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Make a 3D Image from a Point Cloud
From a set of points in three dimensions, construct a 3D image.

PointCloudToImage3D[points_] :=
Block[{ranges, bins, binCounts, transposedBinCounts},
ranges = Round[CoordinateBounds[points]];
bins = Append[#, 0.5] & /@ ranges;
binCounts = BinCounts[points, Sequence @@ bins];
transposedBinCounts =
Reverse[Transpose[binCounts, {3, 2, 1}], {1, 2}];
Blur[ImageAdjust@Image3D[transposedBinCounts], 2]
how it works
This set of over 100,000 points was obtained by scanning a toy house:
points = CloudGet[
You can see what the points look like via ListPointPlot3D:
ListPointPlot3D[points, BoxRatios -> Automatic]
To turn those discrete points into a 3D image, find the ranges along each coordinate axis of the point coordinates:
ranges = Round[CoordinateBounds[points]]
Append 0.5 to each range to get a description of bins in each axis direction. The x axis bins go from -41 to 52 in 0.5 unit increments:
bins = Append[#, 0.5] & /@ ranges
Count the number of points that fall within each bin:
binCounts = BinCounts[points, Sequence @@ bins];
Each bin count corresponds to a voxel value. Rearrange the voxels so that they correspond to the original point positions when made into a 3D image:
transposedBinCounts =
Reverse[Transpose[binCounts, {3, 2, 1}], {1, 2}];
Make an image from the rearranged bin counts:
Refine the image by adjusting the voxel values for better contrast and blurring slightly to blend the values:
Blur[ImageAdjust@Image3D[transposedBinCounts], 2]
Package those steps as a function that can be applied to any point cloud:
PointCloudToImage3D[points_] :=
Block[{ranges, bins, binCounts, transposedBinCounts},
ranges = Round[{Min[#], Max[#]} & /@ Transpose[points]];
bins = Append[#, 0.5] & /@ ranges;
binCounts = BinCounts[points, Sequence @@ bins];
transposedBinCounts =
Reverse[Transpose[binCounts, {3, 2, 1}], {1, 2}];
Blur[ImageAdjust@Image3D[transposedBinCounts], 2]