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What Is Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI)?

FMI is an open standard for model exchange and co-simulation—a collaboration between industry and academia for exchange of models of dynamic systems between tools.

FMI is an open standard for model exchange and co-simulation - a collaboration between industry and academia for exchange of models of dynamic systems between tools.

The Modelica Association is the creator and maintainer of the FMI standard. It provides a tool-independent open industry standard for object-oriented modeling of cyber-physical systems: mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, thermal or business.

Why Use FMU?

The file format of the FMI standard is called Functional Mock-up Unit, FMU, and comes in two different protocols or flavors: model exchange (import and export) and co-simulation (master and slave). The main difference between these two protocols is that in model exchange the FMU is simulated using the importing tool's solver, while in co-simulation the FMU is shipped with its own solver.

How to Use FMUs

The FMI standard facilitates an effective way for the exchange of models between Wolfram System Modeler and other FMI-compatible tools. If you would like to share your model with another tool or hide its actual content, then you can export the model as an FMU. The FMU user should have a model suitable for importing this FMU.

System Modeler Is the Most Complete Modelica Tool

System Modeler's intuitive graphical user interface, combined with the power of the Wolfram Language, provides the most complete modeling, simulation and analysis platform for programmatic control of models and simulations.

Who Is Using System Modeler and Modelica?

System Modeler is the result of over 20 years of close cooperation with customers in a variety of industries, such as aerospace, energy and life science, making it the easiest Modelica tool to use.

Wolfram MathCore, creator of System Modeler, is a founding member of the Modelica Association and has taken an active part in the Modelica language design since the beginning.

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