Interactive Models The Manipulate command lets you interactively explore what happens when you vary parameters in real time: In[1]:= ⨯ Manipulate[Plot[Sin[f x], {x, -3, 3}, Filling -> Axis], {f, 1, 5}] Out[1]= A single Manipulate command can have multiple controllers, and the Wolfram Language automatically chooses the best layout of those controllers for you: In[1]:= ⨯ Manipulate[Plot[Sin[f*x + p], {x, -3, 3}, Filling -> fill, PlotStyle -> color], {f, 1, 5}, {p, 3, 9}, {fill, {Bottom, Top, Axis}}, {color, Red}] Out[1]= Any expression in the Wolfram Language can be manipulated, including non-graphics expressions: In[1]:= ⨯ Manipulate[Expand[(a + b)^n], {n, 1, 20, 1}] Out[1]= QUICK REFERENCE: Dynamic Visualization »