New in Wolfram
8: Combine Knowledge and Computation
Integration with Wolfram|Alpha
Immediately Access and Compute with Data
at beginning of input), use plain language to retrieve data from Wolfram|Alpha, and get the
syntax for future use. A menu allows expanding to the full set of results from Wolfram|Alpha.
\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "distance to moon", Typeset`opts$$ = { AppearanceElements -> { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, Asynchronous -> All, Method -> {"ExtrusionChosen" -> { "Result", "Current result", 1, 1, "Content"}, "Formats" -> { "cell", "minput", "moutput", "msound", "dataformats"}}}, Typeset`elements$$ = { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, $CellContext`pod1$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Input interpretation", "scanner" -> "Identity", "id" -> "Input", "position" -> "100", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ FormBox[ TagBox[ FormBox[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ "\"Moon\"", Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=Moon&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=Moon&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=Moon&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], { LineIndent -> 0, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}}], "\"distance from Earth\""}}, GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.949], None}, "Rows" -> {{None}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84]}, "Rows" -> {{ GrayLevel[0.84]}}, "RowsIndexed" -> { 1 -> GrayLevel[0.84], -1 -> GrayLevel[0.84]}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Rows" -> {{0.2}}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], LineSpacing -> {1, 0, 1.5}, LineIndent -> 0]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{ AbsoluteThickness[-1]}}, "Rows" -> {{0}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], TraditionalForm], TraditionalForm], Format[#, TraditionalForm]& ], TraditionalForm], PolynomialForm[#, TraditionalOrder -> False]& ], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement["dataformats", {}, {}]}]}], $CellContext`pod2$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Current result", "scanner" -> "Data", "id" -> "Result", "position" -> "200", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["228\[ThinSpace]346", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "228346"]], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"miles\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=228346+miles&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=228346+miles&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=228346+miles&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,numberdata,quantitydata"}]}], XMLElement["states", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement[ "state", { "name" -> "Show metric", "input" -> "Current result_Show metric"}, {}]}]}], \ $CellContext`pod3$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Unit conversions", "scanner" -> "Unit", "id" -> "UnitConversion", "position" -> "300", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "2"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["367\[ThinSpace]487", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "367487"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"km\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", "\"kilometers\"", "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, GrayLevel[0.6], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=367487+kilometers&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=367487+kilometers&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=367487+kilometers&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,numberdata,quantitydata"}]}], XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox[ RowBox[{"3.675", " ", SuperscriptBox["10", "8"]}], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> RowBox[{"3.675", "*", SuperscriptBox["10", "8"]}]], SyntaxForm -> CenterDot], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"meters\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=3.675%C3%9710%5E8+meters&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=3.675%C3%9710%5E8+meters&lk=\ 1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=3.675%C3%9710%5E8+meters&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,numberdata,quantitydata"}]}]}],\ $CellContext`pod4$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Comparison as distance", "scanner" -> "Unit", "id" -> "ComparisonAsDistance", "position" -> "400", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ FormBox[ TemplateBox[{"\" \[TildeTilde] \"", TemplateBox[{"\"\"", "0", "\".\"", "9", "5"}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3, " ", #4, " ", #5}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3, ",", #4, ",", #5}], "}"}], "]"}]& )], "\" \"", StyleBox["\"*\"", GrayLevel[0.3], FontSize -> 10.219999999999999`, StripOnInput -> False], "\"\[MediumSpace]\"", StyleBox["\"mean Moon-Earth distance\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \"", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", TemplateBox[{"\"\[MediumSpace]\"", StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox[ RowBox[{"3.85", " ", SuperscriptBox["10", "8"]}], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> RowBox[{"3.85", "*", SuperscriptBox["10", "8"]}]], SyntaxForm -> CenterDot], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"m\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=3.85%C3%9710%5E8+meters&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=3.85%C3%9710%5E8+meters&\ lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=3.85%C3%9710%5E8+meters&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], "\"\[MediumSpace]\""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], "]"}]& )], "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Verdana", GrayLevel[0.5], FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3, " ", #4, " ", #5, " ", #6, " ", #7, " ", #8}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3, ",", #4, ",", #5, ",", #6, ",", #7, ",", #8}], "}"}], "]"}]& )], TraditionalForm], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement["dataformats", {}, {}]}]}], $CellContext`pod5$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Corresponding quantities", "scanner" -> "Unit", "id" -> "CorrespondingQuantity", "position" -> "500", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "2"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ InterpretationBox[ Cell[ TextData[{"Light travel time ", Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], " in vacuum from ", Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ FormBox[ TemplateBox[{ TagBox[ RowBox[{"t", " ", "==", " ", RowBox[{"x", " ", "\"/\"", " ", "c"}]}], PolynomialForm[#, TraditionalOrder -> False]& ], "\":\""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> (RowBox[{#, " ", #2}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "}"}], "]"}]& )], TraditionalForm], TraditionalForm]]]}]], TextCell[ Row[{"Light travel time ", $CellContext`CalculateSymbol["t"], " in vacuum from ", $CellContext`InlineForm["t == x/c", ":"]}]]]}, { TagBox[ GridBox[{{ InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ GraphicsBox[{}, ImageSize -> {10, 