New in Wolfram
8: Free-Form Linguistic Input
Integration with Wolfram|Alpha
Interface Construction
Get various interface controls supported by
\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "slider", Typeset`opts$$ = { AppearanceElements -> { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, Asynchronous -> All, Method -> {"ExtrusionChosen" -> { "Result", "Result", 1, 1, "Input", "Slider[]"}, "Formats" -> { "cell", "minput", "moutput", "msound", "dataformats"}, "ExtrusionOpen" -> False}}, Typeset`elements$$ = { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, pod1$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Input interpretation", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Input", "position" -> "100", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"Slider[]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"Slider", "[", "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True, SpanMaxSize -> 1], Slider[]& , Editable -> False, Selectable -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}], XMLElement["infos", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["info", {}, { XMLElement[ "link", { "url" -> "\ Slider.html", "text" -> "Mathematica definition of Slider"}, {}]}]}]}], pod2$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Result", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Result", "position" -> "200", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> "", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"Slider[]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ SliderBox[0.5], ShowStringCharacters -> True], Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {Boxed -> False}, StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], pod3$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Example", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Example", "position" -> "300", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement[ "minput", {}, { "DynamicModule[{RawBoxes[\"x\"] = 0.5}, \ {Slider[Dynamic[RawBoxes[\"x\"]]], Dynamic[RawBoxes[\"x\"]]}]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox["\"In[1]:=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"DynamicModule", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x", "=", "0.5`"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Slider", "[", RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "x", "]"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "x", "]"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], {FontSize -> 11}]}, { StyleBox["\"Out[1]=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{x$$ = 0.5}, RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ SliderBox[ Dynamic[x$$]], ",", DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[x$$, StandardForm]]}], "}"}], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], GraphicsBoxOptions -> {ImageSize -> 120}, Graphics3DBoxOptions -> { Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> 120}, { FontSize -> 11}]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Right}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], aux1$$ = { True, False, {False}}, aux2$$ = {True, False, {False}}, aux3$$ = { True, False, {False}}, Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}, Typeset`nonpods$$ = { XMLElement["assumptions", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement[ "assumption", { "type" -> "Clash", "word" -> "slider", "count" -> "2"}, { XMLElement[ "value", { "name" -> "CommandWord", "desc" -> "referring to a computation", "input" -> "*C.slider-_*CommandWord-"}, {}], XMLElement[ "value", { "name" -> "Word", "desc" -> "a word", "input" -> "*C.slider-_*Word-"}, {}]}]}]}, Typeset`initdone$$ = True, Typeset`queryinfo$$ = { "success" -> "true", "error" -> "false", "numpods" -> "3", "datatypes" -> "", "timedout" -> "", "timing" -> "0.239", "parsetiming" -> "0.046", "parsetimedout" -> "false", "recalculate" -> "", "version" -> "1.1"}, Typeset`sessioninfo$$ = { "TimeZone" -> -5., "Date" -> {2010, 11, 4, 21, 6, 24.0715956`9.134079802395878}, "Line" -> 99, "SessionID" -> 22923772711736059799}, Typeset`showpods$$ = {1, 2, 3}, Typeset`failedpods$$ = {}, Typeset`chosen$$ = { "Result", "Result", 1, 1, "Input", "Slider[]"}, Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`newq$$ = "slider"}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`FormatAlphaResults[ Dynamic[{1, {pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$}, {aux1$$, aux2$$, aux3$$}, Typeset`chosen$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`elements$$, Typeset`q$$, Typeset`opts$$, Typeset`nonpods$$, Typeset`queryinfo$$, Typeset`sessioninfo$$, Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$, Typeset`newq$$}]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{79., {48., 18.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, Initialization:>If[ Not[Typeset`initdone$$], WolframAlphaClient`Private`doAsyncUpdates[ Hold[{pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$}], Typeset`asyncpods$$, Dynamic[Typeset`failedpods$$]]; Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}; Typeset`\ initdone$$ = True], SynchronousInitialization->False], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)
