat Transfer Due to Inner Stretching and Outer Stationary Coaxial Cylinders by Mustafa Turkyilmazoglu and Ioan Pop
- volatilityforecastingpackage: A Financial Volatility Package in Mathematica by Noorshanaaz Khodabaccus and Aslam A. E. F. Saib
- Nonlinear and Periodic Dynamics of Chaotic Hydro-thermal Process of Skokomish River by Heikki Ruskeepää et al.
- Substituting Clean for Dirty Energy: A Bottom-Up Analysis by Fabian Stöckl and Alexander Zerrahn
- Acquired Phototrophy as an Evolutionary Path to Mixotrophy by Alexandra L. Brown, Grace A. Casarez and Holly V. Moeller
- Provision of Essential Resources as a Persistence Strategy in Food Webs by Michael Raatz
- Cylindrical Void Growth vs. Grain Fragmentation in FCC Single Crystals: CPFEM Study for Two Types of Loading Conditions by Saketh Virupakshi and Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska
- Symbolic-Numeric Computation in Modeling the Dynamics of the Many-Body System TRAPPIST by Alexander Chichurin et al.
- Remarks on the Vietoris Sequence and Corresponding Convolution Formulas by Isabel Cação et al.
- Black Hole–Wormhole Collisions and the Emergence of Islands by João M. Dias et al.
- Neural Polytopes by Koji Hashimoto, Tomoya Naito and Hisashi Naito
- The Schwinger–Keldysh Coset Construction by Can Onur Akyuz, Garrett Goon and Riccardo Penco
- Krylov Complexity and Chaos in Quantum Mechanics by Koji Hashimoto et al.
- On the Structure of Mirrored Operators Obtained from Optimal Entanglement Witnesses by Anindita Bera et al.
- A Twist on Active Membranes: Odd Mechanics, Spontaneous Flows and Shape Instabilities by Sami C. Al-Izzi and Gareth P. Alexander
- Machine Learning for Potion Development at Hogwarts by Christoph F. Kurz and Adriana N. König
- Optimal Capacity Sharing for Global Genomic Surveillance by Zsombor Z. Méder and Robert Somogyi
- Transplanting Naturally Regenerated Tree Seedlings for Tropical Forest Restoration: A Case Study of Calophyllum brasiliense and Vochysia guatemalensis in Mexico by Elena Prieto-Rodao, Martin Ricker and Miguel Martínez-Ramos
- Hyperboloidal Discontinuous Time-Symmetric Numerical Algorithm with Higher-Order Jumps for Gravitational Self-Force Computations in the Time Domain by Lidia J. Gomes Da Silva et al.
- Cohomological χ-dependence of Ring Structure for the Moduli of One-Dimensional Sheaves on ℙ2 by Woonam Lim, Miguel Moreira and Weite Pi
- Curves Formed by Vanishing Discriminant and Roots of Complex-Valued Harmonic Polynomials (Computer-Aided Case Study) by Oluma Ararso Alemu and Hunduma Legesse Geleta
- Tax Competition and Harmonization Where Tastes for Public Goods Differ by Zineb Abidi and Emmanuelle Taugourdeau
- A New Method for Calculating the View Factor from a Wall to a Spheroidal Canopy by Kuanyu Zhang et al.
- A Policy Conundrum: Schumpeterian Growth or Job Creation? by Elias Dinopoulos, Wolf-Heimo Grieben and Fuat Şener
- Spinning Partial Waves for Scattering Amplitudes in d Dimensions by Ilija Buric, Francesco Russo and Alessandro Vichi
- Chaos from Symmetry: Navier Stokes Equations, Beltrami Fields and the Universal Classifying Crystallographic Group by Pietro G. Fré and Mario Trigiante
- Effects of Leaflet Curvature and Thickness on the Crimping Stresses in Transcatheter Heart Valve by Alp Karakoç, Olcay Aksoy and Ertuğrul Taciroğlu
- Mandelbulb, Mandelbrot, Mandelring and Hopfbrot by Oliver Knill
- Quantum Geometry of Non-Hermitian Topological Systems by Chao Chen Ye et al.
- Multiparton Cwebs at Five Loops by Shubham Mishra et al.
- A Cable-Based Haptic Interface with a Reconfigurable Structure by Bastien Poitrimol and Hiroshi Igarashi
- Two Instances of Random Access Code in the Quantum Regime by Nitica Sakharwade et al.
- Analysis of a Queueing System with Mixed Service Discipline by Alexander Dudin, Sergei Dudin and Olga Dudina
- Effect of Service Factors and Buy-Online-Pick-Up-in-Store Strategies through an Omnichannel System under an Agricultural Supply Chain Management by Han Lim, Kathleen B. Aviso and Biswajit Sarkar
- The Effect of Governance Quality on Future Economic Growth: An Analysis and Comparison of Emerging Market and Developed Economies by Luana Enikő Misi Lopes, Natalie Packham and Ursula Walther
- Clifford Orbits from Cayley Graph Quotients by Cynthia Keeler, William Munizzi and Jason Pollack
- Scaling Limits of Planar Maps under the Smith Embedding by Federico Bertacco, Ewain Gwynne and Scott Sheffield
- Mixotrophic Microbes Create Carbon Tipping Points under Warming by Daniel J. Wieczynski, Holly V. Moeller and Jean P. Gibert
- Multistable Metafluid Based Energy Harvesting and Storage by Ofek Peretz et al.