0}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], "CacheGraphics" -> False], Spacer[10]], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1.2", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1.2"]], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"seconds\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=1.2+seconds&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1.2+seconds&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1.2+seconds&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"ColumnsIndexed" -> {1 -> 0}}], "Column"], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,numberdata,quantitydata"}]}], XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ InterpretationBox[ Cell[ TextData[{"Light travel time ", Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox["t", TraditionalForm]]], " in an optical fiber ", Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ FormBox[ TemplateBox[{ TagBox[ RowBox[{"t", " ", "==", " ", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1.48`", " ", "x"}], " ", "\"/\"", " ", "c"}]}], PolynomialForm[#, TraditionalOrder -> False]& ], "\":\""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> (RowBox[{#, " ", #2}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "}"}], "]"}]& )], TraditionalForm], TraditionalForm]]]}]], TextCell[ Row[{"Light travel time ", $CellContext`CalculateSymbol["t"], " in an optical fiber ", $CellContext`InlineForm["t == 1.48x/c", ":"]}]]]}, { TagBox[ GridBox[{{ InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ GraphicsBox[{}, ImageSize -> {10, 0}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], "CacheGraphics" -> False], Spacer[10]], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1.8", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1.8"]], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"seconds\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=1.8+seconds&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1.8+seconds&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1.8+seconds&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"ColumnsIndexed" -> {1 -> 0}}], "Column"], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,numberdata,quantitydata"}]}]}],\ $CellContext`pod6$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Orbital properties", "scanner" -> "Data", "id" -> "BasicPlanetOrbitalProperties:AstronomicalData", "position" -> "600", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> True, "string" -> False}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ TagBox[ PaneBox["\"current distance from Earth\"", BaseStyle -> {{ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3]}, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}, LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 10, 10000, 0, 100}, TextAlignment -> Left}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Label"]], TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["228\[ThinSpace]346", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "228346"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"mi\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=228346+miles&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=228346+miles&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=228346+miles&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1.226", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1.226"]], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"light seconds\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=1.226+light+seconds&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1.226+light+seconds&lk=\ 1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1.226+light+seconds&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, BaselinePosition -> 1, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"]}, { TagBox[ PaneBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ "\"average distance from Earth\"", Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=Moon+average+distance+from+Earth&lk=1&\ a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.AverageDistanceFromEarth-", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=Moon+average+distance+\ from+Earth&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.\ AverageDistanceFromEarth-"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=Moon+average+distance+from+Earth&lk=1&\ a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.AverageDistanceFromEarth-", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], BaseStyle -> {{ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3]}, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}, LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 10, 10000, 0, 100}, TextAlignment -> Left}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Label"]], TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["239\[ThinSpace]200", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "239200"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"mi\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=239200+miles&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=239200+miles&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=239200+miles&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1.284", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1.284"]], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"light seconds\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=1.284+light+seconds&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1.284+light+seconds&lk=\ 1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1.284+light+seconds&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, BaselinePosition -> 1, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"]}, { TagBox[ PaneBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ "\"largest distance from orbit center\"", Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=Moon+largest+distance+from+orbit+\ center&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.Apoapsis-", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=Moon+largest+distance+\ from+orbit+center&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.Apoapsis-"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=Moon+largest+distance+from+orbit+\ center&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.Apoapsis-", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], BaseStyle -> {{ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3]}, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}, LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 10, 10000, 0, 100}, TextAlignment -> Left}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Label"]], TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["252\[ThinSpace]100", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "252100"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"mi\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=252100+miles&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=252100+miles&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=252100+miles&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["63.61", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "63.61"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox[ SubscriptBox["R", "\[CirclePlus]"], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=63.61+equatorial+radii+of+Earth&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=63.61+equatorial+radii+\ of+Earth&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=63.61+equatorial+radii+of+Earth&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, BaselinePosition -> 1, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"]}, { TagBox[ PaneBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ "\"nearest distance from orbit center\"", Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=Moon+nearest+distance+from+orbit+\ center&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.Periapsis-", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=Moon+nearest+distance+\ from+orbit+center&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.Periapsis-"]\ , Annotation[#, "/input/?i=Moon+nearest+distance+from+orbit+\ center&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.Periapsis-", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], BaseStyle -> {{ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3]}, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}, LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 10, 10000, 0, 100}, TextAlignment -> Left}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Label"]], TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["225\[ThinSpace]600", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "225600"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"mi\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], 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of+Earth&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=56.93+equatorial+radii+of+Earth&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, BaselinePosition -> 1, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"]}, { TagBox[ PaneBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ "\"orbital period\"", Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> ($CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )), ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=Moon+orbital+period&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*\ AstronomicalProperty.OrbitPeriodYears-", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=Moon+orbital+period&lk=1&\ a=ClashPrefs_*AstronomicalProperty.OrbitPeriodYears-"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=Moon+orbital+period&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*\ AstronomicalProperty.OrbitPeriodYears-", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], BaseStyle -> {{ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3]}, LineSpacing -> 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\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryParseResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "france pop 1980 / france pop 2000", Typeset`newq$$ = "france pop 1980 / france pop 2000", Typeset`chosen$$ = "CountryData[\"France\", {\"Population\", \ 1980}]/CountryData[\"France\", {\"Population\", 2000}]"}, PaneSelectorBox[{False-> DynamicModuleBox[{WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$ = False, WolframAlphaClient`Private`assumptionsQ$$ = False}, TagBox[ FrameBox[ TagBox[GridBox[{ { InputFieldBox[Dynamic[Typeset`newq$$], String, Appearance->None, BaseStyle->{"CalculateInput"}, ContinuousAction->True, Enabled->True, FieldSize->{{1, 40}, {1, DirectedInfinity[1]}}], ItemBox[ ButtonBox[ PaneSelectorBox[{True-> TagBox[ TooltipBox[ DynamicBox[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WABitmaps", "OrangeSquarePlus"], ImageSizeCache->{10., {3., 8.}}], DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "ShowAllResults"], StandardForm]]], Annotation[#, Dynamic[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "ShowAllResults"]], "Tooltip"]& ], False-> TagBox[ TooltipBox[ DynamicBox[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WABitmaps", "GraySquarePlus"], ImageSizeCache->{10., {3., 8.}}], DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "ShowAllResults"], StandardForm]]], Annotation[#, Dynamic[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "ShowAllResults"]], "Tooltip"]& ]}, Dynamic[ WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$], ImageSize->All], Appearance->None, ButtonFunction:>If[ Or[ CurrentValue["OptionKey"], CurrentValue["AltKey"]], SelectionMove[ ButtonNotebook[], All, ButtonCell, AutoScroll -> False]; 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NotebookWrite[ ButtonNotebook[], Cell[ BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"CountryData", "[", RowBox[{"\"France\"", ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\"Population\"", ",", " ", "1980"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], "/", RowBox[{"CountryData", "[", RowBox[{"\"France\"", ",", " ", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\"Population\"", ",", " ", "2000"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input"], All]; SelectionMove[ ButtonNotebook[], After, CellContents]), Evaluator->Automatic, ImageSize->Automatic, Method->"Preemptive"], DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "RemoveResults"], StandardForm]]], Annotation[#, Dynamic[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "RemoveResults"]], "Tooltip"]& ], AppearanceElements->{}, BaseStyle->{ ShowStringCharacters -> True, "StandardForm", 12, ScriptLevel -> 0}, ImageSize->{Automatic, {1, 100}}, Scrollbars->{False, Automatic}], "\[SpanFromLeft]"} }, AutoDelete->False, BaselinePosition->{1, 1}, FrameStyle->GrayLevel[0.85], GridBoxAlignment->{"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, GridBoxDividers->{ "Columns" -> {{False}}, "Rows" -> {False, {True}, False}}, GridBoxItemSize->{ "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], Alignment->Top, Background->Dynamic[ FEPrivate`If[ FEPrivate`And[ FEPrivate`SameQ[ FEPrivate`Head[Typeset`newq$$], String], FEPrivate`UnsameQ[Typeset`q$$, Typeset`newq$$]], RGBColor[1., 0.975, 0.95], GrayLevel[1]]], BaselinePosition->Baseline, FrameStyle->GrayLevel[0.85], ImageSize->Automatic, RoundingRadius->5, StripOnInput->False], EventHandlerTag[{ "MouseEntered" :> FEPrivate`Set[ WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$, True], "MouseExited" :> FEPrivate`Set[ WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$, False], PassEventsDown -> Automatic, PassEventsUp -> True}]], DynamicModuleValues:>{}]}, { InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicBox[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NecklaceAnimator"][20]], AnimatorBoxOptions->{ImageSize->20}], Animator[Appearance -> "Necklace", ImageSize -> 20], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}]} }, BaselinePosition->{1, 1}, GridBoxAlignment->{"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, GridBoxItemSize->{ "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"]}, Dynamic[WolframAlphaClient`Private`open$381904], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, ImageSize->Automatic], DynamicModuleValues:>{}], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)
