
Connecting Mathematica and SAS


Mathematica 12 compatible

M2SLink is an add-on for Mathematica that enables you to access the functionality of SAS from your Mathematica notebook. With M2SLink, your Mathematica notebook becomes your interface to SAS, allowing you to leverage the computational power of SAS while working within the Wolfram Notebook environment.

With M2SLink, you can import any SAS dataset (Version 7 or later) directly into your Mathematica notebook without having to use SAS transport files. You can also export data from your Mathematica notebook directly to a SAS dataset. You can also import and export your data as JMP data tables. Using M2SLink, run any SAS program from Mathematica and automatically retrieve the results that are ordinarily displayed in the output and log windows in SAS.

Imported data is contained in a Mathematica list with a special structure, which can be manipulated just like any other list in Mathematica. Built-in SAS formats and user-defined formats are fully supported. Date, time and date-time values are automatically converted for you as you transfer your data between Mathematica and SAS. Passwords and encryption for exported data are also supported.

Explore your data using M2SLink's unique interactive scatter plot and dataset viewer.

About Harper Corditt Software

M2SLink was developed by Harper Corditt Software. The president of the company, Richard Potter, received a PhD in philosophy from Brown University and a master's in computer science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Richard worked as a developer at SAS Institute for 25 years. Richard was responsible for porting the Macintosh version of JMP to the Windows operating system. Eventually, Richard became director of research and development for the JMP group. Always looking for a challenge, Richard transferred to the Econometrics and Time Series division to help port key SAS/ETS procedures to SAS's next-generation, distributed, parallel computing platform (which later became known as Viya). Richard retired from SAS Institute in 2018. Richard has taught in the Mathematics department at UNC Chapel Hill as an adjunct professor, and he has been a Mathematica enthusiast since Version 3.

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Please contact Harper Corditt with any support issues.

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SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration.

Mathematica is a registered trademark of Wolfram Research.

© 2020 by Harper Corditt Software