- Investigation of the Longitudinal Mechanical Response of Pipeline or Tunnel under Reverse Fault Dislocation by Lianjin Tao et al.
- Understanding and Leveraging Phenotypic Plasticity during Metastasis Formation by Saumil Shah et al.
- Thresholdless Stochastic Particle Heating by a Single Wave by F. Sattin and D. F. Escande
- A Physical Noise Model for Quantum Measurements by Faedi Loulidi, Ion Nechita and Clément Pellegrini
- Temporal Dynamics of Trauma Memory Persistence by Michael B. Bonsall and Emily A. Holmes
- Bifurcations of Riemann Ellipsoids by Fahimeh Mokhtari, Jesús F. Palacián and Patricia Yanguas
- Individual Costs and Societal Benefits of Interventions during the COVID-19 Pandemic by Arne Traulsen, Simon A. Levin and Chadi M. Saad-Roy
- Remodeling Male Coercion and the Evolution of Sexual Autonomy by Mate Choice by Samuel S. Snow and Richard O. Prum
- Incentivizing Honest Performative Predictions with Proper Scoring Rules by Caspar Oesterheld et al.
- Equation Generator for Equation-of-Motion Coupled Cluster Assisted by Computer Algebra System by Raúl Quintero-Monsebaiz and Pierre-François Loos
- Quasicrystalline Spin Foam with Matter: Definitions and Examples by Marcelo Amaral, Richard Clawson and Klee Irwin
- Quantum Geometry of Expectation Values by Chaoming Song
- Back to the Drawing Board: Re-thinking Growth–Defense Tradeoffs by Ellen van Velzen and Ursula Gaedke
- Scattering Amplitudes in Quantum Field Theory by Simon Badger et al.
- Design of Two-Dimensional Extremal Material Based on Truss Lattices by Kun Wang et al.
- Disentangling the Relationships among Abundance, Invasiveness and Invasibility in Trait Space by Cang Hui, Petr Pyšek and David M. Richardson
- Composition and Manufacture of a Rare Gold Example of the Mesopotamian “Tree of Life” Iconography and Coeval Jewellery in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula by Pedro Valério et al.
- Bank Competition and Household Privacy in a Digital Payment Monopoly by Itai Agur, Anil Ari and Giovanni Dell'Ariccia
- Optimizing Helical Disc Dynamo by J. Priede and R. A. Avalos-Zúñiga
- Corruption for Competence by Desiree A. Desierto
- Temporal Lobe Evolution in Extant and Extinct Cercopithecoidea by Alannah Pearson and P. David Polly
- Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Disposal of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste by Nuria Rebolledo et al.
- The Virtual Quantum Device (VQD): A Tool for Detailed Emulation of Quantum Computers by Cica Gustiani, Tyson Jones and Simon C. Benjamin
- Learning System Parameters from Turing Patterns by David Schnörr and Christoph Schnörr
- Balancing Act: Multivariate Rational Reconstruction for IBP by A. V. Belitsky, A. V. Smirnov and R. V. Yakovlev
- Running beyond ALPs: Shift-Breaking and CP-Violating Effects by Supratim Das Bakshi, Jonathan Machado-Rodríguez and Maria Ramos
- From Optimal Martingales to Randomized Dual Optimal Stopping by Denis Belomestny and John Schoenmakers
- Vacuole Dynamics and Popping-Based Motility in Liquid Droplets of DNA by Omar A. Saleh et al.
- Integrated Attitude and Shape Control for OrigamiSats with Variable Surface Reflectivity by Bonar Robb et al.
- Is the System Reliability Profitable for Retailing and Consumer Service of a Dynamical System under Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand? by Biswajit Sarkar et al.
- Active Particle in a Harmonic Trap Driven by a Resetting Noise: An Approach via Kesten Variables by Mathis Gueneau, Satya N. Majumdar and Gregory Schehr
- Warranty and Bundling Strategies for Pricing Decisions in a Duopoly by Debrina P. Andriani and Fu-Shiang Tseng
- Water and Heat Exchanges in Mammalian Lungs by Benoit Haut et al.
- Higher-Order Dynamics in the Replicator Equation Produce a Limit Cycle in Rock-Paper-Scissors by Christopher Griffin and Rongling Wu
- Time Averages and Periodic Attractors at High Rayleigh Number for Lorenz-Like Models by Ivan Ovsyannikov et al.
- A Thermal Product Formula by Matthew Dodelson et al.
- Robust Differentiation in a Synthetic Stem-Cell Circuit by David S. Glass et al.
- Inciting Family Healthy Eating: Taxation and Nudging by Moustapha Sarr
- The Hawking Energy in a Perturbed Friedmann–Lemaître Universe by Dennis Stock, Enea Di Dio and Ruth Durrer
- Estimating a Polyhedron Method Informativeness in the Problem of Checking the Automaton by the Statistical Properties of the Input and Output Sequences by S. Yu. Melnikov, K. E. Samouylov and A. V. Zyazin
- The Trade-Off between Individual Metabolic Specialization and Versatility Determines the Metabolic Efficiency of Microbial Communities by Miaoxiao Wang et al.