\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "radio button", Typeset`opts$$ = { AppearanceElements -> { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, Asynchronous -> All, Method -> {"ExtrusionChosen" -> { "Result", "Result", 1, 1, "Input", "RadioButton[]"}, "Formats" -> { "cell", "minput", "moutput", "msound", "dataformats"}}}, Typeset`elements$$ = { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, pod1$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Input interpretation", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Input", "position" -> "100", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"RadioButton[]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"RadioButton", "[", "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True, SpanMaxSize -> 1], RadioButton[]& , Editable -> False, Selectable -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}], XMLElement["infos", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["info", {}, { XMLElement[ "link", { "url" -> "\ RadioButton.html", "text" -> "Mathematica definition of RadioButton"}, \ {}]}]}]}], pod2$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Result", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Result", "position" -> "200", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> "", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"RadioButton[]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RadioButtonBox[False, {True}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {Boxed -> False}, StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], pod3$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Example", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Example", "position" -> "300", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement[ "minput", {}, { "DynamicModule[{RawBoxes[\"x\"] = 0}, \ {RadioButton[Dynamic[RawBoxes[\"x\"]], 0], \ RadioButton[Dynamic[RawBoxes[\"x\"]], 1], \ Dynamic[RawBoxes[\"x\"]]}]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox["\"In[1]:=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"DynamicModule", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x", "=", "0"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"RadioButton", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "x", "]"}], ",", "0"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"RadioButton", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "x", "]"}], ",", "1"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "x", "]"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], {FontSize -> 11}]}, { StyleBox["\"Out[1]=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{x$$ = 0}, RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RadioButtonBox[ Dynamic[x$$], {0}], ",", RadioButtonBox[ Dynamic[x$$], {1}], ",", DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[x$$, StandardForm]]}], "}"}], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], GraphicsBoxOptions -> {ImageSize -> 120}, Graphics3DBoxOptions -> { Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> 120}, { FontSize -> 11}]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Right}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], aux1$$ = { True, False, {False}}, aux2$$ = {True, False, {False}}, aux3$$ = { True, False, {False}}, Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}, Typeset`nonpods$$ = {}, Typeset`initdone$$ = True, Typeset`queryinfo$$ = { "success" -> "true", "error" -> "false", "numpods" -> "3", "datatypes" -> "", "timedout" -> "", "timing" -> "0.29", "parsetiming" -> "0.085", "parsetimedout" -> "false", "recalculate" -> "", "version" -> "1.1"}, Typeset`sessioninfo$$ = { "TimeZone" -> -6., "Date" -> {2010, 11, 12, 10, 9, 33.229672`9.27410095366241}, "Line" -> 17, "SessionID" -> 22928065012068831833}, Typeset`showpods$$ = {1, 2, 3}, Typeset`failedpods$$ = {}, Typeset`chosen$$ = { "Result", "Result", 1, 1, "Input", "RadioButton[]"}, Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`newq$$ = "radio button"}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`FormatAlphaResults[ Dynamic[{1, {pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$}, {aux1$$, aux2$$, aux3$$}, Typeset`chosen$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`elements$$, Typeset`q$$, Typeset`opts$$, Typeset`nonpods$$, Typeset`queryinfo$$, Typeset`sessioninfo$$, Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$, Typeset`newq$$}]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{126., {48., 18.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, Initialization:>If[ Not[Typeset`initdone$$], WolframAlphaClient`Private`doAsyncUpdates[ Hold[{pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$}], Typeset`asyncpods$$, Dynamic[Typeset`failedpods$$]]; Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}; Typeset`\ initdone$$ = True], SynchronousInitialization->False], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)
