System Modeler
Customer Stories
Wolfram System Modeler Used for Europa Clipper Pre-project
The Europa Clipper is a concept under study by NASA that would conduct detailed reconnaissance of Jupiter's moon Europa and would investigate whether the icy moon could harbor conditions suitable for life.
The Flight Software and Data Systems team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is using Wolfram's System Modeler as one of the Model-Based Systems Engineering applications to support engineering analysis on the pre-project. The team is examining integrating the model with an object-oriented database to facilitate tracking component configurations.
Europa Clipper would send a highly capable, radiation-tolerant spacecraft into a long, looping orbit around Jupiter to perform repeated close flybys of Europa. Currently under consideration, the pre-project is being studied for a possible launch date in 2022.

Berkeley & ImperialDeepwater Drilling
Performing Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations
We chose System Modeler because it's integrated with the Wolfram Language. What that means is we can develop models and use them, for example, in Monte Carlo simulations to generate states for the system and then feed those states into System Modeler. That is a fairly unique feature of Wolfram Language and System Modeler.
We have had some success building virtualization—for example, digital drilling rigs. We have taken about a year and a half to build a model that I know others have spent years developing. Read the whole story »
—Robert Prince-Wright, Managing Partner, Berkeley & Imperial

Assured Flow SolutionsPetroleum
Developing Flow Assurance System
We save a lot of coding effort letting Wolfram System Modeler do a lot of the heavy lifting. A lot of the causality relationships between components—making sure pressures are equalized, masses and energy are conserved—it all happens automatically, and it's there right out of the box. We make fewer assumptions and deliver more rigorous solutions to our clients. Read the whole story »
—Eric Smith, Senior Multiphase Technology Specialist, Assured Flow Solutions

AC KineticsMotor Drives
Increasing AC Induction Motor Performance
The Wolfram workflow has provided the team with significant savings on development and computation time, and their resulting prototypes have reduced energy consumption by nearly 50% in some cases. Licensees of AC Kinetics products include many high-profile companies, such as NASA, Westinghouse and HP. Watch the presentation »
—Neil Singer, President, AC Kinetics, Inc.

AzelioConcentrated Solar Power Systems
Virtual Prototypes in Solar-Powered Energy Systems
Through the creation of a virtual prototype of the Azelio CSP system, the system can be tested in a safe environment, and the improvements of a possible change can be analyzed in a more efficient way. Furthermore, things such as profit estimations compared to geographical data can be done very quickly.
—Martin Nilsson, Chief Engineer Thermodynamics, Azelio

Building the Pod Propulsion Mermaid™ System
As a world leader in ship propulsion development, it is crucial to have an in-depth understanding of system dynamics. Therefore we collaborate with [Wolfram] MathCore whenever we need to develop and analyze dynamic models of our systems.
—Stig Lönngren, Responsible for development of pod propulsion Mermaid™,
Rolls-Royce AB

Developing Engine Test Benches
When we were about to develop a new engine test bench, we contacted [Wolfram] MathCore and asked them to help us with the vibration analysis. By making a dynamic model in [System Modeler] MathModelica they could study the system dynamics and give us design recommendations that proved to be essential for the success of the test bench.
—Tommy Andersson, Head of Engine Dynamics and Acoustics, Scania

Maximizing Gas Turbine Performance
By using [Wolfram] MathCore as an external partner, we can be sure that we really obtain a finished model with correct results, within the given constraints. We can therefore give MathCore our best recommendations.
—Lennart Näs, Manager, Gas Turbine Performance and Thermal Processes,
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

BSL Management SupportBusiness Simulation
Improving Decision Making
Some years ago during a rather challenging project to model the public transport system in a German metropolis, I needed to expand my toolset, as the established system dynamics software I was using reached its technical limits. While looking for alternatives, I discovered Wolfram System Modeler. Read the blog »
—Guido Wolf Reichert, Management Consultant and Developer, BSL Management Support

Politecnico di TorinoEnergy Engineering
Making Interactive Thermal Engineering Courses
The notebook interface and wide visualization tools of Mathematica provide a convenient way to create dynamic content. Modeling using System Modeler is also easy with its wide range of built-in components and equation-based models. It took me less than a day to create a model, and I felt that I could now create Virtual Labs by myself. Read the blog »
—Matteo Fasano, Postdoctoral Researcher, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Universitat de BarcelonaSystems Biology
Understanding Metabolic Pathways
[System Modeler] MathModelica provides state-of-the-art tools for kinetic analysis, which accelerates progress in the experimental area of systems biology. Read the whole story »
—Dr. Vitaly Selivanov, Universitat de Barcelona

Linköpings universitetPharmaceutical
Individualizing Drug Dosage
The combination of [System Modeler] MathModelica's user-friendly modeling environment and the possibility of analyzing the results with Mathematica's rich functionality proved to be a powerful tool. Read the whole story »
—Martin Fransson, PhD student, Linköpings universitet

Ben-Gurion University of the NegevElectrical Engineering
Teaching Radio Communication
"I decided to do everything with Mathematica and Wolfram System Modeler: slides, homework—including theoretical assignments, simulations, and system exploration." Read the whole story »
—Dr. Yehuda Ben-Shimol, Senior Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University

Wolfram System Modeler was known as MathModelica prior to the acquisition of MathCore by Wolfram Research, Inc. in March 2011.