- Inspiring Regime Change by Stephen Morris and Mehdi Shadmehr
- Coupling Dynamics of 2D Notch-Delta Signalling by Francisco Berkemeier and Karen M. Page
- Continued Fractions and the Thomson Problem by Pablo Moscato, Mohammad Nazmul Haque and Anna Moscato
- Quasicrystalline Structure of the Smith Monotile Tilings by Joshua E. S. Socolar
- A Practical and Economical Bayesian Approach to Gas Price Prediction by ChihYun Chuang and TingFang Lee
- Fractional Topological Solitons in Nonlinear Viscoelastic Ribbons with Tunable Speed by Carla Nathaly Villacís Núñez et al.
- Designing Optimal Loop, Saddle, and Ellipse-Based Magnetic Coils by Spherical Harmonic Mapping by Peter James Hobson et al.
- Reconstructing Black Hole Exteriors and Interiors Using Entanglement and Complexity by Wen-Bin Xu and Shao-Feng Wu
- Modular Reconfiguration of DNA Origami Assemblies Using Tile Displacement by Namita Sarraf, Kellen R. Rodriguez and Lulu Qian
- Efficient High-Order Gradient-Based Reconstruction for Compressible Flows by Amareshwara Sainadh Chamarthi
- Life History and Deleterious Mutation Rate Coevolution by Piret Avila and Laurent Lehmann
- Computing Mathematical Functions with Chemical Reactions via Stochastic Logic by Arnav Solanki, Tonglin Chen and Marc Riedel
- Secular Orbital Dynamics of the Innermost Exoplanet of the 𝜐-Andromedæ System by Rita Mastroianni and Ugo Locatelli
- X-ray Powder Diffraction in Education. Part II. Intensity of a Powder Pattern by R. Dinnebier and P. Scardi
- Weyl Geometric Effects on the Propagation of Light in Gravitational Fields by Marius A. Oancea and Tiberiu Harko
- Plebanski–Demianski Goes NUTs (to Remove the Misner String) by Marco Astorino and Giovanni Boldi
- Soft Shadow Images by Johannes Grebe-Ellis and Thomas Quick
- Dirac Series for Complex E8 by Dan Barbasch and Kayue Daniel Wong
- Thurston's Sphere Packings on 3-Dimensional Manifolds, I by Xiaokai He and Xu Xu
- Regulatory Architecture of Housekeeping Genes Is Driven by Promoter Assemblies by Marion Dejosez et al.
- Semicubic Cages and Small Graphs of Even Girth from Voltage Graphs by Flor Aguilar, Gabriela Araujo-Pardo and Leah Bermann
- Effects of Leptin and Body Weight on Inflammation and Knee Osteoarthritis Phenotypes in Female Rats by Yao Fu et al.
- On Visualization of Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata and Tilings with Head-Mounted Display by Katsunobu Imai, Hiroki Kitagawa and Kazuma Nakahara
- Dependability Evaluation of a Smart Poultry House: Addressing Availability Issues through the Edge, Fog, and Cloud Computing by Felipe Oliveira et al.
- Proof of Principle for a Self-Governing Prediction and Forecasting Reward Algorithm by J. O. Gonzalez-Hernandez et al.
- Design and Analysis of Cyber Warfare Model with Intelligent Predictive Stochastic Networks for Attack-Defend Scenarios on Critical Infrastructures by Khalid Majeed et al.
- A Program to Create New Geometry Proof Problems by Philip Todd and Danny Aley
- Classification of Tridendriform Algebra and Related Structures by Bouzid Mosbahi, Sania Asif and Ahmed Zahari
- Optimal Effort, Fish Farming, and Marine Reserve in Fisheries Management by Temesgen B. Getahun et al.
- Analog Gravity and the Continuum Effective Theory of the Graphene Tight Binding Lattice Model by Matthew M. Roberts and Toby Wiseman
- Kerr Geodesics in Terms of Weierstrass Elliptic Functions by Adam Cieślik, Eva Hackmann and Patryk Mach
- Statistics of Feynman Amplitudes in ϕ4-Theory by Paul-Hermann Balduf
- FORMERLY-Math: Constrained Form-Finding through Membrane Equilibrium Analysis in Mathematica by Carlo Olivieri
- Moving Mass over a Viscoelastic System: Asymptotic Behaviours and Insights into Nonlinear Dynamics by M. Argenziano et al.
- Unraveling the Interplay of Gravity and Surface Tension in Driving Waves on Water's Surface by Mostafa M.A. Khater et al.
- Individualized Modeling for the Peripheral Optics of the Human Myopic Eye by Juan Tabernero et al.
- Counterflow-Induced Clustering: Exact Results by Amit Kumar Chatterjee and Hisao Hayakawa
- Computing Circuit Polynomials in the Algebraic Rigidity Matroid by Goran Malić and Ileana Streinu
- Inverse Kinematics and Path Planning of Manipulator Using Real Quantifier Elimination Based on Comprehensive Gröbner Systems by Mizuki Yoshizawa, Akira Terui and Masahiko Mikawa
- BFIP: An Online Tool to Calculate the Best Fitted Idealized Polyhedron by Zhen Song et al.
