- Create molecules from chemical names, "Chemical" entities or SMILES or InChI strings.»
- Create molecules with defined stereochemistry.»
- Manipulate structures by adding or removing atoms and bonds, changing stereochemistry and replacing entire substructures.»
- Create annotated 2D structure diagrams.»
- Generate molecular coordinates and create multiple 3D visualizations.»
Related Examples
Related Functions
- Atom
- AtomCount
- AtomList
- Bond
- BondCount
- BondList
- BondQ
- ChemicalData
- ConnectedMoleculeComponents
- ConnectedMoleculeQ
- ElementData
- FindMoleculeSubstructure
- Molecule
- MoleculeContainsQ
- MoleculeEquivalentQ
- MoleculeGraph
- MoleculeModify
- MoleculePattern
- MoleculePlot
- MoleculePlot3D
- MoleculeProperty
- MoleculeQ
- MoleculeValue
- "Chemical"
- "Element"
- "Isotope"
- "SDF"
- "MOL"
- "MOL2"
- "XYZ"