New in Mathematica 9
Social Network Analysis
Drawing on Mathematica's strong graph and network capabilities, Mathematica 9 introduces a complete and rich set of state-of-the art social network analysis functions. Access to social networks from a variety of sources, including directly from social media sites, and high level functions for community detection, cohesive groups, centrality, and similarity measures make performing network analysis tasks easier and more flexible than ever before.

- Modern extensible platform for social network analysis.
- Efficient representation of networks with arbitrary nodes (text, images, ...)
- Support of arbitrary data (weights, time series, ...) on nodes and links.
- Support of directed and undirected networks.
- Immediate access to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
- Load-on-demand extensible collection of empirical networks.
- Direct support for network models such as scale-free networks and small-word networks. »
- Automation of network layout using algorithmic aesthetics methods.
- Computation and visualization of communities in a network.
- Comprehensive support of cohesive groups including cliques, clans, clubs, and plexes.
- Extensive support for centrality and prestige measures to characterize networks.
- Local and global structural metrics such as reciprocity, clustering, assortativity, and similarity.
- Multi-paradigm approach to social network analysis with graph and statistical analysis frameworks.
- Comprehensive support for all common networks and import/export formats. »