- Impedance Variation of a Reflection Probe Near the Edge of a Magnetic Metal Plate by Xinyi Yang et al.
- Pricing Strategy and Social Welfare in a Supply Chain with Different Rights Structure under Carbon Tax Policy by Yuxian Li and Jiuhe Wang
- Tunable Experimental Testbed for Evaluating Load Coordination Methods by Drew A. Geller and Johanna L. Mathieu
- A Network Community Detection Method with Integration of Data from Multiple Layers and Node Attributes by Hannu Reittu, Lasse Leskelä and Tomi Räty
- Singularities of Gaussian Random Maps into the Plane by P. K. Mishal Assif
- Reinsurance Games with Two Reinsurers: Tree versus Chain by Jingyi Cao et al.
- Finding Straight Line Generators through the Approximate Synthesis of Symmetric Four-Bar Coupler Curves by Aravind Baskar, Mark Plecnik and Jonathan D. Hauenstein
- Social Common Capital Accumulation and Fiscal Sustainability in a Wage-Led Growth Economy by Hiroshi Nishi and Kazuhiro Okuma
- Unlikely the Transition toward the Hydrogen Economy Will Produce a Significant Increment in the Atmospheric Concentration of Methane by Alberto Boretti
- Entente versus Alliance: When Should States Be Friends But Not Allies? by Emerson Nioua and Sean M. Zeigler
- A Sustainable Inventory Model for Defective Items under Fuzzy Environment by Riju Chaudhary, Mandeep Mittal and Mahesh Kumar Jayaswal
- Entanglement Structures in Quantum Field Theories II: Distortions of Vacuum Correlations through the Lens of Local Observers by Natalie Klco and D. H. Beck
- Can Low-Quality Parents Exploit Their High-Quality Partners to Gain Higher Fitness? by Kartikey Awasthi and Jonathan M. Henshaw
- The Smallest Mono-unstable Convex Polyhedron with Point Masses Has 8 Faces and 11 Vertices by Dávid Papp et al.
- Computing the Conley Index: A Cautionary Tale by Konstantin Mischaikow and Charles Weibel
- Writing in Water by Nadir Möller et al.
- Free Energy and Inference in Living Systems by Chang Sub Kim
- Molecular Orbitals by Pierpaolo Morgante and Jochen Autschbach
- Correcting Systematic Errors by Hybrid 2D Correlation Loss Functions in Nonlinear Inverse Modelling by Thomas G. Mayerhöfer et al.
- Customs Unions and Contingent Protection between Competing Exporters by Chrysostomos Tabakis
- Origin of Filaments in Finite-Time in Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Thin-Films by Saksham Sharma and D. Ian Wilson
- M-State and N-Color (M–N = 1–1, 2–1, and 1–2) Turing Algorithms Demonstrated via DNA Self-Assembly by Muhammad Tayyab Raza and Sung Ha Park
- Distinct Distances in R3 between Quadratic and Orthogonal Curves by Toby Aldape et al.
- Differential Characterization of Quadratic Surfaces by Bartłomiej Zawalski
- A Theory of Oligogenic Adaptation of a Quantitative Trait by Ilse Höllinger, Benjamin Wölfl and Joachim Hermisson
- Dipole Superfluid Hydrodynamics by Akash Jain et al.
- The Density of Meissner Polyhedra by Ryan Hynd
- Sequential Tariffs with Increasing Marginal Costs by Kangsik Choi and Seonyoung Lim
- Is the Online-Offline Buy-Online-Pickup-in-Store Retail Strategy Best among Other Product Delivery Strategies under Variable Lead Time? by Biswajit Sarkar et al.
- Triangular Tessellations of One-Loop Scattering Amplitudes in ϕ3 Theory by Abhijit B. Das
- Universal Calcium Fluctuations in Hydra Morphogenesis by Oded Agam and Erez Braun
- Natural Swarms in 3.99 Dimensions by Andrea Cavagna et al.
- The Impact of Information Sharing and Bullwhip Effects on Improving Consumer Services in Dual-Channel Retailing by Mitali Sarkar et al.
- Two-Period Pricing and Utilization Decisions in a Dual-Channel Service-Only Supply Chain by Shi-Woei Lin and Januardi Januardi
- A Novel Mechanism Measurement of Predator Interference in Predator–Prey Models by Jawdat Alebraheem and Yahya Abu-Hassan
- Local and Global Indeterminacy and Transition Dynamics in a Growth Model with Public Goods by José Gaspar et al.
- Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions under Climate Change Uncertainty and Learning by Lennart G. Vogelsang et al.