\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "dropdown menu", Typeset`opts$$ = { AppearanceElements -> { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, Asynchronous -> All, Method -> {"ExtrusionChosen" -> { "Result", "Result", 1, 1, "Input", "PopupMenu[1, {1, 2, 3}]"}, "Formats" -> { "cell", "minput", "moutput", "msound", "dataformats"}}}, Typeset`elements$$ = { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, pod1$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Input interpretation", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Input", "position" -> "100", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"PopupMenu[1, {1, 2, 3}]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"PopupMenu", "[", RowBox[{"1", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", "2", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True, SpanMaxSize -> 1], PopupMenu[1, {1, 2, 3}]& , Editable -> False, Selectable -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}], XMLElement["infos", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["info", {}, { XMLElement[ "link", { "url" -> "\ PopupMenu.html", "text" -> "Mathematica definition of PopupMenu"}, \ {}]}]}]}], pod2$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Result", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Result", "position" -> "200", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> "", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"PopupMenu[1, {1, 2, 3}]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ PopupMenuBox[1, {1 -> "1", 2 -> "2", 3 -> "3"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {Boxed -> False}, StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], pod3$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Example", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Example", "position" -> "300", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement[ "minput", {}, { "DynamicModule[{RawBoxes[\"x\"] = 1}, \ {PopupMenu[Dynamic[RawBoxes[\"x\"]], {1, 2, 3}], Dynamic[RawBoxes[\"x\ \"]]}]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox["\"In[1]:=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"DynamicModule", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"x", "=", "1"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"PopupMenu", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "x", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", "2", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Dynamic", "[", "x", "]"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], {FontSize -> 11}]}, { StyleBox["\"Out[1]=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicModuleBox[{x$$ = 1}, RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ PopupMenuBox[ Dynamic[x$$], {1 -> "1", 2 -> "2", 3 -> "3"}], ",", DynamicBox[ ToBoxes[x$$, StandardForm]]}], "}"}], DynamicModuleValues :> {}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], GraphicsBoxOptions -> {ImageSize -> 120}, Graphics3DBoxOptions -> { Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> 120}, { FontSize -> 11}]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Right}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], aux1$$ = { True, False, {False}}, aux2$$ = {True, False, {False}}, aux3$$ = { True, False, {False}}, Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}, Typeset`nonpods$$ = {}, Typeset`initdone$$ = True, Typeset`queryinfo$$ = { "success" -> "true", "error" -> "false", "numpods" -> "3", "datatypes" -> "", "timedout" -> "", "timing" -> "0.608", "parsetiming" -> "0.25", "parsetimedout" -> "false", "recalculate" -> "", "version" -> "1.1"}, Typeset`sessioninfo$$ = { "TimeZone" -> -6., "Date" -> {2010, 11, 12, 10, 9, 55.4057266`9.496129493806544}, "Line" -> 19, "SessionID" -> 22928065012068831833}, Typeset`showpods$$ = {1, 2, 3}, Typeset`failedpods$$ = {}, Typeset`chosen$$ = { "Result", "Result", 1, 1, "Input", "PopupMenu[1, {1, 2, 3}]"}, Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`newq$$ = "dropdown menu"}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`FormatAlphaResults[ Dynamic[{1, {pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$}, {aux1$$, aux2$$, aux3$$}, Typeset`chosen$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`elements$$, Typeset`q$$, Typeset`opts$$, Typeset`nonpods$$, Typeset`queryinfo$$, Typeset`sessioninfo$$, Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$, Typeset`newq$$}]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{196., {48., 18.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, Initialization:>If[ Not[Typeset`initdone$$], WolframAlphaClient`Private`doAsyncUpdates[ Hold[{pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$}], Typeset`asyncpods$$, Dynamic[Typeset`failedpods$$]]; Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}; Typeset`\ initdone$$ = True], SynchronousInitialization->False], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)