\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "mass proton / electron", Typeset`opts$$ = { AppearanceElements -> { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, Asynchronous -> All, Method -> {"ExtrusionChosen" -> { "Fast parse", "Fast parse", 1, 0, "Input", "ParticleData[\"Proton\", \ \"Mass\"]/ParticleData[\"Electron\", \"Mass\"]"}, "ExtrusionOpen" -> False, "Formats" -> { "cell", "minput", "moutput", "msound", "dataformats"}}}, Typeset`elements$$ = { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, $CellContext`pod1$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Input interpretation", "scanner" -> "Identity", "id" -> "Input", "position" -> "100", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement[ "minput", {}, { "ParticleData[\"Proton\", \ \"Mass\"]/ParticleData[\"Electron\", \"Mass\"]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> True, "string" -> False}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ FractionBox[ FormBox[ TagBox[ 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LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}}], "\"mass\""}}, GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.949], None}, "Rows" -> {{None}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84]}, "Rows" -> {{ GrayLevel[0.84]}}, "RowsIndexed" -> { 1 -> GrayLevel[0.84], -1 -> GrayLevel[0.84]}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Rows" -> {{0.2}}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], LineSpacing -> {1, 0, 1.5}, LineIndent -> 0]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{ AbsoluteThickness[-1]}}, "Rows" -> {{0}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], TraditionalForm], TraditionalForm], Format[#, TraditionalForm]& ], TraditionalForm], FormBox[ TagBox[ FormBox[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ TemplateBox[{"e", "\"-\""}, "Superscript", SyntaxForm -> SuperscriptBox], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Entity" -> {ParticleData, "Electron"}]], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {$CellContext`\ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> (FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=e%5E-&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*Particle.\ Electron-", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=e%5E-&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*\ Particle.Electron-"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=e%5E-&lk=1&a=ClashPrefs_*Particle.\ Electron-", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], "\" \"", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", "\"electron\"", "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, GrayLevel[0.6], StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], "]"}]& )], { LineIndent -> 0, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}}], "\"mass\""}}, GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.949], None}, "Rows" -> {{None}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84]}, "Rows" -> {{ GrayLevel[0.84]}}, "RowsIndexed" -> { 1 -> GrayLevel[0.84], -1 -> GrayLevel[0.84]}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Rows" -> {{0.2}}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], LineSpacing -> {1, 0, 1.5}, LineIndent -> 0]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{ AbsoluteThickness[-1]}}, "Rows" -> {{0}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], TraditionalForm], TraditionalForm], Format[#, TraditionalForm]& ], TraditionalForm]], PolynomialForm[#, TraditionalOrder -> False]& ], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement["dataformats", {}, {}]}]}], $CellContext`pod2$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Result", "scanner" -> "Data", "id" -> "Result", "position" -> "200", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["moutput", {}, {"1836.15"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1836.15", $CellContext`TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1836.15"]], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], 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37.947665`9.331759946237977}, "Line" -> 4, "SessionID" -> 22926395744182096925}, Typeset`showpods$$ = {1, 2}, Typeset`failedpods$$ = {}, Typeset`chosen$$ = { "Fast parse", "Fast parse", 1, 0, "Input", "ParticleData[\"Proton\", \"Mass\"]/ParticleData[\"Electron\", \ \"Mass\"]"}, Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`newq$$ = "mass proton / electron"}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`FormatAlphaResults[ Dynamic[{1, {$CellContext`pod1$$, $CellContext`pod2$$}, \ {$CellContext`aux1$$, $CellContext`aux2$$}, Typeset`chosen$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`elements$$, Typeset`q$$, Typeset`opts$$, Typeset`nonpods$$, Typeset`queryinfo$$, Typeset`sessioninfo$$, Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$, Typeset`newq$$}]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{243., {51., 18.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, Initialization:>If[ Not[Typeset`initdone$$], WolframAlphaClient`Private`doAsyncUpdates[ Hold[{$CellContext`pod1$$, $CellContext`pod2$$}], Typeset`asyncpods$$, Dynamic[Typeset`failedpods$$]]; Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}; Typeset`\ initdone$$ = True], SynchronousInitialization->False], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)
\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "calories apple cranberry", Typeset`opts$$ = { AppearanceElements -> { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, Asynchronous -> All, Method -> {"ExtrusionChosen" -> { "Result", "Average result", 1, 1, "Content"}, "Formats" -> { "cell", "minput", "moutput", "msound", "dataformats"}}}, Typeset`elements$$ = { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, pod1$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Input interpretation", "scanner" -> "Data", "id" -> "Input", "position" -> "100", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ StyleBox["\"apple\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, StripOnInput -> False], { LineIndent -> 0, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}}], StyleBox[ RowBox[{"(", "", GridBox[{{"\"amount\"", StyleBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1", #& ], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"apple\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, RowSpacings -> 1, ColumnSpacings -> 1, RowAlignments -> Baseline, ColumnAlignments -> Center], "", ")"}], { LineIndent -> 0, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}}]}, { StyleBox[ StyleBox["\"cranberry\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, StripOnInput -> False], { LineIndent -> 0, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}}], StyleBox[ RowBox[{"(", "", GridBox[{{"\"amount\"", StyleBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["40", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "40"]], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"grams\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, RowSpacings -> 1, ColumnSpacings -> 1, RowAlignments -> Baseline, ColumnAlignments -> Center], "", ")"}], { LineIndent -> 0, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}}]}}, GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.949], GrayLevel[0.949]}, "Rows" -> {{None}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84]}, "Rows" -> {{ GrayLevel[0.84]}}, "RowsIndexed" -> { 1 -> GrayLevel[0.84], -1 -> GrayLevel[0.84]}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Rows" -> {{1}}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], LineSpacing -> {1, 0, 1.5}, LineIndent -> 0], StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{"\"total