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Paul Abbott

Paul Abbott

Paul Abbott has used Mathematica extensively since 1988. His research is in the areas of wavelets and few-body atomic physics, and he has general interests in problems in computational and mathematical physics. Nearly all of his publications have used Mathematica in some way. From 1989 to 1991 he worked for Wolfram Research as a member of the Applications department. He has been a contributing editor of The Mathematica Journal since 1990 and a consultant to Wolfram Research since 1997. With Chikara Miyaji he coauthored the book MathLink: Network Programming with Mathematica.

Abbott gained an appointment as a lecturer in the School of Physics at The University of Western Australia in 1992 and was promoted to senior lecturer in 2001 and associate professor in 2009 on the basis of his research and his teaching. He has taught courses on a wide range of topics, including electromagnetism, relativity, data analysis, group theory, special functions, and wavelets. His Computational Physics course received a Computational Science Award in 1995. Abbott has lectured on Mathematica in the United States, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and India and has given Mathematica courses at several Australian universities. These courses have been attended by professionals and students from a wide range of backgrounds, including people from government departments and financial institutions, scientists, engineers, academics, and medical researchers.


School of Physics, The University of Western Australia


BSc(Hons) in Physics, The University of Western Australia
PhD in Physics, The University of Western Australia




Computational and theoretical physics, applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, image and signal processing, wavelets, applications of special functions, physics and mathematics courseware design