

Chemical Reactions

When doing a chemical experiment, it is useful to know how much product you will obtain when you mix certain amounts of reactants. This is particularly useful in real-world settings, such as in chemical production or chemical analysis. In this virtual lab, you will learn how to predict the outcome of a reaction, given the initial amounts of reactants and the ratio between the products and substrates.

Modeling a Chemical Reaction

Use various built-in components of a reaction such as substrates and reaction types to model the chemical reaction. Connect these components and define their initial values.

An irreversible reaction where two reactants A and B form the product C.


Analyze the chemical composition of the reaction for different initial amounts of reactants and for different stoichiometric coefficients.


Use the Wolfram Language to carry out parametric analysis.

Variation of chemical composition as reaction progresses.

Explore the High School Chemistry Labs to learn more