- Optimal Designs for a Non-linear Model for the Pharmacokinetics of Ethanol Elimination in the Human Body by Irene Mariñas-Collado, Juan M. Rodríguez-Díaz and M. Teresa Santos-Martín
- Life-History Responses to Temperature and Seasonality Mediate Ectotherm Consumer–Resource Dynamics under Climate Warming by Laura A. Twardochleb, Phoebe L. Zarnetske and Christopher A. Klausmeier
- Product Innovation with Vertical Differentiation: Is a Monopolist's Incentive Weaker? by Serge Moresi and Marius Schwartz
- On the Bifurcation Behavior of a Folded Notebook Page by Chenguang Zhang
- Extremal Black Holes as Relativistic Systems with Kepler Dynamics by Dijs de Neeling et al.
- Size Effects in the Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline Silicon by Marcus Aßmus et al.
- Thermodynamics of the Spin Square by Heinz-Jürgen Schmidt and Christian Schröder
- A Discrete Model for the Growth and Spread of the Scottish Populations of Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) and Grey Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) by Jean-Baptiste Gramain
- A Numeric Study of Power Expansions around Singular Points of Algebraic Functions, Their Radii of Convergence, and Accuracy Profiles by Dominic C. Milioto
- Strategic Crackdown on Organized Crime by Local Governments by Ken Yahagi and Susumu Cato
- Feynman Integrals from Positivity Constraints by Mao Zeng
- An Application of Heun Functions in the Quantum Mechanics of a Constrained Particle by Alexandre G. M. Schmidt and Matheus E. Pereira
- An Approach for Generating Families of Energetically Optimal Gaits from Passive Dynamic Walking Gaits by Nelson Rosa et al.
- Construction of Unstable Concentrated Solutions of the Euler and gSQG Equations by Martin Donati
- A [3]-catenane Non-autonomous Molecular Motor Model: Geometric Phase, No-Pumping Theorem, and Energy Transduction by Massimo Bilancioni, Massimiliano Esposito and Emanuele Penocchio
- A Fast Boundary Node Method for Transient Scalar Waves in Domains with Localized Inhomogeneities by M. Saber, B. Boroomand and B. Movahedian
- Habitat Distribution Affects Connectivity and Population Size in Migratory Networks by Swati Patel and Caz M. Taylor
- Towards the One Loop IR/UV Dictionary in the SMEFT: One Loop Generated Operators from New Scalars and Fermions by G. Guedes, P. Olgoso and J. Santiago
- Water as Driver of Economic Capacity: Introducing a Physical Economic Model by Sabine O'Hara and Thomas S. Kakovitch
- Sustainable Circular Economy Production System with Emission Control in LED Bulb Companies by Ezhilarasan Peter John and Umakanta Mishra
- Cumulative Parisian Ruin in Finite and Infinite Time Horizons for a Renewal Risk Process with Exponential Claims by Eric C. K. Cheung and Wei Zhu
- DNA Supercoiling-Induced Shapes Alter Minicircle Hydrodynamic Properties by Radost Waszkiewicz et al.
- Polymer Networks Which Locally Rotate to Accommodate Stresses, Torques, and Deformation by Matthew Grasinger
- A Probabilistic View of Wave-Particle Duality for Single Photons by Andrea Aiello
- Koopman Analysis of the Periodic Korteweg–de Vries Equation by Jeremy P. Parker and Claire Valva
- “Analytical Continuation” of Flattened Gaussian Beams by Riccardo Borghi
- Quantitatively Visualizing Bipartite Datasets by Tal Einav, Yuehaw Khoo and and Amit Singer
- Lotka–Volterra Analysis of River Ganga Pollution in India by Norbert Brunner, Sukanya Das and Markus Starkl
- SpinorHelicity4D: A Mathematica Toolbox for the Four-Dimensional Spinor-Helicity Formalism by Manuel Accettulli Huber
- Predation Drives Complex Eco-evolutionary Dynamics in Sexually Selected Traits by Brian A. Lerch and Maria R. Servedio
- Three-Dimensional Buoyant Hydraulic Fractures: Finite Volume Release by Andreas Möri and Brice Lecampion
- Elasticity Control of Entangled Chromosomes: Crosstalk between Condensin Complexes and Nucleosomes by Tetsuya Yamamoto, Kazuhisa Kinoshita and Tatsuya Hirano
- Minimal Counterexamples to Hendrickson's Conjecture on Globally Rigid Graphs by Georg Grasegger
- Multiple Scattering of Charged Particles by N Atoms by Charles J. Joachain and Niels J. Kylstra
- Circling a Square: The Lawn Mowing Problem Is Algebraically Hard by Sándor P. Fekete et al.
- Surface Instability in a Nematic Elastomer by Morgan Barnes, Fan Feng and John S. Biggins
- Size Limits the Sensitivity of Kinetic Schemes by Jeremy A. Owen and Jordan M. Horowitz
- On the Origin of the Combinatorial Complexity of the Crystal Structures with 0D, 1D, or 2D Primary Motifs by Daria A. Banaru et al.
- Emergent Competition Shapes the Ecological Properties of Multi-trophic Ecosystems by Zhijie Feng et al.
- Photovoltaic Deployment Scenarios toward Global Decarbonization: Role of Disruptive Technologies by Billy J. Stanbery, Michael Woodhouse and Jao van de Lagemaat
- Deconstructing Insect Herbivore Trivial Movement in a Monoculture and Triculture: Limitations of Emigration by David A. Andow
- Quantum Backaction Effects in Sequential Measurements by Le Bin Ho
- Analyzing the Motion of a Washer on a Rod by Hiroshi Takano
- Post-glacial Range Formation of Temperate Forest Understorey Herbs: Insights from a Spatio-temporally Explicit Modelling Approach by Wolfgang Willner et al.