calories\""}}, GridBoxBackground -> { "Columns" -> {None}, "Rows" -> {{None}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84]}, "Rows" -> {{ GrayLevel[0.84]}}, "RowsIndexed" -> { 1 -> GrayLevel[0.84], -1 -> GrayLevel[0.84]}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {2, 2}, "Rows" -> {{1}}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], LineSpacing -> {1, 0, 1.5}, LineIndent -> 0]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{ AbsoluteThickness[-1]}}, "Rows" -> {{0}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], TraditionalForm], HoldForm], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement["dataformats", {}, {}]}]}], pod2$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Average result", "scanner" -> "Data", "id" -> "Result", "position" -> "200", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> True, "string" -> False}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ TagBox[ PaneBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox["\"apple\"", { LineIndent -> 0, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}}], StyleBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1", #& ], " ", " ", StyleBox["\"apple\"", LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.949], None}, "Rows" -> {{None}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Columns" -> { GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84], GrayLevel[0.84]}, "Rows" -> {{ GrayLevel[0.84]}}, "RowsIndexed" -> { 1 -> GrayLevel[0.84], -1 -> GrayLevel[0.84]}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Rows" -> {{1}}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], LineSpacing -> {1, 0, 1.5}, LineIndent -> 0]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, ColumnsEqual -> False, RowsEqual -> False, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{ AbsoluteThickness[-1]}}, "Rows" -> {{0}}}, AllowScriptLevelChange -> False], TagBoxWrapper["Separator" -> " | "]], BaseStyle -> {{ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3]}, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}, LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 10, 10000, 0, 100}, TextAlignment -> Left}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], TagBoxWrapper["Label"]], StyleBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["91", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "91"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], 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"/input/?i=910+micrograms&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], ItemBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["0", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "0"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=0+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=0+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=0+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], 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ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], ItemBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["8", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "8"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=8+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=8+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=8+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], Alignment -> Right, StripOnInput -> False]}, { TemplateBox[{"\" \"", StyleBox["\"dietary fiber\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["3", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "3"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"g\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=3+grams&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=3+grams&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=3+grams&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), 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FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["19", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "19"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"g\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=19+grams&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=19+grams&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=19+grams&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", 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"Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], ItemBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], Alignment -> Right, StripOnInput -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {Left, Right}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Rows" -> {None, { Directive[ GrayLevel[0.5], Opacity[0.5]]}, Directive[ Thickness[5], GrayLevel[0.5], Opacity[0.5]]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> { Scaled[0.72], Scaled[0.28]}}, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {0}, "Rows" -> {1}}], "Grid"], Alignment -> Center, StripOnInput -> False]}, { ItemBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"vitamin A\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["2", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "2"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ 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"a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"iron\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> 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FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"thiamin\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["2", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "2"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )]}, { TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"riboflavin\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["3", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "3"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=3+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=3+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=3+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"niacin\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )]}, { TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"vitamin B6\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["4", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "4"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=4+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=4+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=4+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"folate\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )]}, { TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"phosphorus\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["2", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "2"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"magnesium\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["2", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "2"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", 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Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], ""}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {Left, Left}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Rows" -> {None, { Directive[ GrayLevel[0.5], Opacity[0.5]]}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> { Scaled[0.6]}}, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0}}}], "Grid"], Alignment -> Center, StripOnInput -> False]}, { PaneBox[ StyleBox["\"*percent daily values are based on a 2000 calorie diet\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 12, StripOnInput -> False], ImageSize -> {255.44, 15}, ImageSizeAction -> "ShrinkToFit"]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, GridBoxFrame -> { "ColumnsIndexed" -> {{{1, -1}, {1, -1}} -> Directive[ GrayLevel[0.6]]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{ Rational[103, 5]}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Rows" -> {1, {None}, None}}], "Column"], FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.2], StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,numberdata,quantitydata"}]}], XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> "Cranberry"}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> True, "string" -> False}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"serving size\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \"", StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["40", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "40"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"g\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=40+grams&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=40+grams&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=40+grams&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> (#& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], "]"}]& )], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], "]"}]& )]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxDividers -> {"Rows" -> {None, Directive[ Thickness[10], GrayLevel[0.5], Opacity[0.5]]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{ Scaled[1]}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{0}}}], "Grid"]}, { TagBox[ GridBox[{{ ItemBox[ TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"total calories\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox["18", FontFamily -> 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"Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=52+milligrams&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=52+milligrams&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=52+milligrams&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], ItemBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["0", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "0"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, 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{"/input/?i=0+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=0+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=0+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], Alignment -> Right, StripOnInput -> False]}, { TemplateBox[{"\" \"", StyleBox["\"trans fat\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ FormBox[ TagBox["\"\"", TagBoxWrapper["Missing" -> "NotAvailable"]], TraditionalForm], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], ItemBox[ StyleBox[ FormBox[ TagBox["\"\"", TagBoxWrapper["Missing" -> "NotApplicable"]], TraditionalForm], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], Alignment -> Right, StripOnInput -> False]}, { TemplateBox[{"\"\"", StyleBox["\"cholesterol\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["0", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "0"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"g\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=0+grams&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=0+grams&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=0+grams&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", 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StyleBox["\"sodium\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["800", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "800"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"\[Micro]g\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=800+micrograms&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=800+micrograms&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=800+micrograms&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> 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ItemBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["2", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "2"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=2+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], Alignment -> Right, StripOnInput -> False]}, { TemplateBox[{"\" \"", StyleBox["\"dietary fiber\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["2", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "2"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", 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-> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=2+grams&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=2+grams&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=2+grams&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, StripOnInput -> False]}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], ItemBox[ StyleBox[ FormBox[ TagBox["\"\"", TagBoxWrapper["Missing" -> "NotApplicable"]], TraditionalForm], FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, StripOnInput -> False], Alignment -> Right, StripOnInput -> False]}, { TemplateBox[{"\"\"", StyleBox["\"protein\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 11, Bold, 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11, StripOnInput -> False], "\" \""}, "Row", DisplayFunction -> ( RowBox[{#, " ", #2, " ", #3}]& ), InterpretationFunction -> (RowBox[{ StyleBox["Row", FontFamily -> "Bitstream Vera Sans", FontSize -> -1 + Inherited], "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", "\" \""}], "]"}]& )], TemplateBox[{ StyleBox["\"vitamin B6\"", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10, StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], 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GridBoxFrame -> { "ColumnsIndexed" -> {{{1, -1}, {1, -1}} -> Directive[ GrayLevel[0.6]]}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{ Rational[103, 5]}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Rows" -> {1, {None}, None}}], "Column"], FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.2], StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,numberdata,quantitydata"}]}], XMLElement["states", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement[ "state", { "name" -> "Total nutrition facts", "input" -> "Individual nutrition facts_Total nutrition \ facts"}, {}]}]}], pod4$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Calories", "scanner" -> "Data", "id" -> "Calories:ExpandedFoodData", "position" -> "400", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> True, "string" -> False}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ TagBox[ PaneBox["\"\"", BaseStyle -> {{ FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3], Alignment -> {{Center, Center, 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"1"]], " ", StyleBox["\"%\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1+percent&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ StyleBox["(", GrayLevel[0.6]], TagBox["18", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "18"]], StyleBox["\"\[MediumSpace]to\[MediumSpace]\"", GrayLevel[0.6]], TagBox["18", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "18"]], StyleBox[")", GrayLevel[0.6]]}], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"Cal\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, 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"\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"Cal\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=%282+to+2.6%29+dietary+Calories&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=%282+to+2.6%29+dietary+\ Calories&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=%282+to+2.6%29+dietary+Calories&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { "\[SpanFromAbove]", StyleBox["\"cranberry\"", GrayLevel[0.3], StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["0.44", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "0.44"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"Cal\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller]}], "Quantity", SyntaxForm -> "a"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { 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{ ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=%280.44+to+0.44%29+dietary+Calories&lk=\ 1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=%280.44+to+0.44%29+\ dietary+Calories&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=%280.44+to+0.44%29+dietary+Calories&lk=\ 1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {Left, Left, Center, Center, Left}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}, "ItemsIndexed" -> {{1, 1} -> { Center, Center, Center, Center}, {1, 2} -> { Center, Center, Center, Center}, {1, 3} -> { Center, Center, Center, Center}, {1, 4} -> { Center, Center, Center, Center}, {1, 5} -> { Center, Center, Center, Center}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> {{None}}}, GridBoxFrame -> { "Columns" -> {{True}}, "Rows" -> {{True}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {7.2, 6.8, 4.6, 4.15, 8.25}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {{1.5}, 2}, 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{1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { "\[SpanFromAbove]", StyleBox["\"cranberry\"", GrayLevel[0.3], StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["1.4", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "1.4"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"oz\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", "\"ounces\"", "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, GrayLevel[0.6], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> {"/input/?i=1.4+ounces&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=1.4+ounces&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=1.4+ounces&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { TagBox[ PaneBox["\"serving volume\"", BaseStyle -> {{ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3]}, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}, LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 10, 10000, 0, 100}, TextAlignment -> Left}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], TagBoxWrapper["Label"]], StyleBox["\"apple\"", GrayLevel[0.3], StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["7.9", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "7.9"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"fl oz\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", "\"fluid ounces\"", "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, GrayLevel[0.6], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=7.9+fluid+ounces&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=7.9+fluid+ounces&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=7.9+fluid+ounces&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { "\[SpanFromAbove]", StyleBox["\"cranberry\"", GrayLevel[0.3], StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["2.9", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "2.9"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox["\"fl oz\"", FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", "\"fluid ounces\"", "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, GrayLevel[0.6], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=2.9+fluid+ounces&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=2.9+fluid+ounces&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=2.9+fluid+ounces&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { TagBox[ PaneBox["\"serving density\"", BaseStyle -> {{ BaselinePosition -> Baseline, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.3]}, LineSpacing -> {0.9, 0, 1.5}, LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 10, 10000, 0, 100}, TextAlignment -> Left}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline], TagBoxWrapper["Label"]], StyleBox["\"apple\"", GrayLevel[0.3], StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["0.78", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "0.78"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"g\"", " ", "\"/\"", " ", SuperscriptBox["\"cm\"", "3"]}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", "\"grams per cubic centimeter\"", "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, GrayLevel[0.6], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=0.78+grams+per+cubic+centimeter&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=0.78+grams+per+cubic+\ centimeter&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=0.78+grams+per+cubic+centimeter&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}, { "\[SpanFromAbove]", StyleBox["\"cranberry\"", GrayLevel[0.3], StripOnInput -> False], StyleBox[ TagBox[ TagBox[ ButtonBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["0.46", TagBoxWrapper["StringBoxes" -> "0.46"]], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", "\[ThickSpace]", " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"g\"", " ", "\"/\"", " ", SuperscriptBox["\"cm\"", "3"]}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller], " ", StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", "\"grams per cubic centimeter\"", "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, GrayLevel[0.6], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> Smaller, StripOnInput -> False]}], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> { ButtonBoxOptionsButtonFunction :> ( FrontEndExecute[{ NotebookLocate[#2]}]& )}, ButtonData -> { "/input/?i=0.46+grams+per+cubic+centimeter&lk=1", None}, ButtonNote -> "/input/?i=0.46+grams+per+cubic+\ centimeter&lk=1"], Annotation[#, "/input/?i=0.46+grams+per+cubic+centimeter&lk=1", "Hyperlink"]& ], Identity], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, ZeroWidthTimes -> False]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {Left, Left, Left, Left}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxBackground -> {"Columns" -> {{None}}}, GridBoxFrame -> { "Columns" -> {{True}}, "Rows" -> {{True}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {8, Automatic, 12}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { 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"input" -> "**DriedApple-"}, \ {}], XMLElement[ "value", { "name" -> "PreparedApples", "desc" -> "prepared apples", "input" -> "**PreparedApples-\ "}, {}]}], XMLElement[ "assumption", { "type" -> "Attribute", "word" -> "Apple", "count" -> "3"}, { XMLElement[ "value", { "name" -> "Apple", "desc" -> "any type of apple", "input" -> "*EAC.ExpandedFood.Apple-_**a.Apple--"}, {}], XMLElement[ "value", { "name" -> "{Food:PeelingType -> Food:WithSkin}", "desc" -> "apple, with skin", "input" -> "*EAC.ExpandedFood.Apple-_**Apple.