New in Wolfram Mathematica 6: Dynamic Interactivity | ◄ previous | next ► |
Immediately Create Complex Dynamic Graphics
Mathematica 6 allows any parameter of any program to be manipulated interactively.
In[1]:= | Manipulate[ Graphics[Line /@ NestList[ Flatten[# /. g[a_, b_] :> (g[b, b + (b - a) #] & /@ {x + I y, 1/2, x - I y})] &, g[0, 1], t] /. g[a_, b_] :> {{Re[a], Im[a]}, {Re[b], Im[b]}}, PlotRange -> All, ImageSize -> {500, 400}], {{x, 0, "horizontal offset"}, 0, 1}, {{y, .5, "vertical offset"}, 0, 1}, Delimiter, {{t, 6, "number of steps"}, 1, 8, 1}] |
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