Polar Coordinates Create a 2D polar plot: (Type ESCthESC for the θ symbol.) In[1]:= ⨯ PolarPlot[Sin[2 \[Theta]] + Cos[2 \[Theta]], {\[Theta], 0, 2 Pi}] Out[1]= Display polar axes instead: In[2]:= ⨯ PolarPlot[Sin[2 \[Theta]] + Cos[2 \[Theta]], {\[Theta], 0, 2 Pi}, PolarAxes -> Automatic, PolarTicks -> {0 \[Degree], 90 \[Degree], 180 \[Degree], 270 \[Degree]}] Out[2]= Convert Cartesian coordinates to polar: In[1]:= ⨯ ToPolarCoordinates[{1, 1}] Out[1]= QUICK REFERENCE: Angles and Polar Coordinates »