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CUDA & Heterogeneous Programming with the Wolfram LanguageSimplify Access to Performance Computing in Industry and ResearchThe Wolfram Language combines programming ease-of-use with the computational speed of GPU-equipped hardware to dramatically increase application performance and user productivity. The Wolfram Language simplifies GPU programming with CUDALink and OpenCLLink, which are high-level interfaces to the GPU built on top of the Wolfram Language's development technologies. They allow you to execute code on your GPU with minimal effort. By fully integrating and automating the GPU's capabilities using the Wolfram Language, hiding unnecessary complexity associated with GPU programming, and lowering the learning curve for GPU computation, you experience a more productive and efficient development cycle. Computers that have CUDA or heterogeneous support are supported by CUDALink or OpenCLLink with the Wolfram Language. CUDALink and OpenCLLink are supported on Windows (32 and 64 bit), Mac OS X (64 bit), and Linux (32 and 64 bit). |