\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "show button", Typeset`opts$$ = { AppearanceElements -> { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, Asynchronous -> All, Method -> {"ExtrusionChosen" -> { "Result", "Result", 1, 1, "Input", "Button[\"label\", Print[\"result\"]]"}, "Formats" -> { "cell", "minput", "moutput", "msound", "dataformats"}}}, Typeset`elements$$ = { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, pod1$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Input interpretation", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Input", "position" -> "100", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"Button[\"label\", Print[\"result\"]]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"Button", "[", RowBox[{"\"label\"", ",", RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"result\"", "]"}]}], "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True, SpanMaxSize -> 1], Button["label", Print["result"]]& , Editable -> False, Selectable -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}], XMLElement["infos", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["info", {}, { XMLElement[ "link", { "url" -> "\ Button.html", "text" -> "Mathematica definition of Button"}, {}]}]}]}], pod2$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Result", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Result", "position" -> "200", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> "", "primary" -> "true"}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"Button[\"label\", Print[\"result\"]]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ ButtonBox[ "\"label\"", ButtonFunction :> Print["result"], Appearance -> Automatic, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive", ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/label"], ShowStringCharacters -> True], Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {Boxed -> False}, StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], pod3$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Example", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Example", "position" -> "300", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"Button[\"label\", Print[\"result\"]]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox["\"In[1]:=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"Button", "[", RowBox[{"\"label\"", ",", RowBox[{"Print", "[", "\"result\"", "]"}]}], "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], {FontSize -> 11}]}, { StyleBox["\"Out[1]=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ ButtonBox[ "\"label\"", ButtonFunction :> Print["result"], Appearance -> Automatic, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive", ButtonData -> "paclet:ref/label"], ShowStringCharacters -> True], GraphicsBoxOptions -> {ImageSize -> 120}, Graphics3DBoxOptions -> { Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> 120}, { FontSize -> 11}]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Right}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], aux1$$ = { True, False, {False}}, aux2$$ = {True, False, {False}}, aux3$$ = { True, False, {False}}, Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}, Typeset`nonpods$$ = {}, Typeset`initdone$$ = True, Typeset`queryinfo$$ = { "success" -> "true", "error" -> "false", "numpods" -> "3", "datatypes" -> "", "timedout" -> "", "timing" -> "0.281", "parsetiming" -> "0.146", "parsetimedout" -> "false", "recalculate" -> "", "version" -> "1.1"}, Typeset`sessioninfo$$ = { "TimeZone" -> -5., "Date" -> {2010, 11, 3, 16, 40, 32.0046569`9.257788077662163}, "Line" -> 20, "SessionID" -> 22923116152010405280}, Typeset`showpods$$ = {1, 2, 3}, Typeset`failedpods$$ = {}, Typeset`chosen$$ = { "Result", "Result", 1, 1, "Input", "Button[\"label\", Print[\"result\"]]"}, Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`newq$$ = "show button"}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`FormatAlphaResults[ Dynamic[{1, {pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$}, {aux1$$, aux2$$, aux3$$}, Typeset`chosen$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`elements$$, Typeset`q$$, Typeset`opts$$, Typeset`nonpods$$, Typeset`queryinfo$$, Typeset`sessioninfo$$, Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$, Typeset`newq$$}]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{235., {48., 18.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, Initialization:>If[ Not[Typeset`initdone$$], WolframAlphaClient`Private`doAsyncUpdates[ Hold[{pod1$$, pod2$$, pod3$$}], Typeset`asyncpods$$, Dynamic[Typeset`failedpods$$]]; Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}; Typeset`\ initdone$$ = True], SynchronousInitialization->False], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)
Access the system color palette and choose a color.