- Does the First-Serving Team Have a Structural Advantage in Pickleball? by Daryl R. DeFord and Stewart N. Ethier
- Bifurcation Cascade, Self-Similarity and Duality in the 3-Rotor Problem by Govind S. Krishnaswami and Ankit Yadav
- Animal-Vectored Nutrient Flows across Resource Gradients Influence the Nature of Local and Meta-ecosystem Functioning by Matteo Rizzuto et al.
- Laplace's Rule of Succession: A Simple and Efficient Way to Compare Metaheuristics by Mahamed Ghasib Hussein Omran and Maurice Clerc
- Optimal Production Run in an Imperfect Production Process with Maintenance under Warranty and Product Insurance by Prasanta Kumar Ghosh et al.
- Jet SIFT-ing: A New Scale-Invariant Jet Clustering Algorithm for the Substructure Era by Andrew J. Larkoski et al.
- Automated Symbolic Upscaling: Model Generation for Extended Applicability Regimes, Part 1 by Kyle Pietrzyk and Ilenia Battiato
- Experimental Higher-Order Interference in a Nonlinear Triple Slit by Peter Namdar et al.
- Balancing Act: Multivariate Rational Reconstruction for IBP by A. V. Belitsky, A. V. Smirnov and R. V. Yakovlev
- Statistical Equilibrium of Circulating Fluids by Alexander Migdal
- Automated Symbolic Upscaling: Model Generation for Extended Applicability Regimes, Part 2 by Kyle Pietrzyk and Ilenia Battiato
- On Effects of Concentrated Loads on Perforated Sensitive Shells of Revolution by Stefano Giani and Harri Hakula
- On Potentials Integrated by Nikiforov–Uvarov Method by Lina Ellis et al.
- The Inverse Mellin Transform via Analytic Continuation by A. Behring, J. Blümlein and K. Schönwald
- Toward Finiteness of Central Configurations for the Planar Six-Body Problem by Symbolic Computations by Ke-Ming Chang and Kuo-Chang Chen
- One-Parameter Families of Conformal Mappings of the Half-Plane onto Polygonal Domains with Several Slits by A. Posadskii and S. Nasyrov
- Numerical Ranges and Geometry in Quantum Information: Entanglement, Uncertainty Relations, Phase Transitions, and State Interconversion by Konrad Szymański
- Multiplicative, Non-Newtonian Viscoelasticity Models for Rubber Materials and Brain Tissues: Numerical Treatment and Comparative Studies by Alexander Ricker, Meike Gierig and Peter Wriggers
- A Green Realistic Inventory Model with Preservation Technology for Deteriorating Items under Carbon Emission by Naeem Ahmad et al.
- MSGCorep: A Package for Corepresentations of Magnetic Space Groups by Gui-Bin Liu et al.
- Transmon Qubit Readout Fidelity at the Threshold for Quantum Error Correction without a Quantum-Limited Amplifier by Liangyu Chen et al.
- Run-and-Tumble Motion in a Linear Ratchet Potential: Analytic Solution, Power Extraction and First-Passage Properties by Connor Roberts and Zigan Zhen
- On the Link between Mechanics and Thermal Properties: Mechanothermics by Eddy Collin et al.
- On Cusps of Caustics by Reflection: Billiard Variations on the Four Vertex Theorem and on Jacobi's Last Geometric Statement by Gil Bor and Serge Tabachnikov
- Analytical Solutions for Gravitational Potential up to Its Third-Order Derivatives of a Tesseroid, Spherical Zonal Band, and Spherical Shell by Xiao-Le Deng and Nico Sneeuw
- Softcomputing in Identification of the Origin of Voynich Manuscript by Comparison with Ancient Dialects by Ivan Zelinka et al.
- Comparing the Roles of Time Overhead and Spatial Dimensions on Optimal Resetting Rate Vanishing Transitions, in Brownian Processes with Potential Bias and Stochastic Resetting by Saeed Ahmad and Dibyendu Das
- An Inventory Model for Two-Parameter Weibull Distributed Ameliorating and Deteriorating Items with Stock and Advertisement Frequency Dependent Demand under Trade Credit and Preservation Technology by Ajoy Hatibaruah and Sumit Saha
- Returns Handling in E-commerce: How to Avoid Demand Negativity in Supply Chain Contracts with Returns? by Milena Bieniek
- Stress-Induced Mutagenesis Can Further Boost Population Success in Static Ecology by Kien T. Pham et al.
- Position Space Equations for Banana Feynman Diagrams by Victor Mishnyakov, Alexei Morozov and Pavel Suprun
- Modeling Food Dependent Symbiosis in Exaiptasia pallida by Jakob O. Kaare-Rasmussen, Holly V. Moeller and Ferdinand Pfab
- Causes and Consequences of Linkage Disequilibrium among Transposable Elements within Eukaryotic Genomes by Denis Roze
- Which Cues Are Sexy? The Evolution of Mate Preference in Sympatric Species Reveals the Contrasted Effect of Adaptation and Speciation by Ludovic Maisonneuve, Charline Smadi and Violaine Llaurens
- Prepositioning Emergency Inventories under Uncertainties of Time, Location, and Quantity by Baruch Keren
- On the Application of Gradient Based Reconstruction for Flow Simulations on Generalized Curvilinear and Dynamic Mesh Domains by Hemanth Chandravamsi et al.