*Food%\ 3APeelingType_Food%3AWithSkin---"}, {}], XMLElement[ "value", { "name" -> "{Food:PeelingType -> Food:WithoutSkin}", "desc" -> "apple, without skin", "input" -> "*EAC.ExpandedFood.Apple-_**Apple.*Food%\ 3APeelingType_Food%3AWithoutSkin---"}, {}]}]}], XMLElement["sources", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement[ "source", { "url" -> "\ ExpandedFoodDataSourceInformationNotes.html", "text" -> "Expanded food data"}, {}]}]}, Typeset`initdone$$ = True, Typeset`queryinfo$$ = { "success" -> "true", "error" -> "false", "numpods" -> "5", "datatypes" -> "ExpandedFood", "timedout" -> "", "timing" -> "1.024", "parsetiming" -> "0.415", "parsetimedout" -> "false", "recalculate" -> "", "version" -> "1.1"}, Typeset`sessioninfo$$ = { "TimeZone" -> -6., "Date" -> {2010, 11, 11, 14, 25, 29.1285391`9.216893613820103}, "Line" -> 9, "SessionID" -> 22927467375718523159}, Typeset`showpods$$ = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, Typeset`failedpods$$ = {}, Typeset`chosen$$ = {"Result", "Average result", 1, 1, "Content"}, Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`newq$$ = "calories apple cranberry"}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`FormatAlphaResults[ Dynamic[{1, {pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$, pod4$$, pod5$$}, { aux1$$, aux2$$, aux3$$, aux4$$, aux5$$}, Typeset`chosen$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`elements$$, Typeset`q$$, Typeset`opts$$, Typeset`nonpods$$, Typeset`queryinfo$$, Typeset`sessioninfo$$, Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$, Typeset`newq$$}]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{184., {28., 18.}}, 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NotebookWrite[ ButtonNotebook[], Cell[ BoxData[ RowBox[{"DictionaryLookup", "[", RowBox[{"_", "~~", "\"al\"", "~~", "_", "~~", "_", "~~", "\"a\"", "~~", "_", "~~", "_"}], "]"}]], "Input"], All]; SelectionMove[ ButtonNotebook[], After, CellContents]), Evaluator->Automatic, ImageSize->Automatic, Method->"Preemptive"], DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "RemoveResults"], StandardForm]]], Annotation[#, Dynamic[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "RemoveResults"]], "Tooltip"]& ], AppearanceElements->{}, BaseStyle->{ ShowStringCharacters -> True, "StandardForm", 12, ScriptLevel -> 0}, ImageSize->{Automatic, {1, 100}}, Scrollbars->{False, Automatic}], "\[SpanFromLeft]"} }, AutoDelete->False, BaselinePosition->{1, 1}, FrameStyle->GrayLevel[0.85], GridBoxAlignment->{"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, GridBoxDividers->{ "Columns" -> {{False}}, "Rows" -> {False, {True}, False}}, GridBoxItemSize->{ "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], Alignment->Top, Background->Dynamic[ FEPrivate`If[ FEPrivate`And[ FEPrivate`SameQ[ FEPrivate`Head[Typeset`newq$$], String], FEPrivate`UnsameQ[Typeset`q$$, Typeset`newq$$]], RGBColor[1., 0.975, 0.95], GrayLevel[1]]], BaselinePosition->Baseline, FrameStyle->GrayLevel[0.85], ImageSize->Automatic, RoundingRadius->5, StripOnInput->False], EventHandlerTag[{ "MouseEntered" :> FEPrivate`Set[ WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$, True], "MouseExited" :> FEPrivate`Set[ WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$, False], PassEventsDown -> Automatic, PassEventsUp -> True}]], DynamicModuleValues:>{}], True-> TagBox[GridBox[{ { DynamicModuleBox[{WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$ = False}, TagBox[ FrameBox[ TagBox[GridBox[{ { InputFieldBox[Dynamic[Typeset`newq$$], String, Appearance->None, BaseStyle->{"CalculateInput"}, ContinuousAction->True, Enabled->True, FieldSize->{{1, 40}, {1, DirectedInfinity[1]}}], ItemBox[ ButtonBox[ PaneSelectorBox[{True-> TagBox[ TooltipBox[ DynamicBox[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "WABitmaps", "OrangeSquarePlus"]], DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "ShowAllResults"], StandardForm]]], Annotation[#, Dynamic[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "ShowAllResults"]], "Tooltip"]& ], False-> TagBox[ TooltipBox[ DynamicBox[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WABitmaps", "GraySquarePlus"]], DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "ShowAllResults"], StandardForm]]], Annotation[#, Dynamic[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "ShowAllResults"]], "Tooltip"]& ]}, Dynamic[ WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$], ImageSize->All], Appearance->None, ButtonFunction:>If[ Or[ CurrentValue["OptionKey"], CurrentValue["AltKey"]], SelectionMove[ ButtonNotebook[], All, ButtonCell, AutoScroll -> False]; 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NotebookWrite[ ButtonNotebook[], Cell[ BoxData[ RowBox[{"DictionaryLookup", "[", RowBox[{"_", "~~", "\"al\"", "~~", "_", "~~", "_", "~~", "\"a\"", "~~", "_", "~~", "_"}], "]"}]], "Input"], All]; SelectionMove[ ButtonNotebook[], After, CellContents]), Evaluator->Automatic, ImageSize->Automatic, Method->"Preemptive"], DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "RemoveResults"], StandardForm]]], Annotation[#, Dynamic[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["WAStrings", "RemoveResults"]], "Tooltip"]& ], AppearanceElements->{}, BaseStyle->{ ShowStringCharacters -> True, "StandardForm", 12, ScriptLevel -> 0}, ImageSize->{Automatic, {1, 100}}, Scrollbars->{False, Automatic}], "\[SpanFromLeft]"} }, AutoDelete->False, BaselinePosition->{1, 1}, FrameStyle->GrayLevel[0.85], GridBoxAlignment->{"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, GridBoxDividers->{ "Columns" -> {{False}}, "Rows" -> {False, {True}, False}}, GridBoxItemSize->{ "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], Alignment->Top, Background->Dynamic[ FEPrivate`If[ FEPrivate`And[ FEPrivate`SameQ[ FEPrivate`Head[Typeset`newq$$], String], FEPrivate`UnsameQ[Typeset`q$$, Typeset`newq$$]], RGBColor[1., 0.975, 0.95], GrayLevel[1]]], BaselinePosition->Baseline, FrameStyle->GrayLevel[0.85], ImageSize->Automatic, RoundingRadius->5, StripOnInput->False], EventHandlerTag[{ "MouseEntered" :> FEPrivate`Set[ WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$, True], "MouseExited" :> FEPrivate`Set[ WolframAlphaClient`Private`show$$, False], PassEventsDown -> Automatic, PassEventsUp -> True}]], DynamicModuleValues:>{}]}, { InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicBox[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NecklaceAnimator"][20]], AnimatorBoxOptions->{ImageSize->20}], Animator[Appearance -> "Necklace", ImageSize -> 20], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}]} }, BaselinePosition->{1, 1}, GridBoxAlignment->{"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, GridBoxItemSize->{ "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Column"]}, Dynamic[WolframAlphaClient`Private`open$1322], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, ImageSize->Automatic], DynamicModuleValues:>{}], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)