\!\(\* NamespaceBox["WolframAlphaQueryResults", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`q$$ = "color setter", Typeset`opts$$ = { AppearanceElements -> { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, Asynchronous -> All, Method -> {"ExtrusionChosen" -> { "Input", "Input interpretation", 1, 1, "Input", "SystemDialogInput[\"Color\"]"}, "Formats" -> { "cell", "minput", "moutput", "msound", "dataformats"}}}, Typeset`elements$$ = { "Extrusion", "Warnings", "Assumptions", "Pods"}, pod1$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Input interpretation", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Input", "position" -> "100", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"SystemDialogInput[\"Color\"]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"SystemDialogInput", "[", TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox["\"Color\"", SpanMaxSize -> Automatic, StripOnInput -> False]}, { StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"\"(\"", "", StyleBox["\"type\"", ShowStringCharacters -> False, StripOnInput -> False], "", "\")\""}], LinebreakAdjustments -> {1, 100, 1, 0, 100}, LineIndent -> 0, GrayLevel[0.6], StripOnInput -> False], {FontSize -> 11}, ShowStringCharacters -> False, StripOnInput -> False]}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{0}}}, BaselinePosition -> 1], "Grid"], "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True, SpanMaxSize -> 1], SystemDialogInput["Color"]& , Editable -> False, Selectable -> False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}], XMLElement["infos", {"count" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["info", {}, { XMLElement[ "link", { "url" -> "\ SystemDialogInput.html", "text" -> "Mathematica definition of SystemDialogInput"}, \ {}]}]}]}], pod2$$ = XMLElement[ "pod", {"title" -> "Example", "scanner" -> "MInput", "id" -> "Example", "position" -> "200", "error" -> "false", "numsubpods" -> "1"}, { XMLElement["subpod", {"title" -> ""}, { XMLElement["minput", {}, {"SystemDialogInput[\"Color\"]"}], XMLElement["cell", {"compressed" -> False, "string" -> True}, { Cell[ BoxData[ FormBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ StyleBox["\"In[1]:=\"", { FontSize -> 8, FontColor -> GrayLevel[0.35]}], StyleBox[ StyleBox[ RowBox[{"SystemDialogInput", "[", "\"Color\"", "]"}], ShowStringCharacters -> True], { FontSize -> 11}]}, {"", ""}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Right}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], TraditionalForm]], "Output"]}], XMLElement[ "dataformats", {}, { "computabledata,formatteddata,formuladata"}]}]}], aux1$$ = { True, False, {False}}, aux2$$ = {True, False, {False}}, Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}, Typeset`nonpods$$ = {}, Typeset`initdone$$ = True, Typeset`queryinfo$$ = { "success" -> "true", "error" -> "false", "numpods" -> "2", "datatypes" -> "", "timedout" -> "", "timing" -> "0.261", "parsetiming" -> "0.138", "parsetimedout" -> "false", "recalculate" -> "", "version" -> "1.1"}, Typeset`sessioninfo$$ = { "TimeZone" -> -6., "Date" -> {2010, 11, 11, 0, 12, 34.6404074`9.292157887463576}, "Line" -> 221, "SessionID" -> 22927196902227628400}, Typeset`showpods$$ = {1, 2}, Typeset`failedpods$$ = {}, Typeset`chosen$$ = { "Input", "Input interpretation", 1, 1, "Input", "SystemDialogInput[\"Color\"]"}, Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`newq$$ = "color setter"}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`FormatAlphaResults[ Dynamic[{1, {pod1$$, pod2$$}, {aux1$$, aux2$$}, Typeset`chosen$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`elements$$, Typeset`q$$, Typeset`opts$$, Typeset`nonpods$$, Typeset`queryinfo$$, Typeset`sessioninfo$$, Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$, Typeset`newq$$}]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{217., {48., 18.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{Typeset`showpods$$, Typeset`failedpods$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, Initialization:>If[ Not[Typeset`initdone$$], WolframAlphaClient`Private`doAsyncUpdates[ Hold[{pod1$$, pod2$$}], Typeset`asyncpods$$, Dynamic[Typeset`failedpods$$]]; Typeset`asyncpods$$ = {}; Typeset`\ initdone$$ = True], SynchronousInitialization->False], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> True}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)