Mathematica Pricing
Pricing for Personal
Mathematica licensing for nonprofessional, personal use by hobbyists and enthusiasts.
Mathematica Desktop + Cloud
- 2 controlling processes per desktop installation
- 8 computing processes per desktop installation
- 12,000 Wolfram|Alpha API calls per month
- 15 GB cloud storage
- 1 GB cloud file size limit
- 10 mins cloud computation time limit
- 2 GB cloud session memory limit
- 50,000 Cloud Credits (additional credits can be purchased each month)
Will my subscription renew automatically?
All subscriptions purchased online are set to automatically renew. If at any time you would like to cancel your subscription, you can go to your Wolfram Account to stop future billing or contact Wolfram Customer Support.
What will my renewal price be?
Your estimated renewal price is displayed during checkout and is subject to change. You will be notified of any price increases or decreases at least 30 days prior to renewal.
Am I eligible for Mathematica Personal Edition?
Mathematica Personal Edition is available to hobbyists, enthusiasts and other individuals exclusively for nonprofessional, personal use on their own personal computers.
You are not allowed to use this license for:
- Professional purposes or work on behalf of any commercial, nonprofit, academic or governmental organization
- Any purpose associated with seeking commercial advantage or private monetary gain
- Work or research in which the product benefits your job
- Mathematica Personal Edition cannot be registered to a business, institution or other nonpersonal address. Please enter your personal contact information when you purchase Mathematica Personal Edition. In addition, it cannot be purchased using a check or credit card account belonging to a business, institution or other nonpersonal entity or with a purchase order.
Additional terms and conditions for this product are available on the license agreement.
Can I pay with a personal credit card and get reimbursed by my employer or another organization?
No. You may not purchase Mathematica Personal Edition and get reimbursed by your company, organization or school or use grant funds to make a purchase.
Mathematica Personal Edition is a personal license that must be purchased by and paid for with funds from an individual, with no support from an entity. However, you are allowed to purchase and gift a Mathematica Personal Edition license to another individual for nonprofessional use only.
If I purchase a perpetual license, do I have perpetual access to Mathematica | Desktop + Cloud?
No. While your subscription is active, you will have both desktop and cloud access to Mathematica. If your subscription lapses, you will retain perpetual desktop access but will lose access to Mathematica in the cloud, upgrades and advanced technical support (if previously included with your subscription).
Can I use Mathematica Personal Edition to support my teaching or academic research?
No, but significant discounts are available for educational licenses.
Can I use Mathematica Personal Edition for my homework?
Yes, but Mathematica Student subscriptions provide students with the full version of Mathematica at a higher discount.
Can I install Mathematica on multiple machines?
Each Mathematica license allows you to install the product on up to two machines or a single dual-boot system. These machines may be owned by you for your personal use.
Your Mathematica subscription also includes cloud access, which doesn't require a local installation—so you can sign in from anywhere and on any internet-enabled computer or mobile device through a web browser or the Wolfram Cloud app. The software licensing restricts you from accessing the product in the cloud from more than one machine at a time.
I have a license for Mathematica desktop only. How can I upgrade to this new auto-renewing subscription?
If you have an annual license that has expired or is expiring soon, you can follow the link above to buy.
If you have a current license or an annual license that is still active, contact us.
How is Mathematica Personal Edition different from the professional version of Mathematica?
Mathematica Personal Edition includes all of the functionality found in the professional version. Below is a list of minor differences:
- Wolfram Notebooks created within Mathematica Personal Edition include a "Mathematica Personal Edition" banner.
- Mathematica Personal Edition is only authorized for use on personally owned computers for nonprofessional and nonacademic purposes.
- Mathematica Personal Edition only utilizes up to four cores on a multicore machine; professional licenses utilize up to eight cores.
Can I convert my Personal Edition license to a professional version?
Personal Edition licenses may not be converted to professional licenses. However, anyone wanting to integrate Mathematica into their teaching, research or work may purchase a professional license. Discounts are available if you work with us directly. Contact us for details.