- Optical Bloch Modeling of Magnetic Dipole Transitions in a Four-State System and Its Application in Ion Trapping: Tutorial by S. Bester and C. M. Steenkamp
- Pollinator Sex Matters in Competition and Coexistence of Co-flowering Plants by Takefumi Nakazawa and Shigeki Kishi
- Early Acting Inbreeding Depression Can Evolve as an Inbreeding Avoidance Mechanism by Yaniv Brandvain, Lia Thomson and Tanja Pyhäjärvi
- Modeling the Frequency Response of an Acoustic Cavity Using the Method of Images by Frank Rice, Teresa Riedel and Isaiah Curtis
- Multi-plant Coordination in the U.S. Beef Packing Industry by Christopher C. Pudenz and Lee L. Schulz
- Technology Licensing and Collusion by Neelanjan Sen, Priyansh Minocha and Arghya Dutta
- Symbolic Computation Applied to Cauchy Type Singular Integrals by Ana C. Conceição and Jéssica C. Pires
- Exposing the Threshold Structure of Loop Integrals by Zeno Capatti
- Robust Exponential Runge–Kutta Embedded Pairs by Thoma Zoto and John C. Bowman
- Viscous Heat Backflow and Temperature Resonances in Graphite by Jan Dragašević and Michele Simoncelli
- An Entropic Lens on Stabilizer States by Cynthia Keeler, William Munizzi and Jason Pollack
- Why Win-Wins Are Rare in Complex Environmental Management by Margaret Hegwood, Ryan E. Langendorf and Matthew G. Burgess
- Bootstrapping Simple QM Systems by David Berenstein and George Hulsey
- Majorana Bound States with Chiral Magnetic Textures by Utkan Güngördü and Alexey A. Kovalev
- Competition Model Explains Trends of Long-Term Fertilization in Plant Communities by Atsushi Yamauchi, Koichi Ito and Shota Shibasaki
- Optimal Dividends under a Drawdown Constraint and a Curious Square-Root Rule by Hansjörg Albrecher, Pablo Azcue and Nora Muler
- Bootstrap Bounds on D0-brane Quantum Mechanics by Henry W. Lin
- Physical Aspects of f(R,GμνTμν) Modified Gravity Theories by Mihai Marciu and Dana Maria Ioan
- Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Science: Optimization with Mathematica Applications by M. M. Hammad, M. M. Yahia
- Generalized Method of Image Dyons for Quasi-Two-Dimensional Slabs with Ordinary-Topological Insulato Interfaces by Jose L. Movilla, Juan I. Climente and J. Planelles
- The Satisficing Secretary Problem: When Closed-Form Solutions Meet Simulated Annealing by Roberto Brera and Feng Fu
- Magnetic Square Lattice with Vertex Coupling of a Preferred Orientation by Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner and Jiří Lipovský
- All Projective Measurements Can Be Self-Tested by Ranyiliu Chen, Jurij Volčič and Laura Mančinska
- Moduli of Quadrilaterals and Quasiconformal Reflection by Semen Nasyrov, Toshiyuki Sugawa and Matti Vuorinen
- Communication and Coordination with Constraints by Raghul Venkatesh
- The Cost of Diffusion: Nonlinearity and Giant Fluctuations by Satya N. Majumdar, Francesco Mori and Pierpaolo Vivo
- Breakdown of Reye's Theory in Nanoscale Wear by Joaquin Garcia-Suarez, Tobias Brink and Jean-François Molinari
- The θ-formulation of the 2D Elastica—Buckling and Boundary Layer Theory by Gregory Kozyreff, Emmanuel Siéfert, Basile Radisson and Fabian Brau
- Unifying Warfighting Functions in Mathematical Modelling: Combat, Manoeuvre, and C2 by Ryan Ahern, Mathew Zuparic, Keeley Hoek and Alexander Kalloniatis
- Space Distribution of the Seismic Source Energy between 1-1-2000 and 3-7-2022 at Campi Flegrei Caldera by Edoardo Del Pezzo
- Contact Force Models for Non-spherical Particles with Different Surface Properties: A Review by Kamyar Kildashti, Kejun Dong and Aibing Yu
- Hyperbolic Matter in Electrical Circuits with Tunable Complex Phases by Anffany Chen et al.
- Effective Bet-Hedging through Growth Rate Dependent Stability by Daan H. de Groot et al.
- Dynamics of Stochastic-Constrained Particles by Tao Guo
- Chiral Flows in the Separating Wall during Cell Division by Vijit Ganguly, Mainak Chatterjee and Anirban Sain
- A Parametric Blueprint for Optimum Cochlear Outer Hair Cell Design by Richard D. Rabbitt and Tamara C. Bidone
- Surprises in a Classic Boundary-Layer Problem by William A. Clark et al.
