Built–in Wolfram Data
in Your Excel Spreadsheet
Wolfram now adds computational intelligence to the productivity workflow in Excel, leveraging the same technology as Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language—used by leading intelligent assistants, universities and corporations worldwide.
New interface elements let you compute with expertly curated data from the Wolfram Knowledgebase directly in your Excel spreadsheets. The Excel interface will eventually include powerful natural-language search functionality and more extensive knowledgebase access, and you'll be able to quickly reference Wolfram knowledge from your Word documents and PowerPoint slides.

...we [Excel] built the data types feature to provide a third dimension of flexibility in the information you can work with. Wolfram is an ideal partner for us with their rich collection of intelligent data. Now available directly within Excel, data types by Wolfram empower our customers to analyze information about more topics than ever before.
Brian Jones, Head of Product, Excel | Microsoft

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About Wolfram
Wolfram has been defining the computational future for more than three decades, pioneering the delivery of computational intelligence to consumers, businesses and developers. Founded by Stephen Wolfram in 1987, Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language, and is a long-time powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation. Its products are used worldwide by all major universities and R&D organizations, and have been key to countless inventions and discoveries, as well as the education of several generations of students. Its products, technology and expertise are also widely used in the corporate sector, powering major consumer and corporate systems.
Key Technologies
Microsoft has harnessed key Wolfram Research and Wolfram|Alpha technologies and services to provide instant interactivity with real-world information that's ready for immediate computation.
Wolfram Knowledgebase
The world's largest repository of computable knowledge, developed and curated by experts at Wolfram. The knowledgebase includes not only data from primary sources, but also computational methods and models for computations on the data, and powers the built-in data access of Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language.
The unique computational knowledge engine powered by Wolfram technology to compute expert-level answers and provide knowledge using Wolfram's breakthrough linguistic analysis, curated data, algorithms and AI technology. The Wolfram|Alpha API is used by intelligent assistants and other applications.
Computational Intelligence
What our computational representation of the world (through the Wolfram Language) makes possible, with broad applications in solving problems, generating results, answering questions and beyond.
Computational Knowledge
Curated data and the models, methods and algorithms necessary for it to be immediately used in computations and to enable computational intelligence.
Data Intelligence
What we provide with the current Excel integration: a simple, human-readable interface to expertly curated data for immediate use in spreadsheet computations.
Curated Data Entities
In the Wolfram Language, each real-world entity represents a person, place, object, concept, etc. Properties of millions of entities across hundreds of different entity types (i.e. data types) can be immediately retrieved and used in computations, including in Excel spreadsheets.