From computation to visualization, development to deployment,
Mathematica 7 builds on 20 years of innovation to deliver one
vision: the ultimate technical application and environment.
Mathematica 7 includes over 500 new functions and 12 additional
application areas, all seamlessly integrated in one system that gives you
unprecedented workflow, coherence, and reliability.
Introducing a new generation of industrial-strength image processing, built into Mathematica's integrated algorithm, programming, and interface platform...
Take advantage of the latest multicore processors with Mathematica's new automatic parallel computing technology--seamlessly parallelizing your computations...
Visualization & Graphics
Algorithmic information visualization takes a major step forward by using Mathematica's symbolic architecture, flexible graphics, and automatic computational aesthetics...
Tubes, rounded rectangles, and 3D arrows join the powerful primitives integrated into Mathematica's graphics system...
Mathematics & Algorithms
Apply high-performance Boolean analysis, optimization, and verification to systems with thousands of variables--all integrated into the Mathematica workflow...
Solve a new generation of discrete problems with the first-ever comprehensive system for discrete symbolic calculus...
DDEs are now an integral part of Mathematica's automatic numerical differential equation solving capabilities...
Data and algorithms on finite groups are now integrated into the Mathematica system...
New aspects of analytic, multiplicative, and additive number theory are now available in computational form...

q Functions, L Functions, and a range of other functions join the world's largest collection of special functions...
Explicit Fourier series are now fully integrated into Mathematica's symbolic capabilities...
Guide to what's new in mathematics & algorithms
Other Recently Added Features
Computable Data
Look up sequences, genes, and proteins for immediate use in analysis, modeling, and visualization...

Use current and historical weather data from around the world for computation, visualization, and analysis...

Data Manipulation
Linear and nonlinear models, probit, logit, and much more are all immediately available, integrated into Mathematica, with scores of diagnostics and options...
Automatically manage passwords, encryption, etc. in interacting with secure websites, databases, and more...
See also:
Guide to what's new in data manipulation
Other Recently Added Features
Core Language
Efficiently align and analyze strings and lists of any length, for bioinformatics, text comparison, and more...
Interface & User Experience
Have Mathematica speak mathematical expressions, programs, and diagrammatic graphics...
New context-sensitive interface elements streamline notebooks for both novices and experts...
Several new elements further extend Mathematica's rich interface-building capabilities...
Guide to what's new in interface & user experience
Other Recently Added Features
Maintaining full consistency with Mathematica 6 »
Mathematica 7 adds over 500 new functions & enhancements
Mathematica 7 adds over 500 new functions & enhancements