- Polar Zonohedra Edge-Unfold to Nets by Joseph O'Rourke
- On Blowups of Vorticity for the Homogeneous Euler Equation by B. G. Konopelchenko and G. Ortenzi
- The Fisher Process of Sexual Selection with the Coevolution of Preference Strength by Kuangyi Xu, Brian A Lerch and Maria R Servedio
- International Trade with Binary Preferences and Heterogeneous Productivity by Kefu Lin and Dao-Zhi Zeng
- An Exploration of Circumbinary Systems using Gravitational Microlensing by Brett C. George
- User Privacy Awareness, Incentive and Data Supply Chain Pricing Strategy by Haifei Yu, Shanshan Zheng and Hao Wu
- Green Veblen Effect: Sustainability in Pollution Management by Régis Y. Chenavaz, Stanko Dimitrov and Erica Rustico
- Continuous Fractional Component Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo by Niklas Mayr, Michael Haring and Thomas Wallek
- Obtaining Polynomial Invariants for Rooted Trees from Their Random Destruction by Fabian Burghart
- Effectiveness of Carbon Policies and Multi-period Delay in Payments in a Global Supply Chain under Remanufacturing Consideration by Bikash Koli Dey, Alotosh Datta and Biswajit Sarkar
- Minimizing Separatrix Crossings through Isoprominence by JW Burby, N Duignan and JD Meiss
- Flextegrity Simple Cubic Lattices by Claudio Boni and Gianni Royer-Carfagni
- Temporal Dynamics of Trauma Memory Persistence by Michael B. Bonsall and Emily A. Holmes
- Autonomous Control of Multiple Quadrotors for Collision-Free Navigation by Jai Raj et al.
- A Case Study on the Identification of Temporal Changes in a Residential District by Kadirhan Polat
- Chemical Leslie Effect in a Chiral Smectic-C★ Film: Nonsingular Target Patterns by Félix Bunel and Patrick Oswald
- Review and Perspectives in Applied Mechanics of Axially Moving Flexible Structures by Jakob Scheidl and Yury Vetyukov
- Quantitative Evaluation of SPH in TIG Spot Welding by Stefan Rhys Jeske et al.
- Quantum Superpositions of Minkowski Spacetime by Joshua Foo et al.
- Orbital Decay in the Classroom by Miguel Fiolhais et al.
- What Is the Shape of a Cupola? by Rafael López
- Complete Gravitational-Waveform Amplitude Modes for Quasicircular Compact Binaries to the 3.5PN Order by Quentin Henry
- Observational Properties of Relativistic Fluid Spheres with Thin Accretion Disks by João Luís Rosa
- Population Dynamics of the Phage/Bacteria Interaction: “Fitness Switch” for Lytic-Lysogenic Transition by Joan Roughgarden
- Reducing CO2 Emissions in the Copper Smelting Process by Using High-Temperature Solar Heat: Tecno-economic Assessment by Irving Cruz-Robles et al.
- Dynamics of Chaotic Waterwheel Model with the Asymmetric Flow within the Frame of Caputo Fractional Operator by S. Deepika and P. Veeresha
- Structural Health Monitoring and Mathematical Modelling of a Site-Specific Concrete Bridge under Moving Two-Axle Vehicles by Enrico Zacchei et al.
- Monte Carlo Methods Utilizing Mathematica®: Applications in Inverse Transform and Acceptance-Rejection Sampling by Sujaul Chowdhury
- Grid-Based Methods for Chemistry Simulations on a Quantum Computer by Hans Hon Sang Chan et al.
- Magnetically Actuated Millimeter-Scale Biped by Adam Cox, Sinan Beskok and Yildirim Hurmuzlu
- Coexistence in Periodic Environments by Alexa M Scott et al.
- Why Do Hybrids Turn Down Sex? by Frederic Fyon et al.
- Wormhole Time Machines and Multiple Histories by Barak Shoshany and Jared Wogan
- Free Energy Barriers for Anti-freeze Protein Engulfment in Ice: Effects of Supercooling, Footprint Size, and Spatial Separation by Hossam Farag and Baron Peters
- Controlling the Motional Quality Factor of a Diamagnetically Levitated Graphite Plate by P. Romagnoli et al.
- How Ubiquitous Is Entanglement in Quantum Field Theory? by Ivan Agullo et al.
- A Deep Reinforcement Learning Trader without Offline Training by Boian Lazov
- Demand-Oblivious Routing in Complex Networks under Uncertainty by Ying Pan, Na Lyu and Wu Chen
- Competing Auctions with Non-identical Objects by Massimiliano Landi, Domenico Menicucci and Andrey Sarychev
- Quasi-periodic Relativistic Shells in Reflecting Boundaries: How Likely Are Black Holes to Form? by Takafumi Kokubu
- Phenomenological Formula for Quantum Hall Resistivity Based on the Riemann Zeta Function by André LeClair
- An Extended 3D Limit Analysis of Slope Stability Considering Prestressed Anchor Cables Reinforcement by Yong Hong et al.
- Front Propagation and Arrival Times in Networks with Application to Neurodegenerative Diseases by Prama Putra et al.