AceFEM System

The Mathematica Finite Element Environment

AceFEM System

Mathematica 11 compatible

AceFEM is a general finite element system for Mathematica that effectively combines symbolic and numeric approaches. AceFEM includes a general finite element environment designed to solve multi-physics and multi-field problems, the powerful AceGen automatic code generation package for symbolic generation of new finite elements and access to the AceShare finite element file-sharing system.

Using Mathematica, the program provides both extensive symbolic capabilities and the numeric efficiency of a commercial finite element environment. The package combines use of Mathematica's facilities with external handling of numerically intensive computations by compiled modules. This lets you solve large-scale industrial problems with several million elements and use advanced Mathematica capabilities such as high-precision arithmetic, interval arithmetic or even symbolic evaluation of FE quantities to analyze various properties of numerical procedures on relatively small examples. The flexibility of data manipulations in Mathematica and the structure of a finite element environment where all the data can be accessed and changed directly from Mathematica has proven to be an efficient combination for the implementation of complex technological scenarios including process sensitivity evaluation, inverse analyses and optimization.

The AceFEM System comes with a large library of finite elements (solid, thermal, contact, 2D, 3D, etc.). Additional finite elements can be symbolically derived and coded using the automatic code generation package AceGen specialized for generation of highly numerically efficient finite element codes. Additional elements are accessed and automatically downloadable through the AceShare file sharing system. The AceShare online libraries include AceGen templates for the symbolic description of direct and sensitivity analysis of time-independent, time-dependent and coupled problems. This large collection of prepared Mathematicainputs for a broad range of finite elements can be easily adjusted for users' specific problems. AceFEM also enables easy creation of independent, customized, finite element-based applications for Mathematica.

About the Developer

Jože Korelc is a professor of mechanics at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. He has published numerous articles on finite element methods, automatic code generation and the use of symbolic methods in engineering. Professor Korelc is currently head of the Division of Structures in the university's faculty of civil and geodetic engineering and president of the Central European Association of Computational Mechanics.

Product Support

AceFEM is developed and supported by Jože Korelc.

Jože Korelc

University of Ljubljana Civil and Geodetic Engineering Department Jamova 2 SI-1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA +386-(0)1-476-86-27 fax: +386-(0)1-476-86-29 email: AceProducts@fgg.uni-lj.si

AceFEM 6.8 requires Mathematica 9 or greater and is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.