Wolfram Machine Learning Documentation
Wolfram Machine Learning is an integrated part of Wolfram Language. The full system contains over 6,000 built-in functions covering all areas of computation—all carefully integrated so they work perfectly together.
Wolfram Language
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LogitModelFit ▪ ProbitModelFit ▪ LinearModelFit ▪ GeneralizedLinearModelFit ▪ NonlinearModelFit ▪ FittedModel ▪ Normal ▪ NominalVariables ▪ LinkFunction ▪ LinearOffsetFunction ▪ ConfidenceLevel ▪ VarianceEstimatorFunction ▪ DispersionEstimatorFunction ▪ DesignMatrix ▪ FindFormula ▪ FindDistribution ▪ ClusteringComponents ▪ ClusterClassify ▪ ClusteringMeasurements ▪ MeanShift ▪ NearestNeighborGraph ▪ Dendrogram ▪ ClusteringTree ▪ FindGraphCommunities ▪ CommunityGraphPlot ▪ ConnectedComponents ▪ FindGraphPartition ▪ FindClique ▪ FindKClique ▪ ImageForestingComponents ▪ WatershedComponents ▪ GrowCutComponents ▪ DistanceFunction ▪ ClusterDissimilarityFunction ▪ Weights ▪ PerformanceGoal ▪ CriterionFunction ▪ Method ▪ NetChain ▪ NetMeasurements ▪ NetPort ▪ NetPortGradient ▪ NetStateObject ▪ NetTrainResultsObject ▪ ThreadingLayer ▪ AggregationLayer ▪ SoftmaxLayer ▪ NetReplacePart ▪ NetInitialize ▪ NetTake ▪ NetAppend ▪ NetReplace ▪ NetFlatten ▪ NetEncoder ▪ NetDecoder ▪ ChatEvaluate ▪ LLMResourceFunction ▪ LLMExampleFunction ▪ LLMPromptGenerator ▪ SemanticSearch ▪ SemanticSearchIndex ▪ UpdateSemanticSearchIndex ▪ SemanticSearchIndices ▪ LLMToolRequest ▪ LLMToolResponse ▪ GenerateLLMToolResponse ▪ $LLMEvaluator ▪ LLMEvaluator ▪ ServiceConnect ▪ ServiceExecute ▪ StringTemplate ▪ TemplateObject ▪ ResourceObject ▪ Authentication ▪ SystemCredential ▪ Environment ▪ SpeechSynthesize ▪ VectorDatabaseSearch ▪ CreateVectorDatabase ▪ CreateSemanticSearchIndex ▪ VectorDatabaseObject ▪ AddToVectorDatabase ▪ VectorDatabaseObjects ▪ Predict ▪ Classify ▪ ActivePrediction ▪ SequencePredict ▪ Nearest ▪ FindFit ▪ FindClusters ▪ FeatureExtraction ▪ FeatureSpacePlot ▪ FeatureImpactPlot ▪ AnomalyDetection ▪ DimensionReduction ▪ MissingValueSynthesis ▪ LLMFunction ▪ LLMSynthesize ▪ ImageSynthesize ▪ ChatObject ▪ LLMPrompt ▪ LLMTool ▪ LLMConfiguration ▪ NetModel ▪ NetTrain ▪ NetGraph ▪ LinearLayer ▪ ConvolutionLayer ▪ AttentionLayer ▪ ImageIdentify ▪ ImageCases ▪ FindFaces ▪ TextRecognize ▪ ImageGraphics ▪ TextSummarize ▪ LanguageIdentify ▪ TextStructure ▪ TextCases ▪ SpeechRecognize ▪ AudioIdentify ▪ SpeechCases ▪ SpeakerMatchQ ▪ PitchRecognize ▪