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Correct and Grade Keyboard Practice
Automatically correct and grade text typed from dictation.

GradeText[txt_, ref_] :=
Panel@Style[Row[{"Grade: ", Style[
LetterGrade[Round[100 4 Length[Cases[#, {___}, {1}]]/
StringLength[ref]]], Bold, Red]}], 20],
Magnify[Row[Flatten[# /. {a_, b_} :>
Overscript[Overlay[{Style[b, Blue], Style["/", 14, Red]}],
Style[a, 12, Red]]]]]
}], RoundingRadius -> 7] &[SequenceAlignment[ref, txt]]
LetterGrade[x_] :=
Piecewise[{{"A", 90 <= x}, {"B", 80 <= x}, {"C", 70 <= x}, {"D",
60 <= x}, {"F", True}}];
how it works
Text typed by a student from dictation is checked against the original, graded, and returned with clearly marked errors. Compact code derives from the built-in Needleman–Wunsch alignment algorithm for strings.
Here is a text dictated to students for keyboard practice:
referenceText = "
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth";
And here is a text typed by a student from the dictation:
studentText = "
Two roadz diverged in a yelow wud,
And sory I could not travel bos
And be one travller, long I stood
And loocked down one as far as I cood
to where it bant in the undegrowth";
The built-in global Needleman–Wunsch alignment algorithm finds student errors:
sa = SequenceAlignment[referenceText, studentText]
Format that result nicely using Overscript and Overlay:
sa /. {a_, b_} :>
Overscript[Overlay[{Style[b, Blue], Style["/", 14, Red]}],
Style[a, 12, Red]]]]]
Calculate a percentage grade by dividing the number of errors by one quarter of the total number of text characters:
grade = Round[
100 Length[Cases[sa, {___}, {1}]]/(StringLength[referenceText]/4)]
Assign letter grades from percentage grades:
LetterGrade[x_] :=
Piecewise[{{"A", 90 <= x}, {"B", 80 <= x}, {"C", 70 <= x}, {"D",
60 <= x}, {"F", True}}];
Combine the letter grade and corrected text into a framed presentation:
GradeText[txt_, ref_] :=
Panel@Style[Row[{"Grade: ", Style[
LetterGrade[Round[100 4 Length[Cases[#, {___}, {1}]]/
StringLength[ref]]], Bold, Red]}], 20],
Magnify[Row[Flatten[# /. {a_, b_} :>
Overscript[Overlay[{Style[b, Blue], Style["/", 14, Red]}],
Style[a, 12, Red]]]]]
}], RoundingRadius -> 7] &[SequenceAlignment[ref, txt]]
GradeText[studentText, referenceText]