Integration with Wolfram|Alpha
Combine Knowledge and Computation
Mathematica 8 dramatically expands data access options by integrating Wolfram|Alpha. Drawing on Wolfram|Alpha's vast collection of computable data across hundreds of fields, Mathematica 8 can import data in many formats—as a single result in numeric or table form, as a Wolfram|Alpha-style presentation of all available results for an entity, or embedded into a line of input for immediate computation. Mathematica 8 also features built-in programmatic access to the Wolfram|Alpha API, which allows the selection of specific Wolfram|Alpha results or output formats.
- An ever-growing collection of up-to-date data on hundreds of topics from science to health to finance to sports, immediately accessible over your internet connection.
- Results that can be used immediately in visualizations or computations.
- Results that can be presented as numbers, tables, or in a full Wolfram|Alpha-style layout.
at beginning of input) uses free-form linguistics to give a single result that can be expanded to the full Wolfram|Alpha result, and provides the native Mathematica syntax if possible.
- For queries that do not have a Mathematica form,
returns the Wolfram|Alpha interpretation in addition to the result.
at beginning of input) performs a full Wolfram|Alpha query, producing fully formatted results with text, graphics, and even interactive elements.
) inserts free-form input into a Mathematica expression for immediate use in a calculation.
- WolframAlpha function to programmatically access data from the Wolfram|Alpha API, with the ability to choose specific outputs and formats. »
- Learn more about what Wolfram|Alpha can do and find ideas about what can be accomplished with Wolfram|Alpha integration on the examples page. »